Muku Sakisaka/Like a mirror

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Aspiring Campus Life

Backstage Stories
KazunariAs for what’s happening right now…
MukuWow, so many events are being held around here.
KazunariYep, there’s quite a lot going on.
By the way, why’d you ask me to show you some exhibition flyers?
Is this for role study?
MukuHah… it was weird of me to ask you to show me the flyers all of a sudden, wasn’t it?
I knew it, I’m just a paint brush that didn’t get washed after being used and got all stiff and prickly…
KazunariWoah, woah, chill out! I don’t think it’s weird at all!
MukuS-sorry, I just…
I mean… the exhibits Summer troupe held together the other day to prepare for our roles were lots of fun.
So that’s why I wanted to see more exhibits like that for my role study. And if possible, I’d like to make one of my own…
KazunariAha, gotcha!
I’m glad to hear it caught your interest.
Hmm, exhibitions… AH!
I got it! It might be a tad different from an exhibition, but I think there’s a place where your wish will be granted, Mukkun!
Banri…So, why’re you here of all places?
KazunariSettzer, my man. I heard you were working as a guide at Amabi’s open campus ♪
MukuI’m so sorry. It’s because I said I wanted to go…
BanriNah, I don’t mind or anythin’. But…
KumonUwahh, this is so cool! Is that huge thing a piece of art!?
MisumiWowie, it’s full of triangles~!
I wonder if this person likes triangles too.
TenmaWhat is this…
YukiHold it. Keep your surroundings in mind when you take off your sunglasses.
IzumiBe careful not to touch the art, alright, everyone?
BanriDid ya really need to bring Director-chan and the rest of Summer troupe along?
KazunariIt’s chill, it’s chill. Just call it role study ♪
BanriGeez, conveniently pulling the role study card.
Well, whatevs. Here’s the pamphlet for today.
TenmaGreat, thanks.
MukuThere’s so many different exhibits…!
I have no idea where to start.
BanriYou wanted to go to a workshop, didn’t you, Muku?
If you’re lookin’ for something easy to do, then there should be some around the painting building…
There was also some interesting 3D stuff.
YukiHeh, look at you acting like a proper guide with the introductions.
BanriWell, yeah.
IzumiThe workshops sound interesting.
There’s so many different kinds, it’s hard to decide which one to try.
KazunariAlright, let’s start with the spot Settzer recommended for now!
MisumiAmazing, amazing! Where should we start~?
YukiThere’s an oil painting replicating class…
KumonAnd over there’s a sculpture workshop!
TenmaWorkshops are being held for every major.
MukuAh, there’s a mosaic art workshop…!
KazunariOoh, did that catch your eye, Mukkun?
MukuYeah. There was a solo exhibit of a mosaic artist in the flyers you showed me the other day.
I thought it looked incredible when I saw it.
I’d love to give mosaic art a shot too.
IzumiThat sounds fun. Perhaps I’ll give it a try too.
Can I go with you, Muku-kun?
MukuOf course, be my guest!
It looks like everybody has a class they’d like to join—
Let’s go to the spots we wanna go and regroup again later!
KumonSounds like a plan!
MisumiSee you guys later~.
(Mosaic art where you arrange stones of all sorts of different colours…
The tool is different from when you paint. Using coloured stones to draw is harder than I imagined.)
(Muku-kun is…)
MukuNext up… maybe this colour.
Izumi(I was worried, but he’s placing the stones just fine.)
(…Ah, a shape is slowly forming.)
Is that a cat?
MukuYou got it!
IzumiWow, you’ve got a knack for this, Muku-kun!
It’s looks adorable.
Even though it’s stone, it feels it conveys your warmth and softness.
MukuWah, thank you very much…!
CHOICE 1: It’s hard but fun. [+]
CHOICE 2: What colour would work here? [+]
InstructorOh my, this is…
Why, this is just stellar. It came out really well.
Muku! Thank you very much…!
InstructorIs this your first time?
You might have talent for this.
IzumiThat’s great, Muku-kun!
MukuEhehe, does this bring me a little closer to my role?
I was able to learn so much from the mosaic art experience.
IzumiYeah, same here.
StudentThere’s gonna be a lecture held in this hall later on.
MukuA lecture?
IzumiAh, there’s a poster over here.
The lecturer is…
MukuWoah! It’s Yumeka-sensei!
They’re the author of a shoujo manga that I love!
IzumiI know them too! They’re a famous writer, aren’t they?
MukuI knew they were an alumni of Amabi university, but I never imagined they’d be here to hold a lecture...
I’d love to attend it too!
StudentThose who have a numbered ticket, please enter through that entrance.
IzumiIt looks like you need a numbered ticket to go in…
MukuO-oh, you’re right…
It’s too bad, but there’s nothing we can do about that.
BanriOh, ain’t it Muku and Director-chan?
Did you guys go to a workshop?
KazunariHow’d it go?
IzumiBanri-kun, Kazunari-kun.
KazunariMukkun? You look like someone rained on your parade.
Did something happen?
IzumiThe truth is…
BanriI see.
Oi, Muku.
BanriTake this. It’s a numbered ticket for the lecture.
BanriI was assigned to help take care of a guest at another lecture this time.
I got that as thanks for that.
I think that’s actually a staff seat ticket? They said two people can enter with 1 of ‘em.
MukuEh, but…
BanriI’m gonna be stationed somewhere else so I originally couldn’t go anyways. I’ll let you have ‘em, Muku.
Aight then, I’m heading out.
See ya.
KazunariCatch you later, Settzer!
MukuThank you so much, Banri-san…!
IzumiGood luck, Banri!
KazunariGood for you, huh? Now you can go to the lecture!
KazunariYou know the writer too, don’tcha, Director-chan?
You two should go together.
IzumiEhh, are you sure?
KazunariNo give backsies! Have a blast, ‘kay ♪
YumekaWhen I draw coloured illustrations, I…
Izumi(Muku-kun is listening really intently.
He’s even taking notes… I’m glad we were able to come.)
Muku*Sigh*, that felt like a dream.
IzumiThat was interesting. We got to hear all sorts of different stories.
Ah! They’re selling books to be signed by the author after this!
It looks like they’ll be signing them in person.
Muku! U-um, I’d love to buy one!
Is that okay?
IzumiYeah, of course! Let’s go!
YumekaHi there.
MukuH-hello! I really love your works, Yumeka-sensei. They always make my heart flutter!
YumekaWow, I’m happy to hear that.
MukuCan I have your autograph…!
MukuU-um… can I ask you a few questions?
YumekaI don’t mind. What would you like?
MukuYou works are so bittersweet and they’re full of lovely plotlines and heart-skipping scenes…!
Among them, the scene in "Thunder Love" where Rai-kun and Sora-chan try to convey their feelings for each other—.
Did you already come up with that at the beginning of the story?
And how did you draw the scene in “Draw a Heart” where Spica-chan summons her magic?
A-and also, for the manga being serialized right now…
Izumi(Woah, Muku’s flooding them with questions…!)
Kazunari; Ah, they’re back!
MisumiWelcome back, Muku, Director-san~.
YukiI heard you went to the lecture of a manga author.
How was it?
MukuIt was the best thing ever…!
I asked them for an autograph too.
KumonSeriously! That’s awesome!
TenmaGood for you, Muku.
Izumi(Muku-kun looks satisfied.)
(That being said… I wonder if that barrage of questions was helpful for his role study?)
MukuYumeka-sensei was such a nice person!
Their stories were so interesting, and…
Izumi(Oh well. He looks really happy, so it’s fine.)
