Outside Work Conversations/Citron and Muku

From A3! Wiki

Veludo Station Front

MukuCitron-sama, you have the grace of a prince from another land...!
CitronYou really like princes.
MukuPrinces on white horses are good too, but princes with leopards hailing them are wonderful!
CitronI know hail![1] That's when the rain is hard!

Veludo Park

CitronMuku, if you want to become a prince, master kingcraft.
MukuKingcraft...! Wow, that's cool!
CitronI'll instruct you in the ways of Citron-style kingcraft.
MukuP-Please teach me...!

Veludo Town Library

MukuA prince just like you appeared in the latest volume...!
CitronWoah, perhaps I was the model for him.
CitronI'll challenge myself to cosplaying a manga prince for you ♪
MukuWow, I'm looking forwards to it! I'll try asking Yuki-kun about the costume!

  1. Original pun from 豹 (hyou) を侍らせる - 'leopards waiting on them' and 雹 (hyou) hail