Muku Sakisaka/MANKAI Party

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Backstage Stories
TsumugiNow then, everyone. Here’s water.
MukuAre you tending to the flower beds, Tsumugi-san?
Do you mind if I lend you a hand?
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TsumugiGo ahead. That would be a great help.
MukuThank you very much!
Alright, I’ll give some water to these flowers over here.
TsumugiSure, please do.
What’s wrong? Is something troubling you?
TsumugiIt looks like you’re brooding over something, Muku-kun?
…Ah, I’m sorry if I’m mistaken?
MukuNo, actually… you hit the nail on the head…
I’m at a loss over what to film for the VLOG I’m going to show the audience at my birthday event.
TsumugiAh. It’s your turn next, hm?
MukuYes. We’re supposed to film with the theme of “a sight I want to show my fans”.
That’s why I want to make something that will make all the fans who are always supporting me happy…
TsumugiWhen you think about your fans, you might get lost in thought over what they could want from you.
But it might be nice if this time, you put aside what you think everyone wants to see—.
And simply film what you want to show them the most.
MukuWhat I want to show them the most…
I see… I may have been thinking a little too hard.
I’m going to restart and trying thinking about what I want to show them.
Thanks so much, Tsumugi-san!
TsumugiYou’re welcome.
MukuI’m finished watering over here.
TsumugiSame here.
Good work. Thanks.
Ah, Tasuku. Are you going out somewhere?
TasukuYeah, I’m going to go for a run.
MukuRunning… I see.
Tasuku-san, is it alright if I come along with you?
I have a lot to ponder. But I think I could put it all together as I run.
TasukuI don’t mind.
Your thoughts are surprisingly clear when you run, after all.
MukuI really appreciate it!
I’ll get ready right now.
TsumugiTake care out there, you two.
Tasuku*Pant*… *pant*…
Muku*Pant*… *pant*…
Tasuku…Phew. We ran quite a while.
Let’s take a short break and rehydrate.
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Boy*Pant*… *pant*…
Muku(Is that boy running too?)
BoyY-you’re Sakisaka-san, right?
MukuYeah. You’re Yoshino-kun, right?
Long time no see.
YoshinoIt’s been so long!
TasukuDo you know each other?
MukuI had a chance to go to a track and field meet a while ago and that’s where we met.
YoshinoThank you so much for back then.
On the day of that track meet, I was so nervous. But Sakisaka-san told me that all the practice I did up until that point was my strength.
Even now, I still cherish those words.
Muku…! I see.
Fufu, I feel a bit shy, but happy.
YoshinoActually, I saw Sakisaka-san participating in a track and field competition after that.
MukuEhh, really?
YoshinoYep! You looked so cool in action, Sakisaka-san!
MukuEhh, I-I’m cool…!?
Wah, wah… w-what do I do, Tasuku-san?
I got complimented…!
TasukuIf you receive a compliment, then you should just take it in stride. It’s true that you look cool when you run, Sakisaka.
Well… thank you very much then, Yoshino-kun, Tasuku-san!
YoshinoAhaha, don’t mention it.
Speaking of which, Sakisaka-san. I heard from a classmate that you’re not part of the track and field club anymore…
But I want to see you running again someday.
Muku…Sure, one day.
TasukuYou heard from a classmate…
Are they friends of Sakisaka?
MukuAh, now that you mention it…
YoshinoAh, no, they’re just fans! The truth is, there’s a stan of MANKAI Company’s Summer troupe in my class.
That person told me all about how you’re part of a theatre troupe and stuff.
I also heard you’re quite famous right now… I don’t think someone like me can talk to you so casually, but…
MukuEHH!? That’s not true!
I’m still have a long way to go…
I’m really glad I got to meet and talk with you today after so long.
YoshinoHehe, thank you.
I’m happy too.
Ah, it’s time already. I gotta get going.
Alright, excuse me!
MukuYeah, see you.
TasukuAlright, shall we head off too?
MukuAh… um, Tasuku-san!
I have a favour for you. Will you hear me out…?
TasukuAre you really alright with me being in charge of your VLOG filming?
MukuOf course!
Rather, I’m sorry for asking you to come along with me…
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TasukuNo need to apologize. Besides, I’m a bit interested in the filming site you chose too, Sakisaka.
MukuI’m relieved if you say so.
Alright, let’s be off.
An athletic field… and you really got permission to film here, huh?
MukuA staff member remembered that I participated in a competition before and graciously gave me permission.
…Fufu. It feels pretty exciting standing on the track for the first time in a while.
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TasukuAlright, shall we start filming now?
MukuYes, please go ahead!
TasukuI’m turning the camera.
MukuHello, everyone!
It’s MANKAI Company Summer troupe’s Sakisaka Muku!
And right now, Winter troupe’s Tasuku-san is filming my VLOG for me.
TasukuIt’s Winter troupe’s Takato Tasuku.
MukuThe filming location I settled on for my VLOG this time is…
Tah dah! An athletic field!
Shall we have a short walk around the track?
TasukuThe space is quite wide.
MukuYou’re right about that. The truth is, I’ve ran here for track and field competition in the past.
It felt so nice. I can’t forget it to this day.
TasukuI wasn’t able to go watch that tournament.
But when Summer troupe came back to the dorm, they wouldn’t stop going off about how cool Sakisaka was.
It’s a little embarrassing when I remember that time.
TasukuYou didn’t come here today just because, right?
