Muku Sakisaka/MANKAI Memory

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Childhood Memory: MUKU

Backstage Stories
MukuAlright, I’m going to take a look at the shoujo manga corner.
YukiI’ll check out the fashion magazine corner.
MukuSure, got it.
Umm, the place the latest issues are displayed is…
There it is…! The newest issue of “First Love After Clear Skies”!
(The cover is also really pretty and cute this time.
Fufu, I can’t wait to read it.)
(Hmm, Yuki-kun is… ah, there he is!)
YukiAh, you’ve found your book already. I got the magazines that I wanted too, so I was just thinking of heading over there.
MukuHuh, you’re buying that many magazines?
YukiThey had several ones with special features I was interested in, so I figured I'd get those too.
MukuThat makes sense.
This is the new volume I’m buying.
YukiAhh, did that manga go back to its release schedule? Wasn’t only one volume coming out per year before?
MukuYeah, it looks like they’ve gone back to their pace of one volume every six months.
But you actually remember this manga, huh, Yuki-kun?
YukiI’d know that much just being together.
I’ve borrowed lots of different manga from you, and more importantly, we spend a lot of time together. So I know you really well now, don’t I?
MukuFufu, I see.
(I’m happy Yuki-kun knows about the things I like.)
(Alright, let’s dive into the latest volume!)
KazunariHold up! Is that the latest issue of “First Love After Clear Skies”!?
MukuYep! I bought it on my way home today.
KazunariAww, man~. I’m dying to know what happened to Yorurun and Asako-ccha~!
MukuWould you like to read it together, Kazu-kun?
KazunariUgh, I’d totally love to, but I’ve got an assignment so I probs can’t today~.
MukuI see… Good luck on your assignment!
KazunariThanks~! I think I’ll be able to work super hard thanks to your support, Mukkun!
MukuHehe, I’m glad if you say so.
*Sigh*… the 7th volume was so interesting…!
KazunariSeriously!? It's a bummer I can’t read it yet…!
But I’m really looking forward to it~!
MukuI'll keep it on my bookshelf, so read it whenever you’d like, ok?
KazunariThanks, fam~!
Let’s talk about our reactions to the manga after I’ve finished it!
MukuSure! I’m looking forward to it.
Ok, I’ll put it on this shelf…
Ah, the bookshelf is full…
KazunariWell, you buy manga every month, dontcha~.
MukuYeah, so that’s why my bookshelf fills up really quickly.
I'll have to go back to my parents' house some other time to drop some books off.
KazunariAh, right! Speaking of your fam’s home, Mukkun’s birthday bromide photoshoot is coming up soon—.
So prepare the “memorable item from before you joined the theatre troupe” you’re gonna use for that too, ‘kay!
MukuOh, that’s right! I have to think about that.
Thanks, Kazu-kun.
KazunariDon’t mention it!
MukuGood morning!
IzumiMorning, Muku-kun.
Oh, come to think of it, your birthday is coming up soon, right?
TenmaHave you chosen the memorable item you’re gonna use in your bromide photoshoot yet?
MukuI vaguely have something in mind, but I haven’t decided yet.
I’m going home to drop off some manga today, so I think I’ll search for something while I'm at it.
IzumiI see. I hope you find your item.
YukiYou’re going home to drop manga off again?
MukuHehe, my bookshelf filled up again.
IzumiIsn’t it tough bringing them home by yourself every time?
MukuWell, it is a bit heavy, but I’m totally fine!
TenmaWouldn't it be easier to send them home using a courier service or something?
MukuThat’s true, but I want to keep them neat since they’re really important to me. So I'd like to do it myself.
YukiI understand how you feel.
TenmaI see. I’d also like to keep my bonsai in a nice environment.
MukuEveryone’s the same, huh?
IzumiIt's great to be thoughtful and take care of the things that are important to you like that.
MukuI’m home.
Muku’s momWelcome home, Muku.
Oh my, you came back with manga again?
MukuYes, I couldn’t keep them at the dorm anymore.
Muku’s momI’ve suggested this before, but how about switching to e-books?
The space in our storage room at home is limited…
So it might be fine now, but the storage room is also going to fill up at this rate.
MukuI know that, but…
I’d like to think a little more about whether to switch to e-books.
Muku’s momOh? …Alright then.
MukuI guess I'll put the manga I brought back with me on the shelf here… and I’ll bring the ones that were in the bookshelf to the storage room.
Ah, right. I also need to think about which manga to bring to the bromide photoshoot.
Which one should I choose?
I like this one, but I love this series too…
…! This monthly magazine…
“Star and Moon”… that sure brings back memories. I borrowed this magazine from onee-chan and fell in love with shoujo manga.
*flashback starts*
