Muku Sakisaka/Makeup: Ice

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Go to the Sweets Exhibition!

Backstage Stories
Izumi(I had a lot of meetings today. I’m beat…)
SakuyaAmazing. They look just like real gems!
MukuThey taste delicious too!
Izumi(It sounds like everyone’s excited over something.)
*door opens*
I’m back.
MukuAh, Director-san.
Welcome home!
Oh, are you feeling a bit tired…?
IzumiI was running all over the place today.
But I’m fine.
By the way, it sounded like all of you were excited over something. What’s up?
SakuyaMuku-kun and Juza-kun bought some really wonderful snacks!
HomareHave a look-see. They look just like gemstones, do they not!
It’s shocking that this beauty is made from chocolate.
IzumiThey’re adorable.
The chocolates look like large brooches.
JuzaThe base is made from cookie and there’s somethin’ like jam inside.
IzumiYou two went to buy these together?
MukuYes, Ju-chan and I went on a sweets tour today!
TsuzuruDid you eat anything else?
Red bean soup, kintsuba
MukuAnd parfaits and pancakes… everything tasted amazing!
AzamiAre you serious?
I’m gettin’ heartburn just listening.
MukuThese gem chocolates aren’t that sweet though.
Give them a try, everyone!
YukiAlright, I’m having one.
…You’re right. They taste nice.
TsumugiI think this mild sweetness would pair well with coffee.
MukuI’m glad. We gave them a try and they tasted delicious, so we wanted everyone else to have some too. Right, Ju-chan!
MukuPlease help yourself as well, Director-san.
Which colour do you want?
Alright, I guess I’ll take this one.
…Ah, this one’s pistachio. It’s nice!
MukuI’m glad it suits your taste!
TsuzuruThey say sweets are perfect for when you’re tired.
MukuPlease don’t push yourself too hard, Director-san.
IzumiThank you, I’ll be careful.
Member of a different theatre troupeThanks for today.
You really helped by lending us a hand.
IzumiNot at all. I learned a lot too.
Thank you very much!
Member of a different theatre troupeAh, that’s right. By the way Tachibana-san, are you interested in things like this?
I got these tickets from a friend of mine.
Izumi“Sweets Exhibition”…?
Member of a different theatre troupeIt’s too bad, but I don’t think I’ll be able to go.
It’s a good chance though, so I figured I’d give the tickets to someone who would enjoy events like this… what do you say, Tachibana-san?
IzumiAre you sure?
Member of a different theatre troupeOf course.
Invite your boyfriend to come too.
IzumiAhaha… thank you.
IzumiLimited-edition sweets at a photogenic photo spot, huh…
This sweets exhibition sounds like a pretty popular event.
(I’m sure there’d be someone who would love to go here.
That being said, who should I ask—.)
MukuAh, Director-san.
Are you working at this hour?
IzumiNope, I was just doing some research for myself.
How about you? Were you out this late?
MukuYep, I went for a run!
I ate a bit too many sweet things recently, so I thought I should exercise…
IzumiYou’re so responsible, Muku-kun…!
Ah, speaking of sweets…
Are you interested in sweets exhibitions?
MukuSweets exhibitions?
IzumiSee, here. Not only are there limited-edition sweets, but also fancy displays.
MukuWow, that looks amazing…!
The home page is sparkling too!
All the limited sweets look adorable!
IzumiThe thing is, I got a pair of tickets from an acquaintance of mine. If you don’t mind, I wonder if you’d like to go together~?
MukuAre you okay with me?
IzumiOf course I am. You went on a sweets tour earlier, so I figured you would definitely enjoy it.
Ah, but you went on a run since you ate too many sweet things.
I guess you want to avoid sweets for a while, huh?
MukuOh, no, not at all!
If I overeat, then all I have to do is run again.
Such a lovely event is hard to come by. I’d love to join you if it’s alright with you!
Alright, let’s go together.
IzumiThe walls, ceiling and decorations are all cute and the colour of sweets.
MukuI can’t decide which booth to start looking from.
Ah, it looks like there’s something over there, Director-san!
IzumiYeah, let’s go check it out.
(Muku-kun is as lively as ever.
I’m glad it looks like he’s having fun.)
MukuLook here, Director-san!
These tables are shaped like biscuits!
The donut decorations hanging from the ceiling sure are nice too!
It’s so cute you just want to take pictures all over the venue.
IzumiWould you like a picture of yourself too, Muku-kun? Not just of the interior.
I’ll take it for you, if you’d like.
MukuIn that case, could you be in the photo as well, Director-san?
IzumiYou want to take one together?
MukuOf course!
Please. The two of us came here together, after all!
IzumiIf you say so…
Um, maybe we can take a selfie?
MukuYeah, sounds great!
Alright, with the wall in the background…
Umm, I think it would look better if we were a little closer together.
IzumiLike this?
MukuAh, perfect!
I’m taking it now!
IzumiHow does it look?
MukuMhm, it came out well—.
Ah, I’m sorry!
It looks like I got too close without realizing it…!
IzumiAhaha, don’t worry. I don’t mind.
So how’s the photo?
MukuIt came out really pretty!
Ehehe… I’m so happy I got a selfie with you, Director-san.
CHOICE 1: The opportunity to take a selfie… [+]
CHOICE 2: It sure is fun [+]
IzumiIt looks like we’ve come full circle now.
MukuYep! We went around to all the photo spots and attractions.
IzumiI never thought I’d get into a ball pool at this age.
MukuAhaha, me neither.
But the donut shaped swim ring was so cute.
Izumi(Muku-kun didn’t look out of place at all…)
MukuAh, it looks like a merchandise corner over here.
There’s tons of adorable and delicious-looking sweets…!
IzumiYeah. We have to choose and buy them carefully or else we’ll want everything.
MukuRight! What should I choose?
Eclairs or macarons…
IzumiThe Japanese sweets look trendy too.
Mame daifuku, dango
MukuLook, Director-san!
This looks like an ohagi
IzumiIt’s beautiful like a rose…!
I didn’t know there were ohagi like this.
MukuI have to buy this for Ju-chan!
IzumiGood choice.
MukuDirector-san, they have guimauves that are special to this sweets exhibition!
IzumiFor this, it’s gotta be…
MukuA souvenir for Hisoka-san!
Juza*Nom, nom*… this ohagi tastes amazin’.
HisokaThe frambroise guimauve is delicious too.
KazunariThese candies are totes ‘blammable!
I’m gonna snap some shots first~.
Muku; I’m glad you like them.
You guys sure bought a lot though~.
MukuAll of your faces came to mind as we were looking around…
The items piled up before we knew it.
KazunariYou’re such a nice guy, Mukkun!
HisokaThanks, Muku.
We got to eat such tasty things thanks to you.
MukuIt’s all thanks to Director-san for taking me to the sweets exhibition.
Once again…
Thank you so much, Director-san!
IzumiYou’re very welcome.
Thanks for coming along with me.
*door opens*
TaichiHm? Is everyone holdin’ a sweets party!?
TsuzuruThere’s a huge amount, just like last time.
MisumiTriangle cookie spotted!
It looks yummy~!
MukuPlease help yourselves, everyone!
TaichiWoohoo! Don’t mind if I do!
TsuzuruThey don’t just look good. They taste great too.
MisumiThis cookie has a triangle flavour~!
JuzaTriangle flavour…?
KazunariAhaha. In other words, it’s delish, right!
Izumi(They look like they’re enjoying it… fufu, another peaceful day at the dorm.)
MukuEat up, everyone!
