Misumi Ikaruga/Brilliance of Blooming

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MANKAI Livestream! ~LIVE: Misumi~

Backstage Stories
IzumiFor today’s leader meeting, Kazunari-kun will be joining.
BanriDidja come up with somethin’ again?
KazunariExactamundo, Settzer! Just something I wanted to give a go.
Actually… we held a project survey asking everyone what they wanted us to do⁓!
SakuyaA project survey, you say?
IzumiYup. As per Kazunari-kun’s suggestion, it was for our fans.
KazunariThankfully, MANKAI Company’s popularity is sky high RN!
TenmaYou’re right, our new fans have increased quite a bit.
KazunariHowever, it seems like the older fans felt they’ve grown distant from us that it’s making ‘em feel left out.
KazunariSo, no matter how popular we get, we should be closer to our fans as a theater troupe, ya know?
BanriI getcha. And that’s why you sent that survey out.
TsumugiAnd as for the results?
KazunariThe most common response was “seeing more of the troupe members holding InsteLives and taking selfies!”
TenmaI guess there are people who hold InsteLives more often than the others.
TsumugiSame goes for taking selfies. We mostly left that to those who are good at social media.
KazunariSo so! My proposition for this special project is to hold the “Solo InsteLive & Selfie Festival” for 24 days straight!
BanriSelfie Festival?
KazunariYou take a quick selfie during the live and you post it after you finish the live, ain’t that a bangin’ idea?
IzumiWe already consulted Sakyo and he said it’ll be fine as long as I supervise in case some trouble comes up.
KazunariAnywho, the rest is up to y’all, so… how about it?
SakuyaI would love to do it! I certainly want to make everyone happy…
But for me, even if it’s behind a screen, I’m happy to just get a chance to talk to our fans!
TsumugiI’d like to do it as well. Maybe with this, I’ll get the hang of InsteLives and the sort.
TenmaAlthough, we can’t just chat with them, right?
KazunariOh about that, I thought of just doing a survey again for stuff they’d like each of us to do.
BanriSeems like it’ll be easier that way.
IzumiIt’d be interesting for each InsteLive to turn out differently.
KazunariSo, that’s that! Leave the form-making and tallying to me!
SakuyaThank you very much, Kazunari-san!
IzumiWell then, I’ll leave it to you leaders to share the info on the InsteLive and selfies to everyone in your troupe.
LeadersGot it!
MisumiTriangle⁓♪ Triaaangle♪
KumonSumi-san, you look like you’re having fun.
Could that be the request survey for your InsteLive?
MisumiYup! Everyone seems to looove triangles. There were a buncha triangles on it!
KumonIs that so? Well I’m sure it’s cuz people learned a lot about triangles from you!
MisumiEhehe⁓ How nice⁓! Everyone sure does pay attention to me.
KumonAnd that’s cuz everyone likes you!
MisumiYeah! I love everyone, too!
Hey hey, would everyone be happy if I talk to them about my favorite thing?
KumonFor sure! Everyone would be delighted.
MisumiEhehe, I see.
All right, I’ve decided what to do!
With that said, the Triangle Excavation Team will start an investigation here! No entry until dinner time⁓
KumonWhaa!? Even me!?
IzumiUm… There seems to be a lot of noise coming from Room 203… Is everything good there?
KumonOh, uh, probably? Sumi-san’s in the middle of a triangle excavation. I got driven out of the room.
KazunariA triangle excavation? I’m totes curious!
TenmaAre you sure there aren’t any problems?
YukiEven with the crazy sounds?
MukuIt sounds like there’s construction going on.
Izumi(I wonder how Misumi-kun’s InsteLive will turn out…)
MisumiAnd there we go!
IzumiWoah! That’s a lot of triangles…!
MisumiEhehe⁓ I got them all from my room⁓
IzumiThat’s impressive. Are you good to go?
MisumiYup! Aaall good!
IzumiLet’s get started then.
MisumiHello⁓ This is Misumi Ikaruga of the Summer Troupe from MANKAI Company!
Comment“We’ve been waiting△△△”
MisumiAhaha, everyone’s feeling lively. The comments are full of triangles⁓
Thank you all for the InsteLive requests⁓!
I got a bunch, so I was very happy!
Comment“No problem!”
Comment“I enjoyed filling the survey out⁓△”
MisumiSo the one I chose from all of them was⁓…
Tada! I’ll present to you all my beloved triangles!
Comment“A presentation of Misumi-kun’s triangles!”
Comment“How fun!”
Comment“I wonder what kinds there’ll be, it’s exciting△”
MisumiOf course the first one will be… Triangle-kun!
Comment“Triangle-kun’s here!”
Comment“If it’s Misumi, there’s Triangle-kun!”
MisumiThis one’s Normal Triangle-kun. And this one’s Travel Triangle-kun.
Ah, this one’s from when me and Kazu took a pic of Special Triangle-kun!
Comment“So cute⁓△”
Comment“You sure have various Triangle-kuns”
MisumiPennants are next! I’ve got different kinds of it⁓
For example, this one⁓ or this one!
Comment“I have the same one!”
