Misumi Ikaruga/MANKAI Encore

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Encore: Sky

Backstage Stories
Ah, Tenma, watch out!
TenmaAck! The heck is this...a paper plane?
KazunariYou make one too, Tenten! This time I'm gonna set a record for the farthest one~
MukuWhat shape is yours, Kazu-kun?
KazunariThe Eiffel Tower! This is totes perfect!
KumonI've never seen a paper plane like that before! As expected of Kazu-san!
YukiWhy's there a hole in it?
KazunariAs expected of Yukki, you noticed? This is the main point, you see ☆
YukiIt definitely won't fly like that.
TenmaOi, we're about to start practice. Hurry up and get on with it already.
YukiThat Money Grubbing Yakuza will definitely scold us if he saw this.
MukuTh-that'd be scary...
(Knock knock)
IzumiHey guys, can I have a moment?
KumonThat scared meee!
MukuI-It's the director, huh... Thank goodness.
IzumiHuh, what's going on...whoa, there are a lot of paper planes here.
MisumiThe manager gave me a bunch of unused papers~ There's so many triangleeees!
MukuIf Sakyo-san finds out about this, he'll definitely get angry...
IzumiI see, so that's what this is about. Make sure to clean up properly, okay?
IzumiAh, right. I wanted to talk to you guys about something.
Mankai Company received an invitation from a local theater festival.
I was wondering if we should do a re-run performance since there's nothing new to perform. And since it's in a port city--
KazunariOh, isn't that great? The atmosphere is perfect!
IzumiYep. I thought that if we're going to do a re-run performance in a port city, it'd have to be Summer Troupe's Sky's Pirates.
MisumiThen I can be Sky again?! Yay~!
MukuWah, I'm looking forward to it! I wonder if Kyu-chan will be playing as a naval officer?
KazunariThat means you're gonna be Paul's subordinate! Counting on you, Kumopi~!
KumonI'm in your hands!
YukiI'll have to adjust the size of the costumes. Especially Muku's.
IzumiFufu, I guess we don't really need to discuss the performance.
I've asked Igawa-san about Tenma-kun's schedule, and he's given me the OK.
TenmaGot it.
IzumiAnd with that, make sure to practice to refresh your memory!
Misumi & MukuAye aye, sir!
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KumonSo tasty!
KazunariLocal performances are the best!
MukuWestern and Chinese food...they're both delicious, aren't they!
MisumiThere's also a triangle chimaki~![1]
YukiKumon, don't eat all that meat by yourself.
KumonI mean, this is just too good! Hey, hey! You try one too, Tenma-san!
TenmaI've been here a few times for filming. You guys should eat.
YukiHow annoying.
KazunariAh right, Director-chan, do we get any free time?!
IzumiYou'll get some free time when tomorrow's performance is over.
KumonHeck yeah~! Where should we go?!
YukiKazunari said he's done his research.
KazunariTsk, tsk, it's a bit different this time~! I figured I'd ask the locals about the sights this time around!
Let's go on a random trip, y'all~!
MisumiSounds fun~!
MukuIt's kinda like a TV show!
ServerExcuse me. I'll be taking the empty plates.
KazunariOh, here's our chance! Excuse me, are there any tourist spots around here?
TenmaOi, so suddenly...
YukiAs expected of Friendly McExtrovert.
ServerTourist spots, huh... Then how about a cruise ship?
KazunariSounds awesome! Super on point for a port city!
All right! Let's look it up on the net ASAP, lookin' it up~♪
...Ah, it's this!
MukuWow, it's also lit up at night.
YukiHeh, this is pretty nice.
KazunariHey! I'm really feeling this! Whaddya think, Sumi?
KazunariWhat's up? Are you not into this?
MisumiNo! I wanna go!
KazunariAll right, the captain has decided, we're going sightseeing on a cruise ship~!
TenmaGeez, guess it can't be helped.
IzumiAre you guys ready?
YukiPerfectly ready.
MukuI'm ready!
TenmaAll right, let's keep our heads up and make the audience laugh as hard as we can.
--Come on, Captain.
All right, men, swords at th' ready!
MukuAh, it's the same huddle we did during the main performance!
MisumiMuku, you go here, Tenma goes here, Yuki, stand here, and Kazu goes here~
TenmaEven the position's the same...
MisumiLastly, in the middle is my sword...and Kumon's sword!
KazunariThere's a cross on the ◇...
TenmaThere're 4 triangles now, huh. There were only 2 before.
MisumiYep! Now that there are 6 of us in the Summer Troupe, we've doubled the triangles!
MukuWow, you're right!
KazunariTriangle Power is in full swing!
YukiSure, sure.
--Let's go, me hearties!
Summer TroupeAye aye, sir!
Izumi(The poor and small-time Sky Pirates stop by a port one day and get information about Black Beard, the million-dollar bounty hunter...)
Sky"Listen up, ye scurvy dogs! We be lookin' fer Black Beard!"
Henry"Black Beard? I heard about him, but I think he's jus' a small fry."
