Muku Sakisaka/Nyanderful Garden

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The Cat, the Prince, and the Rose

Backstage Stories
IzumiI'm baaack.
Izumi?! There's a tremendous negative aura in the air...
CitronWelcome back, Director~
MukuWelcome back...
IzumiMuku-kun, what happened--
Wait, why is your hand bandaged?! Are you okay?
MukuThe injury itself is nothing serious. It was my fault...
That's right, I'm no more than a dried, shriveled up sardine, smaller than the cats' foreheads--!
IzumiMuku-kun, calm down! What on Earth happened?
MukuIf the cats are worth a gold coin, I'm not even worth a penny or a pebble...uuu.
IzumiWh-what do you mean...?
OmiAhh, actually--
MisumiHello, Mr. Cat!
MukuWah, so cute! Can I play with you guys?
HisokaYeah. They're the ones who come here all the time.
CitronNow then, what are we going to play today?
Cat AMeow...
MisumiOh, are you hungry~?
MukuThen I'll go bring something that the cats will like!
MukuSorry to keep you waiting! I've brought some dried sardines and some toys.
Cat BMe~ow?
HisokaI think it wants the sardine.
MukuHere you go!
Cat CMeow!
MukuDon't worry, there's one for you too! Oh, you want this toy?
Cat DMeow~
Cat AMeow meow!
MukuWah, they're all gathered here! Umm, do you want the toy? Or maybe the sardine?
CitronMuku is in cat paradise!
MisumiWoow, you're popular~!
MukuHehe... Thanks to the sardines and the toys!
Mysterious Cat......
MukuHm? There's one cat just sitting still in the corner.
MisumiYou're right~ I don't think I've ever seen this one before!
CitronI do not recognize it either.
HisokaMe too. It's wearing a collar, so I'm sure it has an owner.
CitronIt is so elegant~ It smells just like me!
HisokaIts fur is also beautiful.
MukuThat's true. But I think I've seen that cat somewhere before...
CitronOh, you recognize it?
MukuYeah, but where have I seen it before...
MisumiThen let's ask the cat! Mr. Cat, come over here~
Mysterious Cat......
HisokaIt didn't move at all. That's rare.
CitronI am sure it is just shy!
MukuFufu, how adorable.
Mr. Cat, do you like sardines? Here you go!
Mysterious Cat......!
CitronOh, you got hatched. Are you all right?
Hisoka...You mean scratched.
MisumiIt doesn't hurt~?
HisokaThe wound isn't that deep. I'll go bring the first aid kit.
MisumiMuku, go wash your wound!
OmiHe's been like this ever since.
IzumiI see.
CitronMuku, do not be depressed~ It is not Muku's fault!
IzumiHe's right! I think it's probably just shy. Maybe it was startled by the suddenness.
OmiIt could also be a food preference. Maybe that cat just happened to not like sardines.
CitronLet's feed it something else next time!
IzumiAh, I think that could work.
Anyway, the next time it comes, it'll be less cautious than today and you'll be able to get along with it.
MukuI see...that's true! Next time, surely...!
IzumiWow, the flowers in the store are beautiful~ I wonder if I should buy one once in a while...
(But we have flowers in the dorm that Tsumugi-kun grows, so let's just settle with that.)
Hm? It's a LIME from Muku-kun.
Can I have some bonito flakes that's on the top shelf in the kitchen?
IzumiThe one on the top shelf is the one that's a bit pricey. But oh well...
Go ahead!
Thank you very much!
IzumiMaybe that cat came by again.
I hope you can get along with it today, Muku-kun...
IzumiI'm back.
IzumiWas it no good...
TenmaYou know about the cat, Director?
YukiWe tried to give it high-quality bonito flakes today, but it didn't even look at it.
MukuUuu, I really am hated by that cat after all...!
KazunariThat's not true! It didn't scratch you today, right!
KumonIt's surely a sign of progress!
MukuI'm sure that means I'm not even worth scratching anymore...
Even though we offered it a high-quality bonito flakes, but because my head is less reliable than a fluttering bonito flake...!
Ah! It was a very noble looking cat, so maybe it wants something more expensive?!
All right, this time I'll use my pocket money to buy a high-quality tuna--
Izumi(Oh no, if this continues, Muku-kun will go out of control...!)
U-umm, what kind of cat is it~? I want to see it, too!
MukuAh, I was so desperate to get along with it that I forgot to take a picture.
MisumiAh, it's that cat~!
IzumiEh, the one in the movie?
MukuIt does look similar...
YukiThere's no way that a talented cat that appears in famous movies would just wander into the dorm yard.