MukuRight! Some of you may have realized with my outfit…
But today, I would like everyone to watch me running.
Everyone… keep your eyes peeled and watch me.
Alright, Tasuku-san. I’m heading to the starting point, so please give me the cue.
TasukuSure, no problem.
…Here goes.
On your marks… get set, go!
Thank you so much, Tasuku-san!
TasukuNot at all. I had fun filming you too.
I hope it turns out well.
MukuIf it’s you, Tasuku-san, then I’m sure it’ll be fine!
And besides, I have a reason behind asking you to shoot for me.
Thanks to you and Yoshino-kun’s compliments, I felt confident in choosing this theme.
So that’s why I wanted to ask you to do this for me…
TasukuOh, really now?
I’m glad that I could be of help, even a little.
MukuYeah! …I wish I could show this video you took to myself back when I was injured and I couldn’t run anymore.
I’d like to tell him that I’m able to run like this now.
Tasuku…Yeah. I’m sure he would be happy.
When I see you run, it’s like I feel like running too.
Muku! Do you mean it!
In that case, won’t you run together with me right now?
Please, just like how we always run!
TasukuWell… alright, I’ll run just for a bit since we came all the way here.
MukuWhat do I do… my heart’s racing…
YukiMuku, you’re way too nervous.
TasukuRelax your shoulders more.
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*Inhale*… *exhale*…
JuzaYou’ll be fine, Muku.
I’ve got your back too.
MukuJu-chan… right, thank you!
Without a chance like this, you and I rarely get the chance to stand together on stage. I was really looking forward to it.
JuzaSame here.
IzumiIt’s almost time, guys.
Break a leg out there!
YukiGot it.
IzumiGood luck, Muku-kun.
I’m going to ask for a photo at the end too.
MukuSure, I understand!
We’ll be off!
Hello, everyone! Thank you very much for coming to my birthday event today!
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Guest AMuku-kun, happy birthday!
Guest BHappy birthday, Muku-kun!
Guest CYou look wonderful today!
MukuThank you so much…!
Okay, starting off, I’m going to introduce my guests.
They’re Yuki-kun, Ju-chan, Tasuku-san.
YukiIt’s Summer troupe’s Rurikawa Yuki.
Muku, happy birthday.
JuzaIt’s Autumn troupe’s Hyodo Juza.
Happy birthday, Muku.
TasukuWinter troupe’s Takato Tasuku.
Happy birthday, Sakisaka.
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MukuThank you!
We’ll be holding today’s event with these members!
Alright, let’s start the VLOG screening party segment right away!
I filmed a VLOG with the theme of “a sight I want to show my fans”.
I asked Tasuku-san to shoot it for me.
TasukuI know I’m the one saying this, but it turned out quite well.
MukuKeep your eyes peeled from the beginning to see where we got it.
Now then, start!
“The filming location I chose for my VLOG this time is…
Tah dah! An athletic field!”
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Guest DIt’s an athletic field!
Guest EI didn’t see that one coming!
YukiHuh? That’s…
JuzaYeah, that place looks familiar.
MukuYou two went there before, remember?
“The truth is, I’ve ran here for track and field a competition in the past.
It felt so nice, I can’t forget it to this day.”
Guest AWow, I see.
Guest BI wish I could’ve watched Muku-kun running~.
JuzaI haven’t forgotten Muku in that moment either. I can’t forget it.
MukuJu-chan… Fufu, thanks.
Tasuku“You didn’t come here today just because, right?”
Muku“Right! Some of you may have realized with my outfit…”
“But today, I would like everyone to see my running!”
“Everyone… keep your eyes peeled and watch me.”
Guest AWe get to see Muku-kun running!?
Guest BOh my god, I’m so happy!
YukiYou really say things like that unconsciously, huh?
MukuEh? Eh?
I think you’re fine the way you are.
Tasuku“On your marks… get set, go!”
“Ha, ha, ha…!”
Tasuku“Goal. That was a nice run.”
Muku“*Pant*… *pant*…”
Thanks for watching me, everyone.”
“In this VLOG, I thought I wanted to show everyone my cool side.”
“There was a boy recently who said that I look cool when I run.”
“I was honestly super elated when he told me my running was cool…”
“I realized that I haven’t had much chance to show all of you how I look when I run up until now.”
“That’s why this time, I ran with everything I had!”
Guest CYou looked so cool!
Guest DHe was positively shining…! I was moved!
Guest EYou look wonderful when you run!
JuzaMuku really does look cooler than anyone when he runs.
YukiYeah, he looks like he’s brimming with energy.
MukuI’m happy to hear that, everyone!
By the way… Tasuku-san ran with me too.
TasukuIt felt pretty nice running over there.
JuzaI wanna give it a try too.
MukuOkay, let’s all run together next time!
You too, right, Yuki-kun!
YukiI’ll pass. Just watching is enough for me.
MukuI’m reluctant to part, but it looks like it’s about time for this event to wrap up.
That passed in the blink of an eye…
JuzaYeah, it did.
YukiHold on. You’re taking a photo at the end, aren’t you?
TasukuAlright, should I take it?
MukuGo for it!
Um, what pose should I do…
Guest AI want you to make a heart!
Guest BI love Muku-kun’s heart pose!
Guest CA heart, please!
MukuFufu, you got it!
Alright, with a heart pose.
TasukuI’m taking it.
Say cheese.
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