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A Small Halloween

Backstage Stories
Izumi(Wow, the streets and store displays are all bathed in Halloween colours…!)
Hm, could those guys over there be…
GuyWhat a coincidence, Director.
HisokaAre you shopping?
IzumiYep, I’m picking up a few ingredients.
Are you two out shopping for the bar?
HisokaYeah, but we’re buying something a little different than usual.
IzumiA little different… what do you mean?
GuyWe didn’t come to purchase ingredients, but Halloween accessories and such to decorate the store.
I got advice from Miyoshi who said the shop would look livelier if I put items like that up.
IzumiI see, that sounds great!
HisokaBut it seems tough shopping all by yourself, so I’ll give you a hand.
GuyThat’s right. We’re not in a hurry for our errand, so we’ll accompany you as bag carriers.
IzumiOh, no, I only bought a little bit today so it’s fine.
Please go ahead and get your decorations, you two!
HisokaAre you sure…?
IzumiYep. I’m looking to seeing the bar all Halloween-ey!
…And that’s what happened.
YukiHeh, Halloween accessories, huh?
There’d be a change in the bar’s atmosphere, so it might be nice.
KazunariGuy-guy followed through with what I told him right away!
That’s totes lit!
HisokaI’m home.
IzumiWelcome back!
You’re not with Guy-san, huh?
HisokaGuy still had things to take care of, so he stayed at the bar.
…I’ll give this to you, Director.
IzumiThis is… a Halloween accessory?
HisokaWe bought too many so that’s an extra.
It was a good chance, so Guy and I talked about giving it to you.
IzumiAre you sure?
We were able to decorate the store well enough.
IzumiThat’s great then.
This looks adorable. Thanks!
YukiI wonder how what kind of decorations were put up at Guy’s shop.
I guess I’ll go have a look next time.
KazunariYeah, let’s all take a peek together!
HisokaI’d be happy if all of you came.
I’m sure Guy would be grateful too.
IzumiI know! Seeing as I got an accessory from Hisoka-san, how about we decorate the dorm all Halloween too?
KazunariSick idea! Let’s decorate, let’s decorate~!
YukiI think we’ll be able to make them if it’s just this much.
IzumiT-that’s Yuki-kun for you… I hadn't thought of making them myself.
I wonder if I’ll be able to do it too?
KazunariDon’t sweat it. Even you’ll be able to make something easily, Director-chan!
And we can buy the materials at the general store.
YukiIt’s possible to collect acorns and stuff at the park, right?
HisokaAcorns… Kamekichi might help us in that case.
IzumiAh, true. Sometimes Kamekichi goes out to gather lots of nuts, doesn’t he?
HisokaIt was pretty fun when I went to collect nuts with Kamekichi in the past.
*flies over*
KamekichiDid you call me!?
I heard my name just now!
KazunariOhh, Kamekichi!
Nice timing!
YukiWe were talking about gathering nuts at the park. You’re good at that, aren’t you?
KamekichiFufu. The nut picking expert, no, exbird is I!
All of you are helpless, so shall I tag along if you’re going out to gather them?
HisokaYeah, lend us a hand.
IzumiAre you going out now, Hisoka-san?
Do you have work today?
HisokaNo, I’m going to collect acorns.
Kamekichi and I have a promise.
IzumiAhh, the ones we talked about earlier for Halloween?
HisokaYeah. But… I sort of slept in.
IzumiOh, really?
Then I guess Kamekichi is waiting for you.
HisokaHe said he’s coming over after his date, so I think it’ll fine even if I’m a little bit late.
Are you going shopping, Director?
IzumiYeah, I am… but I still have time to spare, so is it alright if I go along to collect the acorns with you?
HisokaYou too?
IzumiYeah. I was the one who suggested the Halloween accessories, so it didn’t sit right with me just leaving it all to Hisoka-san and the others.
Besides, you don’t really get the chance to search for acorns when you grow up. I think it’d be fun to try it after so long!
HisokaLet’s go together then.
IzumiIt doesn’t look like Kamekichi’s here yet.
Hisoka…There he is.
*flies over*
KamekichiI made you wait. My bad!
I was too excited over my date!
HisokaI just got here too.
And Director said she’d help us out as well.
IzumiLet’s do our best, Kamekichi!
Alright. Let’s get gathering, shall we?
KamekichiOi, hold on.
Before that… let me confirm one thing, Hisoka.
KamekichiYou promise to give me my proper share if I help you gather the nuts, right?
HisokaAhh… yeah, I will.
So you made that type of promise, huh?
HisokaDid I or did I not…?
KamekichiYou did, you know!
Hm hm, it’s still 100 years too early to acquire my help for free!
Izumi(He says that, but Kamekichi’s looking excited too.)
KamekichiAlright, now that that's settled, let's get to work!
I’ll head off to my secret nut stash!
*flies off*
HisokaThere’s a lot of them over here, Director.
IzumiThere are!
Ah, how about pinecones?
HisokaI think we can use them.
…Let’s grab some.
CHOICE 1: Wanna compete? [+]
CHOICE 2: I can’t wait for the decorations! [+]
Is around this much enough?
HisokaIf it’s not, then we can come again to gather more.
KamekichiI’ll help once more in that case!
Of course you’ll have to pay me in nuts again though!
IzumiOkay, now I have to shop and head home.
HisokaI’ll help carry your bags if you’re going.
IzumiI’m grateful, but carrying these nuts while shopping would be…
HisokaDon’t worry.
…Kamekichi, take these nuts home.
KamekichiOh! Leave it to me!
IzumiIs that really okay?
Don’t eat them without permission, got it!
T-there’s no way I’d do something like that!
A-anyways, I’ll head back first!
*flies off*
Hisoka…Kamekichi’s sure in a hurry.
IzumiIf I didn’t tell him, then he was about to eat them, wasn’t he…
HisokaI’ve given Kamekichi his share.
IzumiIt didn’t seem like there was enough, was there?
HisokaHe was happy it looked like he could share them with his girlfriend, so I think it’s fine.
*door opens*
KazunariAh, could those be the acorns you guys picked up?
YukiGreat timing.
We just went shopping for materials too.
Those ghosts and stuff are cute.
YukiAlright, the nuts looks like they’ve been prepared too, so let’s get down to making them.
IzumiJoin us, Hisoka-san—.
HisokaZz… zzz.
KazunariHisohiso’s snoozing on the sofa!
YukiHe was literally just awake though.
IzumiHe did a lot of work today, so maybe he’s tired.
Let’s leave him there to rest for now.
KazunariOkay, then let’s surprise him by making tons of adorbs decorations by the time he wakes up!
HisokaZzz, zzz
