Muku Sakisaka/Brilliance of Blooming

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MANKAI Livestream! ~LIVE: Muku~

Backstage Stories
IzumiKazunari-kun is also joining in on today’s leader’s meeting.
KazunariLet’s do this piko~!
BanriHave you come up with somethin’ again?
KazunariThat’s right, Setzer!
There’s a lil something I wanted to try.
So you see… we held a project survey for the fans to find out what they’d like us to do!
SakuyaA project survey?
IzumiYep. We did it for our fans as per Kazunari-kun’s suggestion.
KazunariThankfully, MANKAI Company’s popularity is soaring through the roof right now!
TenmaThat’s true. We got a lot of new fans too.
Kazunari‘Cept some of the folks who have been supporting us for a while also voiced that they’re a bit lonely since it feels like there’s been more distance between us.
But, like, we wanna be a Theatre troupe that’s close to our fans no matter how much our popularity rises, right?
BanriI see.
So that explains the project survey, eh?
TsumugiHow were the results?
KazunariThe most common answer was, “I wanna see more InsteLives and selfies from all the troupe members!”
TenmaWell, the frequency of InsteLive streams varies from person to person.
TsumugiIt’s the same for our selfies.
We basically leave it to the members who are good at SNS.
KazunariYep, and so! As a special project this time, I propose we hold a solo InsteLive and selfie festival for 24 consecutive days!
BanriA selfie festival?
KazunariIt’d be even more hype if we took selfies during the live and upped the pics to Inste later, wouldn’t it!
IzumiWe’ve also discussed it with Sakyo-san, and he said we can do it as long as I keep watch to make sure no trouble occurs during the streams.
KazunariAnd so, the rest depends on you guys…
How about it?
SakuyaI’d love to do it! Of course I want to make everyone happy…
But I’m happy for the chance to talk with all the fans through the screen too!
TsumugiI’d like to give it a try too. I feel like I’m getting more used to InsteLives, little by little.
TenmaHey, but, we can’t just idly chat, right?
KazunariOn that topic, I thought it might be great to send out another survey to hear what they’d like each troupe member to do.
BanriSeems like it’ll be a lot easier to handle in that case.
IzumiEvery InsteLive will turn out differently. That sounds interesting.
Kazunari‘Kay then, it’s settled!
Leave the form creation and tallying up to me!
SakuyaThank you very much, Kazunari-san!
IzumiAlright then, leaders. Please share the InsteLive and selfie plan with all your members.
LeadersGot it!
Muku*Sigh*. No matter how many times I read this scene, it’s still the best…
TenmaOi, Muku.
You’ll catch a cold if you stay out here.
MukuAh, right. I’ll head back to my room soon.
TenmaWere you reading shoujo manga?
MukuYes. My survey had lots of requests asking me to introduce shoujo manga in my Instelive, so I was re-reading some.
TenmaSo you’re going to introduce shoujo manga in your InsteLive?
MukuYou see… I’m not sure.
I was actually thinking of doing something a little different along with my shoujo manga recs.
But I haven’t been able to come up with anything…
So I was re-reading some shoujo manga to get some kind of hint.
TenmaI see.
…Come to think of it, you’ve rewatched the drama “Your Goal Line” a lot of times, haven’t you?
I loved the original work and of course, the drama was also interesting. And more importantly, Tenma-kun appeared in it too.
The Kanzaki-kun that Tenma-kun played was super dashing!
TenmaWell, that’s a given.
MukuFufu, right.
Why did you bring that up all of a sudden?
TenmaSince you watched that drama so enthusiastically, I'm sure you have other dramas and movies based on shoujo manga that you like, right?
I bet it’d work to introduce those along with your shoujo manga.
MukuI see… that’s true. That might be a good way to introduce something a little different than usual!
Thanks, Tenma-kun!
TenmaIt’s not a big deal.
Come on, that’s enough. Let’s head inside.
IzumiAnd ready.
Alright. Can we start, Muku-kun?
MukuI-it’s fine.
Please go ahead!
IzumiOkay. InsteLive stream start!