Muku’s momI’m going to fetch the laundry, so play nice, you two.
Muku’s sisterGooot it.
Muku(…I wonder what book that is that onee-chan’s having so much fun reading.)
(There’s a picture of a girl surrounded by animals drawn on the cover…)
Onee-chan, I wanna read that too.
Muku’s sisterThis one? Are you sure? This is a shoujo manga magazine.
Muku’s sisterAlright. I finished reading it just now so go ahead. I’ll lend it to you.
MukuThank you!
(Ehehe, onee-chan is really nice.
The picture on the cover of the book is really cute too!)
(I wonder what kind of story it’ll be…?)
“Rumi’s Animal Clinic”…
It’s a story about a doctor for animals.
Uh… *sniffle*…!
Muku’s sisterEH!? What’s wrong, Muku!?
Mooom, Muku’s crying!
Muku’s momOh my, what’s wrong!
Are you hurt somewhere, Muku!?
MukuUuUh, I’m so glad the kitty cat feels better…
Muku’s sisterAh…! He read the manga and felt moved!
Muku’s momAhh, so that’s what happened.
MukuI’m sorry I startled you…
But tears just came out while I was reading…
Muku’s momIt’s fine. You’re a kind child, Muku.
Now then, mom will go bring in all the laundry, alright?
Muku’s sisterDid you like the story?
Muku’s sisterThen I’ll lend you the next issue after I’ve finished reading it, ok!
MukuWahh, thank you! I’m so happy.
Ah, onee-chan… if it’s alright, can I have this?
Muku’s sisterSure. But the magazine is really big, so isn’t it a hassle? Are you ok with it?
MukuIt’s no problem.
Thanks, onee-chan. I’ll treasure it!
(This story is such a wonderful tale.)
(When I grow up, I wanna become an animal doctor and save kitties and doggies too.)
Muku…My dream and what I want to do has changed since then, but I fell in love with shoujo manga thanks to this manga.
(I also started track and field because I admired the ace from a shoujo manga…)
(The reason I am where I am today, and how I learned to admire and to want to become something…)
(All of it is thanks to shoujo manga, which gave me the drive to want to change.)
(So when it comes to memories, it’s possible to say this magazine is my starting point.)
I'll bring an issue of "Star and Moon", which has one of my favourite stories from "Rumi's Animal Clinic" to my bromide photoshoot!
KazunariHappy birthday, Mukkun!
Troupe membersCHEERS!
KumonHappy birthday Muku!!
MisumiHappy birthday~!
MukuThanks, everyone!
TenmaSpeaking of which, what did you choose as the memorable item for your bromide photoshoot in the end?
MukuI used the monthly shoujo manga magazine “Star and Moon”!
Hold on… it’s this one.
KumonAH! That’s right, I remember you read that lots and lots in the past, Muku!
YukiTo think you kept something that old—you really do love shoujo manga.
IzumiI saw that during the shoot, but it sure takes me back.
CHOICE 1: The picture on the cover is really pretty. [+]
CHOICE 2: There was 'All-Serve' or something, right? [+]
MisumiAnyways, this magazine sure is in good shape!
You treasured it, huh, Muku~?
IzumiThe corners of magazines fold easily, and there’s lots of people who throw them away after they’ve finished reading them.
MukuThat’s true. But I wanted to keep them…
And I didn't want the corners to get folded—.
So I keep each and every book inside a zipped plastic bag along with a desiccant.
KazunariAs expected of Mukkun!
YukiYou can see Muku’s personality, huh?
KazunariBy the way, I forgot to ask during the shoot, but why’d you choose this~?
MukuI started reading shoujo manga because of a manga about a vet that’s serialized in this magazine.
TenmaHeh, so that’s why, huh?
MisumiI wanna read that manga too!
IzumiYeah, me too!
MukuReally!? Actually, I’ve also brought the comics of that manga to the dorm after I first moved in.
It's full of really great stories, the animals are really cute, and the characters and pictures are very appealing, so please give it a read!
KazunariHey, then why don’t we read them together right now!?
KumonLet's change this into a party where we can all read and talk about Muku's recommended manga together~!
MukuWahh, that sounds fun! I’m so happy!
YukiWell, that’s fine, isn’t it?
IzumiThat sounds lovely and fitting for Muku-kun’s birthday party.
TenmaYeah, Muku’s the main star today after all.
MisumiYep, yep!
It’s a shoujo manga birthday party!
KazunariLet’s discuss together, y’all!
(In the end, I really love reading the same manga with everyone and talking about our impressions of them together like this.)
(So that’s why I don't need to switch to e-books until our storage room is full, right?)



  1. "応募者全員サービス" (~all applicants service). From what I understand, this is when a manga magazine offers limited edition products at a discount for those who purchase it. The applicant has to send proof of purchase via an application ticket included inside the magazine + payment.