Misumi Ikaruga/Stray paint

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Living in Cardboard House

Backstage Stories
(Woah! There's a lot of cardboard boxes in the courtyard! Looks like Misumi-kun is making something...)
What are you doing, Misumi-kun?
MisumiAh, Director-san! I'm making a cardboard house~.
IzumiCardboard house...? Oh, is it for your role study?
MisumiYep! My role, Akehoshi, has a scene where he lives in a cardboard house~.
IzumiI see.
KumonSumi-san, I brought some glue!
MisumiThank you, Kumon~!
IzumiAre you going to build a cardboard house too, Kumon-kun?
KumonNo, but it must be hard to make it by himself, so I'm helping Sumi-san to make his house.
IzumiRight. It certainly does looks difficult to build. If you don't mind, I'll help you out too.
MisumiWahh, thank you! Let's make a triangular cardboard house together~!
KumonYay! Sumi-san's triangular cardboard house is now complete!
IzumiIt's just big enough to fit Misumi-kun only, but I'm glad the house turned out well! It really feels like it's his house with the triangle roof!
MisumiThank you both for helping me~. I'm going to try living here from today!
KumonDo your best, Sumi-san!
Izumi(Living in a cardboard house in the courtyard... I think it's an interesting approach for role study, but is it gonna be okay?)
—Next Day—
Oh, Tsumugi. Good morning~.
TsumugiGood morning, Misumi-kun. Sorry for waking you up.
I guess it's true that you slept in a cardboard house. So... how was it?
MisumiHmm... I was able to sleep, but it's a bit cramped and bugs would get inside.
TsumugiIt might be better to cover the windows with plastic wrap or something.
MisumiOh, I see! Thank you, Tsumugi~. I'm gonna try doing that next!
And then, I think I'll make the house a little bigger and make a dining room.
TaichiMisumi-san, there's a message from Director-sensei~!
Wait- You really live in a cardboard house?!
MisumiYep, that's right~. Anyway, what was the message~?
TaichiBreakfast is ready, so she's telling you to come pick it up.
MisumiGot it!
TsumugiSo you eat breakfast here too.
MisumiYeah, it's my house after all!
TaichiMisumi-san sure looks like he's having fun...
MisumiDone! Ehehe, I made a dining room, and the house became bigger~.
MisumiOh, Citron!
CitronYour role study looks like a lot of fun, so I made a cardboard house too!
I'm Citron from Room 02, and I just moved next door~!
MisumiWow, so you're my neighbour! It's nice to meet you~.
CitronNice to meet you too! I brought some sweets as a gift for moving in!
MisumiMy my, thank you very much.
Your house looks really wonderful~.
CitronThank you! I was very particular about the shape of this window here, you see.
ManagerLooks like both of you are having fun living in cardboard houses, huh?
MisumiYeah! It's really fun~.
CitronCome be our neighbour too, Isuke!
ManagerEh, you're inviting me too? I'm so happy! Thank you very much~.
If that's the case, please wait a moment!
MisumiOkay, I'll be waiting~!
ManagerHeave-ho, heave-ho...!
Thank you for waiting! It's a little bit messy, but I've also made a house!
MisumiWelcome, Manager!
CitronIsuke is from Room 03, so you're my neighbour now!
ManagerYes! I look forward to living with you from today~.
—Lounge (Night)—
MisumiI'm so hungry~.
ManagerWhat are we having for dinner tonight?
IzumiOh, Misumi-kun. You're going to eat at the cardboard house again tonight, right?
CHOICE 1: Is the role study going well? [+]
IzumiHow's your role study going?
MisumiIt's pretty good so far~.
Tomorrow, I'm thinking of making a bed out of cardboard, since Akehoshi also tried to make it.
MisumiOther than that, I built a small table~.
Oh, I also made a cardboard of Mr. Sankaku! I'll show it to you later.