Sky"Henry, ye damn fool, he's worth a million dollars, y'know?! How's that a small fry?!"
"With a million dollars, we could e'en fix our broken mast an' replace our sail with a nicely stitched one..."
Jonny"Uuu, I'm real glad, Cap'n!"
Sky"Ye understand me, Jonny?"
"That's right! Better yet, we should jus' get a new ship!"
Jonny"It's a dream come true, Cap'n!"
Henry"That's the reason why we're poor..."
Francoise"Hire me. A million dollars is not a small price to pay. I'll guide ye to a much bigger treasure trove."
Sky"Treasure, ye say? And how much is it worth?"
Francoise"I'd guess around four million dollars."
Sky"Welcome to th' crew!"
Francoise"Glad to be a part of yer ship. The name's Francoise."
Sky"Hehe, that four million dollars will be mine!"
Henry"And Cap'n loses his head to money yet again..."
Jonny"Aye, and yet we're as poor as e'er..."
Henry"They do say beggars in a hurry don' get much."
Sky"Watch yer tongue there! Don't be rude to yer cap'n!"
Henry"But ye sure are pale, lass. Can ye truly be Black Beard?"
Francoise"In this day an' age, UV care is jus' common sense. So are sunscreen, parasols, sunglasses..."
Jonny"Aye, there're also sunscreens that ye can drink these days, right? I ordered mine online the other day."
Francoise"Heh~I see. Lemme know what ye think once ye try it."
Sky"Us pirates don' wear sunscreens! It's uncool!"
Izumi(Fufu, everyone's doing it so naturally, so the audience are able to understand it, too.)
Francoise"Hehe, I can't believe the cap'n was stupid enough to trust me. I'll jus' take their treasure an' get outta here."
Henry"Aye, I agree with you that our cap'n is a fool, but ye nay be taking our treasure anywhere, lass."
Francoise"!! How're ye... I'm sure I had mixed the sleepin' medicine..."
Henry"And ye were so obvious about it."
Francoise"But everyone else is sleeping, even the Cap'n."
Henry"Aye, because they all be damned fools."
"Last time they played on deck they fell into shark-infested waters, and I can't tell ye how many times this ship has nearly sunk..."
Francoise"I dunno how ye can live with that..."
Henry"I feel ye."
"I be warnin' ye now, but this ship is dirt poor, there's no escape boat here, much less any treasures."
Francoise"What?! But I thought large ships were required to carry escape boats..."
Henry"How can a pirate ship protect such a thing? I mean yer free to swim home, though."
Francoise"I-I can't escape..."
Henry"Aye, that be the case. Ye better keep yer promise an' lead us right to the treasure o' yers."
Izumi(Next is a scene where Henry is chased by the Navy and captured an officer...)
Paul"--Ngh, he's behind me before I realized?!"
Paul's Subordinate"Oi, let go of him!"
Paul's Subordinate"--Gh?!"
Henry"This lad is quite brave."
"You've got a good subordinate, tryin' to help a respected officer."
Paul's Subordinate"That's obvious!"
Henry"But ye still got a long way to go, lad."
Paul's Subordinate"Ugh...!"
Izumi(Kumon-kun doesn't have much lines this time, but he's got a good presence.)
Jonny"Henry, be it true that ye be the one and the same scoundrel?"
Henry"Hehe, ye found me out."
Jonny"Quit yer titterin'! Yer the reason why an entire naval battalion came down upon us!"
Henry"Ye can't blame me. Cap'n shouldn't 'ave taken Black Beard on an' attractin' all that attention."
"But why ye be attractin' so much attention? Yer jus' a wee runt."
Francoise"YOU'RE the one attractin' attention! 'Sides, yer hardly a giant yerself!"
Sky"So it be that the smaller ye are, the more famous, huh..."
Henry & Francoise"Don't call me small!"
Sky"But ye were just callin' each other small?!"
Izumi(In the midst of a smooth voyage, the crew is once again surrounded by the naval fleet and caught helplessly...)
Paul"Now, where are your other crewmates?!"
Henry"I wonder."
Paul"If you're not gonna spill it, then I'm going to have to reduce the number of people here to make you want to talk!"
Henry"Do it if ye can."
Paul's subordinate"Officer, I'll lend you a hand!"
Henry"This guy interrupted me earlier too, didn't he? What kinda position are ye in?"
Paul's Subordinate"What do you mean by interrupting?! I'm Paul-sama's number one subordinate!"
Sky"This lad's a nice guy who adores the officer. Aye, what's this lad's name?"
Paul"...I don't know."
Paul's Subordinate"W...Whaaat?!"
Henry"Blimey, that's cruel of ye."
Paul"Who cares about that, just get to work! Let's start with this guy."
Paul's Subordinate"O-officer...uu... Understood."
Izumi(Kumon-kun said that he used Sakoda-san as a reference, but he really does have the same vibe. It's a perfect fit for the character...)
(As soon as they arrive at the island, they escaped thanks to Henry's quick thinking. With Francoise's guidance, they reach the hidden spot of the treasure.)
Jonny"Cap'n! It's here! Over here!"
