Muku Sakisaka/Aquamarine Dream

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Greeting Card

Backstage Stories
KumonMuku, have you thought about your return gift[1] for Director?
MukuReturn gift—could you mean for White Day?
MukuThat’s coming up soon, huh?
But I haven’t given it any thought yet…
KumonI see, me neither.
I’m stuck over what to choose… Ah, crap.
Director’s coming this way!
Thanks, Muku! Good night!
MukuYeah, good night.
(I have to start thinking about it too…)
(I wonder what I should pick as a present this year.)
KazunariAnd DONE~!
KazunariAh, my bad! Did I surprise you?
MukuOh, no, it’s fine.
KazunariHey, hey, Mukkun.
Try opening this card.
MukuEh? Ok, sure.
Wah, a birthday cake sprung out!
Is this a pop-up greeting card?
KazunariBingo! I made it since a friend’s b-day is coming up!
MukuIt looks like a card sold at a store, but it’s handmade.
You’re amazing, Kazu-kun.
KazunariYou could make one too, Mukkun!
MukuYou think so…?
KazunariWe made a pop-up picture book before, right?
You make them the same way.
MukuAh, in that case, I think I could do it too!
KazunariYep, I know you can!
Muku(A pop-up greeting card, huh…)
(Director might be happy if I gave her one together with my White Day present.)
…I guess I’ll try making a card too.
KazunariMukkun, it sounds like you have someone you'd like to give it to in mind?
MukuEhehe, yes, you’re right.
KazunariThen you gotta make it!
If there’s any part of the process you’re not sure about, ask away!
MukuRight, thank you!
(I’d like to make the pop-up image something that Director-san likes.)
(I’ll try finding out what Director-san has been into lately!)
(Ah, it’s Director-san.
She’s looking at something on her smartphone…?)
What are you looking at?
IzumiIt’s a curry information site.
It has tons of updates, so I’m checking it all the time.
MukuThat’s amazing there’s that many updates!
IzumiYeah, you can just feel the love for curry, right?
There’s plenty of information about popular curries and restaurants too.
Just by looking at it, I start wanting to eat…
MukuFufu, that site makes you hungry, right?
Um… Director-san, is there something you’ve been into these days?
IzumiSomething I’ve been into recently? Hmmm… Ah!
Maybe the massaman curry they serve at that café that opened in the neighbouring city.
It has a rich peanut and coconut milk flavour, and it’s really delicious.
MukuOh, is it? I’ll check that out next time!
IzumiAh, I have to get going soon.
It’d be bad if they run out…
MukuWhere are you going?
IzumiKareko-chan goods were released so I thought I’d go buy some before they sell out.
MukuDirector-san, you like Kareko-chan?
IzumiYep, I’ve been looking forward to this so I definitely want to snatch some up!
Alright, I’ll be off.
MukuHave a safe trip.
(What’s Kareko-chan? I’ll look it up on my smartphone.)
Search for “Kareko-chan”… Ah, here it is!
…A cute mascot character for curry?
It’s curry again.
Fufu, as expected of Director-san.
Muku(…What should I do about the pop-up picture? Should I go with Kareko-chan?)
IzumiHuh, Muku-kun… and William?
MukuAh, Director-san! Welcome back!
IzumiI’m home. What are you doing?
MukuI haven’t been able to take William out recently, so we’re basking in the sun together.
IzumiWilliam looks really happy. Can I stay here for a bit too?
MukuOf course!
That reminds me, were you able to buy the Kareko-chan goods?
IzumiThey were low on stock and it was battle to get them, but I was able to buy them safely.
MukuA battle… Good job.
That’s great you could buy them.
William says, “take your time and get some rest, Director-san”.
…Just kidding.
CHOICE 1: Thanks. [+]
CHOICE 2: You understand how William feels, huh? [+]
(I know… I’ll use William for the pop-up image!)
I think it goes like this…
KazunariMukkun, that William’s such a cutie!
Is that the picture for your greeting card?
MukuYes, I was wondering what would work…
But I thought William might be nice.
KazunariYou can’t go wrong with William, right? I’m sure she’ll be super happy!
And just like I thought, there’s curry on the card.
MukuCould it be, you realized who I’m giving this to, Kazu-kun…?
KazunariI mean, it’s that time of the year, so it’s none other than Director-chan, right!
MukuWahhh, I knew it!
Keep this a secret from Director-san, ok!
Kazunari‘Course, my lips are sealed, so no worries.
MukuBut will she really be happy with this?
Maybe Kareko-chan would've been better after all…
KazunariIt’s fine! If it’s made by Mukun, I think she’ll love it no matter what the picture is.
Also, you made this William legit really well, so be confident!
MukuEhehe, that’s true.
Thanks, Kazu-kun.
(I wrote the message too, so now I just have to hand it to Director-san…)
KazunariI’m back~.
MukuWelcome back, Kazu-kun.
The greeting card is finished!
KazunariAh, it is. It turned out ultra cute!
MukuEhehe, thank you.
KazunariHey, hey, Mukkun.
On that topic, what'd you buy for Director-chan’s return gift~?
MukuReturn gift…
HAH! What should I do; I haven’t bought anything…
KazunariEh, seriously!?
MukuI was so focused on the card, I forgot to go buy one!
I have to go buy something right now…!
Uuhh, it slipped my mind since I’m a good-for-nothing, dried out apple…
KazunariChill out, Mukkun, you still have time—!



  1. An "お返し" (okaeshi: return gift/returning the favour) used in the context of White Day would be when (typically) the guy gives the girl a gift in return for what he received from her during Valentine's day.