Izumi(You seem to be really enjoying your role study and life in a cardboard house, huh.)
CHOICE 2: It's been renovated. [+]
IzumiI see the house has been renovated.
MisumiYeah! I put a plastic wrap on the window~. Then, I made the house a little bigger and included a dining room.
MisumiNow that it's bigger, Director-san can fit in too. Come visit my house next time!
IzumiI do feel interested... Plus, it might be a good reference for future plays, so I think I'll go.
MisumiOkay! Ehehe, I'll be waiting~.
CitronIsuke and I also built a cardboard house! We're gonna eat dinner together in the courtyard~.
IzumiEh?! Citron-kun and Manager too?
ManagerYes! They invited me along.
MisumiFrom now on, the three of us will live in a cardboard house~.
IzumiI didn't expect more members to join in too...
SakyoSeriously... I can understand the story if it's for role study, but what's good about living in cardboard house?
TaichiGuys~! I wanna join too!
CitronOh! What you have in your hands, is that your cardboard house?!
TaichiThat's right!
SakyoNanao too...?
TaichiHehe, it looked like fun, so I actually made it in my room this morning!
Is it okay for me to live with you guys?
MisumiOf course!
CitronYou're welcome here!
ManagerFrom today onwards, the courtyard will be the village of the four of us!
TaichiYay! Well then, let's go to the courtyard with our dinner!
IzumiHmm... I know it's for role study, but I'm still worried about them sleeping in a cardboard box outside.
More people ended up joining too... Should I stop them?
SakyoIt won't last long anyway. Just leave them alone.
—Next Day—
TsumugiGood morning. It's time to wake up.
CitronMm... it's already morning...?
TaichiGood morning~. It sure feels nice having Tsumugi-san as our wake-up call!
MisumiThank you for waking us up every day~.
TsumugiYou're welcome.
Oh, is the house getting bigger again?
CitronYes, we made a "revocation" to it!
TaichiYou mean "renovation"!
ManagerAfter making improvements, it's even more comfortable than before~.
TsumugiIt's amazing that it's constantly upgrading.
MisumiI'm home!
CitronMisumi, welcome back!
ManagerWelcome back!
TaichiWelcome back! What kind of part-time job did you have today?
MisumiToday, at the shopping mall...
MisumiIt's started raining!
CitronA sudden "downfall"! [1]
ManagerM-my cardboard house! It got wet and broke down in no time at all!
MisumiOh no! Manager, hurry up and enter my house!
CitronNooo, my house is "clumping"! [2]
TaichiAgh! The rain's too strong! Our houses are getting destroyed!
MisumiWhat should we do?!
CitronLet's go inside the dorm!
—Entrance Dorm—
TaichiUgh, I'm drenched...
MisumiI didn't expect the cardboard house to break down...
ManagerAll of my personal belongings inside are soaked too...
Good grief... I see the houses were destroyed by the rain. Didn't you think about the weather?
MisumiI didn't think about it at all...
CitronMe too...
ManagerSame here...
TaichiI didn't think I'd get soaked like this...
Sakyo*sigh* ...I'll bring you guys towel, so wait here.
TaichiSakyo-nii, thank you~!
CitronI'm "inducted" to you...! [3]
MisumiThank you, Sakyo~!
ManagerWe're saved~! While you're at it, please bring hot drinks too...
SakyoDon't get carried away, brew it yourself.
Citron*sigh* It's all broken now. I don't want to live in a cardboard house anymore.
TaichiI think so too...
ManagerI agree...
MisumiMe too...
It was fun, but living in a cardboard house is really hard...


  1. ドジョウ降り (dojōburi / fallen pond loach) → 土砂降り (doshaburi / downpour)
  2. ヘニャヘニャ (henyahenya / gone weak) → ふにゃふにゃ(funyafunya / gone soft)
  3. ポンに着る (pon ni kiru / wear pong) → 恩に着る (on ni kiru / be indebted)