It’s MANKAI Company Summer troupe’s Sakisaka Muku!
Comment“Hey there~”
Comment“Are you nervous, Muku-kun?”
MukuAh, y-yes…
I’m a little nervous.
Comment“You don’t need to be”
Comment“Be yourself, Muku-kun!”
MukuThank you so much, everyone.
I feel like I’ve calmed down.
I appreciate all of you coming to watch my live stream.
Comment“I was looking forward to it!”
Comment“What are you gonna do today~?”
MukuLots of people asked me to introduce my recommended shoujo manga in the survey…
So today, I’ll introduce some shoujo manga that have a live-action adaption!
Up until now, I don't think I've ever really talked about which live-actions are good.
Comment“True. We haven’t heard much about that!”
Comment“I can’t wait for Muku-kun’s recs~”
MukuI’m glad. Alright then, let’s start with the very first one.
I just couldn’t forget about this one, so I’m going to introduce it first.
Tah dah!
“Your Goal Line”![1]
Comment“It’s a masterpiece!”
Comment“Ikr. You can’t miss that one!”
MukuIt’s loaded with the manga’s heart-throbbing moments…
And the rivalry between Kisaragi-kun and Kanzaki-kun is also full of feels.
Plus, Tenma-kun plays the live-action Kanzaki-kun.
Were there lots of people who watched the drama while it was airing?
Comment“I watched it!”
Comment“Tenma-kun was so cool~!”
MukuWasn’t he! It’s a masterpiece I don’t get tired of no matter how many times I watch it!
Alright, I will introduce the second work!
It’s this one!
“Pot In Love”.[2]
Comment“I was eyeing that one!”
Comment“What kind of work is it~?”
MukuIt’s a classic story about the love between childhood friends. This one’s full of swoon-worthy scenes too!
One of the must-sees is the Sleeping Bear Omurice!
It’s a famous scene where Hiroto-kun, the childhood friend, makes it for Ena-chan, the main character.
That scene was recreated beautifully in live-action! It really is the best!
Comment“A close-up of the manga! Lol”
Comment“The camera’s too close so I can’t see Muku-kun haha”
MukuAhh, I-I’m so sorry!
I just got excited…!
There were other lovely scenes of Hiroto-kun's cool and sometimes cute sides…
My heart couldn’t stop beating during the live-action too, so please watch it!
CHOICE 1: Your love has gotten through! [+]
CHOICE 2: Muku-kun’s cute and cool too! [+]
*door opens*
Comment“Citron-kun suddenly appeared!”
CitronThis came to mind when I was watching Muku’s stream.
If you’re talking about movies, then you gotta have this too!
Comment“It’s popcorn! Lmao”
Comment“I see lolol”
Muku…Fufu, thank you very much!
You’re right.
Err, everyone. Spring troupe’s Citron-sama dropped by!
CitronSorry for suddenly bursting in, everyone!
Comment“I’m happy Citron-kun came too!”
Comment“What do you guys eat when you watch movies?”
CitronOf course I munch on popcorn!
It’s fun since there’s also lots of different flavours~!
MukuI eat that too. I also go for the limited-time menu items.
Comment“I see~!”
Comment“I eat the limited menu too!”
Muku…Ah, it looks like we’re approaching the time. That passed by in the blink of an eye, huh?
Lastly, I’m going to take the photo to upload to Inste.
Like this…
Alright, I took it!
It’s a shame I have to go, but this is the end of the InsteLive.
Thank you very much for watching today, everyone!
Comment“I’ll try reading the manga you introduced!”
Comment“Thanks, Muku-kun!”
MukuLet’s meet again!
IzumiGreat job, Muku-kun!
Geez, Citron-kun. You surprised me.
CitronSorry! When I saw Muku’s stream, I couldn't help but give him popcorn!
MukuFufu, it livened up a whole lot thanks to that!
IzumiEveryone enjoyed the shoujo manga recs, the talk about movies, and Citron-kun's appearance. It was a fun stream!
MukuThank you very much!
I had such a blast too.
CitronSame here~.
IzumiChoose a pic to upload to Inste, alright?
MukuYes, I will!
I’ve selected my photo for Inste, Director-san!
I think I’ll go with this one.
IzumiGreat. Your smile looks wonderful!
MukuEhehe, I’m glad to hear that.
Alright, I’ll write a comment and upload it right away.



  1. References The Floral Prince event (and “Your Goal Line” also reappears in the Trump the PT event).
  2. References Sakyo’s N Welcome to Akebono-so! card.