Muku Sakisaka/Midsummer's Unison!

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Wandering off a Freestyle Dance

Backstage Stories
IzumiThen, only Yuki-kun won’t have any dance scene, everyone, please think if a freestyle dance to do in the play.
TenmaAlright, understood.
Wh, what to do…
I wonder if I can think of a freestyle dance.
IzumiOf course, if you have any issue, feel free to consult me anytime.
MisumiYou can consult me too~
KazunariCourz, me too! You’re always welcome!
YukiWell, I can also give you some opinions.
MukuEveryone… Thank you!
But everyone has to think of their own freestyle dance too right…
I’ll start by trying my best!
TenmaYeah. I’m looking forward to see Muku’s dance.
KumonLet’s do our best together!
MukuSince it’s a dance club, I wonder if it should be a cool dance…
Ah, let’s try to search for what’s trending now.
Freestyle dance…
Woah, there are a lot of varieties.
Umm, which one will be good…
CitronMuku, what are you doing?
MukuAh, Citron-sama.
CitronAre you worried about anything?
MukuActually, there will be a scene with freestyle dance on the upcoming performance.
And then, I’m supposed to think about the dance on my own, but I’m kind of lost…
CitronOh! Freestyle dance sounds great~!
I can dance with Hisoka quite well!
Muku, come with me!
Wah wah, wait a minute, Citron-sama…!
CitronExcuse me!
MukuExcuse me.
HomareOh, what is it?
CitronIs Hisoka in?
HomareIf you’re looking for him, he’s sleeping over there.
CitronHisoka, Hisoka, wake up~
CitronOh, he’s not waking up at all.
MukuCitron-sama, he’s sleeping so soundly like this, I don’t think it’s a good idea to wake him just for my sake…
HomareIt’s not a problem if you have things to do with him.
It’s the usual thing anyway, Muku-kun, you don’t need to think so much about it.
Here, Hisoka-kun, it’s marshmallow.
Hisoka…Hmm, marshmallow…
CitronHisoka’s awake!
CitronMuku’s worried about his freestyle dance for the upcoming performance!
Let’s go and do some street act with me!
Hisoka…Muku, are you going to do freestyle dance?
Ah, bu, but it’s fine if you want to sleep…!
Hisoka…It’s fine. Let’s go.
MukuEh, really? Thank you so much…!
HomareHo, a dance street act.
That sounds pretty interesting.
I have no plans after this, let me tag along with you.
Then, let’s go and do our 4 men street act!
IzumiAlright, I guess it’s time to go out to buy ingredients for dinner… Eh?
Everyone, you’re going somewhere?
CitronWe’re going to do some street act.
IzumiIt’s rare to see you going with these members.
MukuCitron-sama and Hisoka are going to show me their dance.
IzumiI see, Citron-kun and Hisoka-kun always dance for the street act.
HomareSince I got the chance, I would like to showcase my dance as well.
MukuWoah, really!? Thank you so much!
IzumiIt will be great if you can get some tips for your dance.
Right, Director-san.
Why don’t we go together halfway?
IzumiYou’re right, then let’s go.
IzumiThen, I’m going this way.
Muku-kun, do your best!
IzumiEveryone, I’ll leave Muku-kun in your care.
HomareLeave it to us.
CitronDirector, see you later!
HomareThis area seems to be widely used.
CitronThen, let’s start immediately!
~ ♪ ~~ ♪
HisokaMuku, look properly.
HomareI’ll participate as well!
HomareLa~ lalala~ ♪
(I’ve never seen this kind of dance before, but it’s amazing)
Citron~ ♪ ~~ ♪
HomareLu~ lulu~ ♪
MukuThat was so cool!
That dance, what genre is it?
Hisoka…I don’t know.
CitronIt’s RonronNairo Dance!
HomareIt’s Caprichoso Poem dance.
MukuRonron Nairo dance, Caprichoso Poem dance… That’s my first time hearing about it.
As I thought, I’m still way no good compared to others, I’m just an empty useless radish…
CitronNo-no-, it’s not that Muku’s no good!
HomareYou’re right, if you don’t know, then you just need to get to know it from now right.
MukuCitron-sama… Arisu-san…
Hisoka…Anyway, those are not even genre.
CitronIt’s our original dance!
MukuAn original dance!?
Umm, if you don’t mind… Can you show it to me one more time?
HomareOf course!
CitronI’ll dance for you how many times you want~!
~ ♪~~ ♪ ♪
HomareLalalala~~ ♪
MukuAh, Zen-san…!
Good afternoon.
CitronOh! It’s the first gen Autumn Troupe leader~ ♪
HomareA chance encounter in this kind of place…
Ha! A poem has surged within me!
A hello in Veludo, everything smile dancing~!
HisokaAlice, you’re noisy.
MukuThe three of you can dance while reciting poetry and having a conversation, amazing…!
ZenWhat a dexterous bunch.
Anyway, I don’t know what kind of dance it is, but you look like you’re having so much fun doing it.
It’s not half bad.
MukuIt’s a dance that ends up catching your attention right.
ZenAre you not dancing?
Umm, actually…
ZenI see.
A freestyle dance huh.
A dance is an expression. It’s not something that you should think hard about using your head. Even more when it’s a freestyle.
It’s fine to just follow the melody and let your body moves accordingly, it’s no good when you’re bounded by a certain form or genre.
It’s just like those guys, dance freely with your instinct.
MukuLet my body moves freely…
(…I see, I think too much about it)
Zen-san, thank you so much!
I feel like I should be able to do a freestyle dance now.
I’m going to dance freely with everyone!
ZenYeah. Good luck on your performance too.
Then, see you.
Citron~ ♪ ~~♪
MukuLet me dance with everyone too!
CitronOf course! Everyone, let’s dance~ ♪
HisokaYeah, let’s do it together.
HomareThen, Muku-kun, together~ ♪
Muku~ ♪~ ♪
Muku…So, how is it?
I tried to create a dance that came to my mind when I listen to the music.
IzumiYeah, I think it’s great!
MukuReally!? I’m so glad…!
IzumiThere’s still some time, we can continue to brush up slowly from now on.
IzumiAnyway, you decided pretty fast after following Citron-kun and the others for their street act.
You also got some advice from Zen-san, I wished I could have been there with you at that time.
CHOICE 1: “Next time, I want to go with you too" [+]
CHOICE 2: “I’m looking forward to everyone’s dance" [+]
CitronMuku, are you done with practice?
MukuAh, Citron-sama!
IzumiWe just ended.
CitronI thought of a good dance.
I’m pretty sure it will make a good reference for a freestyle dance!
MukuReally!? Please teach me!
CitronOf course!
Let’s go to the courtyard now!
Izumi(Citron-kun, it’s a cool dance, but he always dance without any boundaries…
There was even a time when he’s dancing like he’s scooping a loach out of the water…
Muku-kun has a very good form on his dance right now, it will be great if it doesn’t go to a weird direction…)