Sky"It's really here!"
"I'm finally goin' to be rich--huh?"
"There nay be treasure...but a letter instead?"
Jonny"To the me 5 years in the future. How are ye doin' now--"
Francoise"What is it?"
Henry"Hm? Oh, it be nothin'."
Sky"Nay, you clearly said "Oh!" as if you jus' remembered somethin'."
Henry"Aye, I just remembered I had plundered this spot here long ago, y'see."
Francoise"T'was YOU?!"
Jonny"NOW ye remember?!"
Sky"Ye should've told us from th' beginning, dammit!"
Henry"So I put a letter there for my future self. Oh~this brings back memories!"
Jonny"Don't go usin' it as a time capsule!"
Henry"To the me of five years ago. I'm with my precious friends now--"
"Don't be sayin' good things now! We don' have a ship anymore!"
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Summer TroupeThank you very much!
Izumi(The audience laughed a lot, and this re-run was a great success!)
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KazunariThe sea breeze feels so nice~!
KumonAwesooome! I really feel like a pirate!
KazunariOi, you pirates. Be quiet!
KumonBe quiet! ...Eh, it's two against one?!
MukuNo problem. Let's deal with the two of them together.
KazunariYou're so handsome, Mukkun! I've been hit hard~!
MukuWaaa! Hearing you say that is making me shy...
KumonThat was really good! I'm gonna beat you! Uoooo!
KazunariAh, me too! Oryaaa!
YukiYou're not gonna join them, hack?
Yuki'Cause you look like you want to.
TenmaHah? How exactly do I look like that?!
IzumiWhat's wrong, Misumi-kun?
I'll play with everyone, too~
(Misumi-kun seemed like he was thinking about something...)
MisumiHoist the sails! Raise the anchor!
Kazunari & Muku & KumonSet sail!
YukiMan, it got even noisier.
TenmaThey're sure energetic. Guess they haven't run enough yet...
MisumiHey, Director-chan! Let's do an extra show~!
YukiDon't be absurd.
KazunariAhaha, you just feel like you want to do a bit more, don't you?
KumonSumi-san seemed to be having so much fun~!
IzumiWe'll do it again someday.
...And when that time comes, I'd like--to watch it, too.
MisumiIt's nothing!
Come on, me hearties! Let's go find that legendary treasure!
KumonI'm getting hungry~
YukiObviously, when you're that excited.
IzumiYeah, and it's just about time. Why don't we go to the cafe on board?
MukuWah, how nice!
KazunariHuh? Speaking of which, where did Sumi go?
TenmaWhat, could he be lost?
YukiHe's not you.
TenmaWhat was that?!
KazunariWhat is it, Mukkun?
MukuYou guys can go to the cafe first. I'll look for him!
KumonAnd there he goes... Shouldn't we go look for him too?
Izumi...It's okay. Let's just leave it to Muku-kun.
MisumiAh, Muku.
MukuUm...are you maybe thinking about Madoka-kun?
MukuI heard you say "I'd like Madoka to watch it, too" earlier...
MisumiAhaha, so you heard~
--But yeah. Gramps actually brought me here once before.
A trip?
HakkakuYes. I was supposed to go there to collect data for a script.
You've...never been on a family or a school trip, have you?
Seeing a different scenery enriches one's sensibility and life.
Besides, you might do theater someday, too. There's a lot you can learn from it.
MisumiYeah! I look forward to going on a trip with Gramps!
HakkakuHow is it? The scenery of your first trip.
MisumiThe sea is sparkling and the sky is so wide...! It's so pretty!
Gramps, I will always remember this scenery!
"The world is not just this. Your world will be much, much bigger."
--Was what Gramps said.
I was really impressed by the scenery then, but not so much now.
MukuI'm sure that's because Misumi-san's world has expanded since that time.
MisumiAhaha, you're right~
...And so, I bought a postcard as a souvenir.
I wanted to share the excitement of that moment with Madoka.
I was a little worried that he'd say he didn't want it, but he accepted it~
MukuWah, that's good to hear!
MisumiYep! Madoka didn't say anything, but he was really happy.
When I remembered that, I really wanted to meet Madoka...and I want him to watch Summer Troupe's play~
MukuI'm sure Madoka-kun would be amazed if he saw you playing as Sky!
Misumi"So cool~" I wonder if he'd think that?
MisumiEhehe~then I have to do my best to practice more.
MukuAhaha, you're right.
MisumiAh, everyone's looking for us~
MukuShall we go?
KumonAh, found theeem!
KazunariSumi! We have onigiri right here~!
MisumiOnigiri?! Yippie! Triangle, triangle~!
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MadokaI'm pretty sure Grandpa's stuff is kept in here. Let's see...
--A postcard of a ship? I believe this is...
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Misumi"Dear Madoka. Let's get on this ship together someday! △△△"
MadokaSomeday, huh...
Geez, you should at least write your own name properly.
...Nii-san really is a strange guy.



  1. Chimaki is a Japanese dumpling made of various ingredients, that is wrapped in a leaf (bamboo, banana, or reed) and steamed.