Kumon | …Gotcha! |
Manager | And Kumon-kun amazingly catches the egg that was about to fall! |
| Is this catching power cultivated by the baseball club!? |
Muku | Kyu-chan’s amazing! |
Yuki | Way to go, Kumon. |
| Oh, he’ll be here soon. |
Kumon | Take it, Yuki! |
Yuki | Got it, got it. |
Manager | What’s this? Spring troupe, who were contenders for first place up until now, suddenly split off! The runner is… Chigasaki-kun! |
Itaru | *Pant, pant*… I can’t do this after using up all my stamina in the egg roll. |
Chikage | Chigasaki’s wasting the lead I gained. |
Kazunari | Mm, I’ve got a feeling this is gonna open up a lot of distance between Spring troupe. |
Muku | But there’s not much difference from Winter troupe and Autumn troupe is catching up too…! |
Yuki | *Pant, pant*… now it gets real. |
| Don’t let them overtake you. |
Tenma | I got it. Leave it to me. |
Tsumugi | Err… wow, it’s hard to balance…! |
Manager | Now for the fourth runner… rather than running, Winter troupe’s Tsukioka-kun is going at a speed closer to walking! Summer troupe’s Sumeragi-kun is pulling further and further away! |
Tasuku | …There’s no point complaining. Tsumugi’s still going faster than when we practiced. |
Misumi | It looks like Tenma’s gonna pass it off in first place~! |
Muku | Except Autumn troupe’s next runner is Banri-san. I bet he’ll be fast…! |
Manager | In first place is fifth runner, Summer troupe’s Miyoshi-kun as the egg is handed over! |
Tenma | I protected our lead. |
| I’ll leave the rest to you! |
Kazunari | No problemo! |
Muku | (Once Kazu-kun runs all the way here, it’ll be my turn. |
| Just a little more…!) |
Juza | … |
Muku | Ah. |
| So you were Autumn troupe’s anchor, Ju-chan. |
Juza | You too, huh? |
| …I’m not gonna lose today. |
Muku | Fufu, same here. I have to give it my all for everyone who has passed the egg up until here! |
Manager | Miyoshi-kun and Settsu-kun sprinted towards the final relay point at roughly the same time! |
Kazunari | Sorry, Mukkun. Settzer basically caught up…! |
Muku | Don’t worry. We’re still first, Kazu-kun! |
| I’ll do my best from here on out! |
Manager | Summer troupe is the first to transfer their egg to their anchor! They’ve maintained their lead the whole way, but it looks like Autumn troupe’s on the verge of catching up…! |
Banri | Aren’t your hands shakin’, you dunce? |
| I can’t hand it over like this! |
Juza | Ahh? You’re the one who’s shakin’. |
| If you don’t come at me head on, then I can’t take it. |
Banri | Say that again? |
Manager | Oh dear, it looks like Settsu-kun and Hyodo-kun are fighting over the delivery of the egg! Autumn troupe has come to a complete stop! |
Masumi | What are those two doing? |
Sakyo | Good grief. Was that order a mistake after all? |
Manager | And with that, it’s a Summer troupe breakaway! Sakisaka-kun is running lightly despite the obstacle in his way! |
Muku | I have to run all the way to the goal without dropping this egg that everyone has passed down to me…! |
Kazunari | Go for it, Mukkun! |
Misumi | Muku, just a little more! |
Muku | I see the goal! |
| Everyone…! |
Manager | Sakisaka-kun has now cut the goal tape in an untouchable first position! |
Yuki | See? We said you’d be able to do it, didn’t we? |
Tenma | He did well not faltering under pressure. |
Muku | Yay, I did it…! |
Manager | First place goes to Summer troupe! |
| They secured the win with their superb teamwork! |
| |
Izumi | Great job today, everyone! |
Muku | Wow, we’re having curry for dinner tonight! |
Izumi | Everyone must be starving, right? I’ve made lots, so don’t hesitate to let me know if you’d like seconds. |
Kumon | Thanks! |
| Alriiight, I’m gonna stuff myself to the brim! |
Tenma | By the way, Director. |
| What was the winning prize? |
Kazunari | Ah! That’s right, you told us to look forward to the day of, but we haven’t heard anything about Director’s reward yet! |
Misumi | Summer troupe won, so maybe it really is a triangle~? |
Izumi | Everyone, drumroll please. |
| The winning prize is… this! |
Yuki | …Don’t tell me it’s the eggs that are placed on top of the curry? |
Izumi | Correct! When you say Easter, you think of eggs. So only Summer troupe’s curry get eggs as toppings! |
Summer troupe | EHH~! |
Izumi | …I thought you’d say that, so I’ve also prepared another prize. |
| Here. |
Muku | Umm, these are… also eggs? |
Kazunari | Ah, I know what these are! |
| There’s pudding inside these eggs~! |
Yuki | I see. The eggshell is a container. |
| It’s trendy. |
Misumi | They look yummy~! |
Kumon | I wanna eat one! |
| But I guess dessert can wait ‘til after the curry. |
Tenma | Geez. I’m relieved it’s not just the egg toppings. |
| All of us worked so hard, you know? |
Muku | I’m delighted with this lovely Easter reward…! |
CHOICE 1: Sorry for startling you [+]
Izumi | Ahaha, sorry for startling you! |
| I knew the egg toppings alone wouldn’t be enough. |
Muku | I was a bit surprised at first—. |
| But when I think about it, I’m sure I would’ve been happy with just the egg topping too. |
Izumi | Why’s that? |
Muku | Because no matter what kind of prize it is, it doesn’t change the fact that it’s something Summer troupe won by all working hard together! |
| Actually, even if there wasn’t a prize, I’m satisfied with just the fact all of us were able to win the championship together! |
Izumi | That sounds like something you would say, Muku-kun. |
Muku | Ah! H-however, that doesn’t mean I’m dissatisfied with this reward from you, Director-san! |
Izumi | Fufu, I know. Don’t worry. |
CHOICE 2: I’m glad if you say so [+]
Izumi | I’m glad if you say so. |
| The truth is, I put quite a lot of thought into what everyone might like for the reward. |
Muku | I see. It sounds tough since you didn’t know who would get it in the end. And you also had to consider something that would match all the troupe member’s tastes. |
Kazunari | This pudding varies a lot in sweetness depending on the type, right! |
| So everyone can choose the sweetness of their liking. |
Izumi | Yeah, exactly. The plain ones aren’t that sweet, but the chocolate ones look pretty cavity-inducing. |
Tenma | Do you want plain then, Kumon? |
Kumon | Yep! I’ll choose that one! |
Yuki | I’m good with strawberry. |
Muku | You’re so amazing, Director-san. You made everyone happy while also picking out something adorable and fitting for Easter! |
Izumi | I appreciate it, Muku-kun. |
Kazunari | But hey, I’m real glad Mukkun was our anchor! |
Yuki | Only Muku could’ve run that fast while avoiding that obstacle. |
Kumon | Muku was super duper cool! |
Tenma | Today’s MVP was Muku, without a doubt. |
Misumi | Thanks, Muku~! |
Muku | I had absolutely no confidence and was worrying the whole time. But I could give it my all thanks to all of your support. |
| So I’m really the one who wants to say thanks. |
| Thank you so much, everyone…! |