Muku Sakisaka/Yearning for Adulthood

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Glass Secret

Backstage Stories
Kumon3, 2, 1…!
MukuHappy new year.
Let’s get along this year as well!
JuzaYeah, happy new year.
Same here.
KumonEhehe, happy new year!
MukuAnyway, it kind of reminds me of the days when Kyu-chan was looking forward to Ju-chan returning home.
KumonThat brings back memories~!
I was super duper looking forward to you coming home too, Muku!
During those times, we ate New Year’s eve soba and played lots of different games…
JuzaWe also played the Game of Life.
KumonRight, right! Wanna play it again this year?
MukuIt was so exciting!
While it’s fun spending time in your room like this—.
Sometimes it might also be nice to go outside and do something unique to New Year’s!
KumonFor example?
JuzaSomethin’ outdoors and like New Year’s… like watchin’ the first sunrise?
KumonThat’s great! In that case, why don’t we take pics and send them with our New Year’s greeting to Director!?
MukuYeah, sounds good!
JuzaAight, then we’ll reply to Director’s New Year’s message after we’ve taken a pic of the first sunrise?
MukuThat’s right. Our New Year’s greeting might be a bit late…
But I’d love for Director-san to see a pretty picture of the morning sun.
Juza…If that’s the case, I’d have wanted to take it with the camera I got from Omi-san. But I left it back at the dorm.
KumonNo worries. You’ll be able to take a nice one with your phone too, nii-chan!
MukuYeah, Kyu-chan and I will take some using our phones too.
JuzaGot it. I’ll see what I can do.
Kumon‘Kay, then where should we go to shoot the photos?
JuzaA place around here where you can see a pretty view of the first sunrise, huh?
Nothin’ jumps to mind…
I know a great spot!
KumonEh? Where, where?
MukuFufu. It’s a place that’s very unique to New Year’s!
Juza & Kumon…?
MukuNow that we’ve taken a picture of the first sunrise to send to Director-san, next is here!
KumonWoahh, this takes me back~!
We came here in the past, didn’t we!
MukuYep. Everyone at the dorm just drew fortunes together to decide the members for the Seven Lucky Gods Race!
JuzaRight. I pulled “middle luck” back then.
MukuI got “best luck”.
KumonGuy-san and I pulled “worst luck” together~.
MukuDon’t worry. This shrine is famous for giving out lots of “best luck”s. I’m sure if you pull it again, you’ll get “best luck”!
KumonYou think so…?
Wanna draw them together, Kumon?
KumonIf nii-chan’s gonna draw one, then I will too!
Alriiight, I’ll get revenge for my fortune~!
MukuOkay, I’ll try it first!
KumonAh, Muku! After you’ve pulled it, don’t open it!
Let’s all open them at the same time.
…Alright, I got one.
KumonMe too!
Then, open them on the count of three!
MukuAnd three!
Muku & Kumon & Juza…!?
MukuHow were your fortunes, guys…?
KumonI… got “worst luck” again.
I-I got “worst luck” too.
KumonEhh, you too!?
MukuWhat should I do? I irresponsibly said something like you’ll get “best luck” if you draw another fortune, so I even made Kyu-chan get terrible luck…!
KumonNo, it’s not your fault, Muku!
KumonDon’t tell me, nii-chan also..
Juza…”Worst luck”.
MukuSo you mean all three of us got terrible luck!?
KumonI thought I’d be happy to get the same thing as nii-chan, but…
I'll take on the power of your terrible luck, so at least nii-chan can get excellent luck…!
Shinto priest…Oh my. Did all of you draw “worst luck”?
MukuAhh, yes.
Things like that rarely happen, don’t they…
Shinto priestYes, such joyous things seldom happen!
If you don’t mind, would you allow me to take a photo?
Shinto priest“Worst luck” denotes the worst at the present time. Therefore, it won’t fall any further…
In other words, you can say it’s a very good sign that your luck will increase in the future!
MukuOh, really…!
Shinto priestI wish you all a lot of happiness in the future.
Kumon…I see!
So all that's left is for it to go up!
JuzaPlus, the priest prayed for our happiness.
I’m sure good things will happen.
MukuYou’re right! …But I still feel a bit anxious, so I’d like to go pray to the Gods.
KumonAlright. Wanna head to another shrine aside from this one?
JuzaAre we tourin’ shrines?