KumonHeh, is this movie famous?
KazunariYep, the original manga is also popular! Right, Muku-kun!
MukuYeah, it's one of my favorite manga!
IzumiThere're a lot of movies based on manga these days, aren't they? Didn't Tenma-kun appear in a few of them?
TenmaYeah. The one I just finished is also based on a manga.
KumonHey Muku, what's the story of this movie?
MukuIt's a fantasy love story between a prince who's been turned into a cat and an ordinary high school student!
It's been a while since the series ended, but it's still considered to be a masterpiece.
YukiHeh, sounds like a noble kind of story.
OmiSo this cat is a prince inside, huh. Then maybe that explains why it doesn't want to eat sardines and bonito flakes.
I see. I thought I've seen it somewhere before, but it's actually Prince Mubua.
IzumiPrince Mubua?
MukuIt's the name of the prince who was turned into a cat. It means "rain" in the language of his kingdom.
When Prince Mubua gets wet, he changes from a human to a cat.
Prince Mubua"What a beautiful rose...!"
KumonWhat an ikemen! Is this the human version of the Cat Prince?
MukuOh, it's the rose garden scene! This scene isn't actually real, it's just the heroine's's a very sad and famous scene!
Prince Mubua"I wish I could be with you like this even in the real world."
"For now, I'll put up with just seeing a beautiful rose that looks just like you."
KazunariI can see why it's a famous scene! It's totally making my heart throb~!
Muku...Oh, I know!
IzumiAh, Muku-kun.
MukuDirector-san! Are you out shopping today?
IzumiYep. Did you just get back from school?
MukuYes! But I took a little detour and bought some flowers.
IzumiRoses...? Are those for decorating your room?
MukuNo, I want to give this to someone!
MukuI'm back~
MisumiMuku, that cat is currently here!
HomareAhh, so that is the cat. I see, it does have a noble face, just as they say.
IzumiWhoa, it looks exactly like the cat in that movie...
Mysterious CatFuu...
IzumiLooks like it's still a bit cautious.
Muku...Prince, here.
IzumiEh, you're giving the cat the roses?
Mysterious CatMeow...? Meow...
MisumiThe cat is heading to Muku's direction!
Mysterious CatMeow meow!
MukuHere you go, Prince. I knew it, the prince liked roses, after all!
Mysterious CatMeow!
IzumiSo this cat was the one you wanted to give the roses to.
MukuYes! The last time I saw Prince Mubua, he loved flowers, especially roses.
This cat was always near the flowerbed, so I thought it could be a possibility.
Mysterious CatMeow~
MisumiWah, it's rubbing against Muku!
IzumiLooks like he really liked it.
MukuFufu, you're really adorable. What's your name? Is it--
...Huh? Did someone just call me?
HomareI did not hear anything.
MisumiMe neither~
IzumiYeah, same.
MukuThen, who--
???Geez, Mukkun, there you are! I've been looking for you, you know?
Mysterious CatMeow.
OwnerAh, did you go inside this house? I'm sorry about that.
IzumiIt's fine, I'm glad we found the owner.
OwnerWe just moved nearby, and this one wandered off somewhere before I noticed.
I was worried, Mukkun. ...Oh, what a beautiful rose!
HomareMuku-kun right here gave it to the cat.
OwnerMy, thank you very much! He really loves roses.
MukuUm, is this cat's name perhaps...?
OwnerHe's called Mubua. It's pretty hard to say, so I usually just call him Mukkun.
MukuIt really is Prince Mubua!
OwnerOh, you know that manga too?
MukuI love that manga!
OwnerThen, I wonder if you've seen the movie based on the manga?
MukuYes, just recently...wait, could it be--
OwnerFufu, it's actually Mukkun who played Prince Mubua in that movie.
IzumiEehhh, it's the real thing?!
MisumiWooow! It's an actor cat!
HomareOoh, it is quite talented.
MukuOh, please shake my hand! Prince Mubua!
OwnerHe said, "You should become a wonderful prince, too."
HomareBy the way, how amazing of Muku-kun to have the same nickname as the talented cat known as a prince.
MukuEhehe...I'm still nowhere near as amazing as Prince Mubua, though.
IzumiWhat's up?
MukuNo, it's just that Prince Mubua and his owner left the roses behind--
MukuPrincess, could you please accept this rose?
CHOICE 1: Being called a princess... [+]
CHOICE 2: Are you sure? [+]
MukuThen once again, will you accept this rose, Princess?
IzumiYes, gladly.
Muku...That was practice for me to become a wonderful prince someday!
Izumi(Muku-kun, you already are a wonderful prince, though.)