Comment“What cool souvenirs⁓”
Comment“Damn, I want a pennant now”
MisumiRight here’s a triangle hairpin! Then I also have a triangle garland.
A triangle flask, and a triangle towel, and a triangle onigiri case!
I still have much more!
CHOICE 1: How about that big triangle? [+]
Comment“How about that big triangle?”
MisumiAh, well this one is⁓ a triangle bag! I saw it from a shop the other day.
You must have really good eyes if you spotted this one.
I put onigiri or triangle candies in this triangle bag, and then…
I go triangle hunting! Triangle triangle⁓!
Comment“Very nice!”
Comment“It fits you perfectly⁓”
Comment“Super cute!”
CHOICE 2: Seeing all sorts of triangles is enjoyable! [+]
Comment“Seeing all sorts of triangles is enjoyable!”
MisumiEhehe⁓, I’m glad you think so! Getting told that makes me even happier!
Comment“Your smile is so comforting⁓”
Comment“The Misumi-kun who loves triangles is so precious!”
You all should let me know when you find a pretty triangle⁓
Let’s all go triangle hunting together!
Comment“I’ll tell you if I find a good one!”
Comment“When I see triangles, Misumi-kun just pops up in my mind”
MisumiI wonder which one I should present next⁓
Comment“Which one’s your favorite triangle?”
MisumiMy favorite triangle…
Hmm, I’ve got lots so it’s hard to choose…
Comment“It is tough”
Comment“Well any triangle is lovely”
MisumiAh! I know!
Everyone, just hold on for a moment⁓!
Comment“Wait, Misumi-kun!?”
Comment“He went somewhere”
Comment“Did something come to mind?”
MisumiOver here⁓
???Hold up, Ikaruga!
Comment“There’s someone else’s voice?”
Comment“Who, who?”
MisumiEveryone, I brought Tasuku⁓!
Behold! My favorite triangle!
Comment“It’s Tasuku-san!”
Comment“His favorite’s Tasuku-san?”
Comment“Are they close buddies?”
MisumiTasuku’s triangles are amaaazing, you know!
It’s around this part⁓…
TasukuDon’t just pull on my clothes. And don’t take it off.
IzumiDon’t tell me you’re gonna…!
TasukuYou, stop right there.
Obviously he’s talking about the deltoid muscle. I won’t be showing it off like this on the spot.
Comment“Oh, so it’s the deltoid!”
Comment“So that’s what was going on⁓!”
Comment“Well Tasuku-san’s muscles are amazing”
MisumiReally⁓? I wanted to show it to everyone though…
TasukuIf that’s the case then let me know in advance. Anyways, now’s not the right time.
MisumiThen, will you show it someday?
Comment“I wanna see…!”
Comment“Misumi-kun’s favorite deltoid muscle△”
Tasuku…Well, I guess yeah, maybe.
Comment“Looking forward to it!”
Comment“Misumi-kun looks very happy about it”
Comment“Tasuku-san, thank you very much!”
MisumiOkie, up next is selfie time⁓
Oh yeah, lookie at my hand!
I drew a triangle just for this stream! It was Kazu’s idea⁓
With this, I always have a triangle with me! You all should do this, too.
Comment“So adorable⁓”
Comment“I’ll match with you!”
Comment“Kazunari Miyoshi, nice idea!”
MisumiI’m taking the pic now⁓ Triaaangle!
TasukuAs expected as someone from the Summer Troupe… You’re experienced with taking selfies.
MisumiHehe⁓ I do take pics with them a lot!
Comment“Misumi-kun, you’re good at taking selfies!”
Comment“What a nice smile⁓”
MisumiYou join in too, Tasuku!
Comment“We got two shots!”
Comment“They’re so close△△△”
IzumiIt’s almost time!
MisumiAh, it’s already ending time⁓
Thank you for today, you guys! I had a looot of fun!
Comment“I enjoyed it as well!”
Comment“It was delightful seeing all kinds of triangles!”
Comment“Thank you, Misumi-kun△△△”
MisumiWell then, I’ll see you all next time⁓!
TasukuThank you for coming.
MisumiWhat a good job⁓
IzumiYou two did fantastic!
TasukuSigh, I ended up getting dragged in it…
MisumiTasuku, thank you for your cooperation! Everyone was happy about it, you know!
TasukuIf everyone had fun, then I guess it’s all good.
IzumiWell that was a thrilling time.
MisumiYup yup!
IzumiOh, Misumi-kun, don’t forget to upload the pic.
KumonI saw your InsteLive, Sumi-san! That was an insane amount of triangles!
There’s a lot I haven’t seen yet that I wanted to see more and more⁓
MisumiI’ll show them to you, then!
KumonNice! I wonder what more there’ll be.
Oh right, have you uploaded the pic to Inste yet?
MisumiYeah! Take a looksie.
KumonAhaha, you look really happy!
MisumiIf there’s a next time, let’s do it together⁓
KumonWhaa, really!? Yeah, yeah, let’s do it! It’d be so much fun!
MisumiLet’s hear Director’s thoughts immediately! Ehehe, I’m so excited!