That’s New Years-y too.
MukuSounds great. Let’s do that!
KumonWe went around eating at various stalls and it became this late!
JuzaThe chocolate bananas and taiyaki tasted great.
MukuThe food was delicious, and I feel like we received lots of power from all the different shrines.
Ain’t that Director?
KumonIt is! What an amazing coincidence!
IzumiAh, you three!
I sent a LIME, but happy new year.
MukuHappy new year, Director-san!
The truth is, we planned on sending you pictures of the first sunrise with our LIMEs, but…
A lot of things happened and it got late. Sorry about that.
KumonYeah, listen! After we took our pics of the first sunrise, the three of us drew fortunes and all of us got terrible luck~.
IzumiEhh, all of you!?
That’s rare…!
But accordin’ to the priest, that’s not necessarily a bad thing.
MukuSo then the three of us did a shrine tour afterwards and went to receive lots of power.
IzumiI see. Going to shrines at the beginning of the year to receive power and support is a great idea!
Ah, right. It’s late, but I’ll send you a picture of the first sunrise!
KumonAh, I took one too!
And sent!
JuzaSame here.
IzumiWow, all of your photos are really pretty!
JuzaBy the way, what’re you up to, Director?
IzumiI heard a curry lucky bag released, so I bought it and I’m on my way home. See!
KumonAhaha. That’s just like you, Director!
MukuI’m glad I was able to see Director-san’s smiling face at the beginning of the year!
Student AVeludo Fine Arts University is hosting an event!
Please stop by for a look!
JuzaAmabi’s event…?
It’s New Year’s, so I wonder what it is.
Student BPlease, come take a look at the exhibition of our works!
Admission is free~!
KumonThey said it’s free!
MukuI wonder what kind of exhibition they’re holding.
I’m a little curious.
JuzaWanna drop by?
KumonYeah, let’s!
MukuSince you’re here, won’t you come take a peek with us, Director-san?
IzumiEh, are you sure?
KumonOf course!
JuzaYeah. We’ll carry your bags.
MukuA curry lucky bag sounds like it’d be pretty heavy!
IzumiAlright, I’ll take your offer…
StudentWelcome to the “New Year! Amabi Fashion EXPO”!
We’re handing out pamphlets and entrance perks, so please go ahead!
IzumiThank you very much.
Loads of pretty shoes are on display!
MukuSo this is a shoes booth!
There’s so many cute and fashionable shoes.
JuzaThe other booths look like fashion exhibits too.
I’m sure Yuki would love to come here for a look.
MukuThat’s true. I’ll tell Yuki-kun about it later!
IzumiBy the way, what did everyone get as the entrance freebie back there?
It looks like there’s a few different kinds.
MukuAh, you’re right!
There’s a list on the back of the pamphlet.
KumonLemme open it.
Mine’s… a miniature bag!
JuzaI got a miniature hat.
IzumiMine’s… a miniature purse!
How about you, Muku-kun?
MukuUmm… wah, I got miniature glass slippers!
The glass slippers on the list are…
Juza“Secret” is written at the shadow of a shoe.
StudentEh, did the glass slipper freebie appear?
You’re really lucky, sir!
StudentThere’s only one glass slipper miniature.
It’s a ridiculously rare bonus!
IzumiOnly one!?
That’s amazing…!
KumonYou’re super duper lucky, Muku!
Maybe the power of our shrine tour showed itself!?
JuzaSomethin’ nice happened right away, huh?
MukuThanks, Ju-chan, Kyu-chan!
…But I’d like Director-san to take this.
IzumiEh, why’s that?
MukuGlass slippers are something a princess would wear.
I mean, it’s a miniature so you wouldn’t be able to wear it—.
But I’m sure it would be more fitting for you to have it than me!
CHOICE 1: I’m honestly happy [+]
CHOICE 2: Are you sure? [+]
IzumiThanks so much, Muku-kun.
But just it’s no good just receiving, so in exchange…
I’ll give you some curry!
But it’s the curry you were so excited to get…
IzumiHere you go. It’s “The Prince of the Curry Country”!
I thought it would be perfect for you the moment I saw it.
KumonYou’re right. There’s a picture of a prince drawn on the package!
JuzaThe name suits Muku too.
IzumiWon’t you take this curry?
MukuThank you very much! It’s wasted on me, but…
If you’re giving it to me, then I’ll make sure to savour it!
