Outside Work Conversations/Yuki and Guy

From A3! Wiki

Veludo Station Front

YukiCitron likes kabuki shows, but do you have any interest in that?
GuyI have seen a little about kabuki in a Japanese feature on a TV show.
YukiYou wanna go to a kabuki show next time?
GuyIt seems like a chance to learn a lot. Please do show me the way.

Veludo Park

GuyI'm new to kabuki shows. It would be a big help if you could teach me about etiquette.
YukiIf you just keep your mouth shut and sit still then you'll be good. Whispering is a no-no.
GuyKeep a mouth shut, huh. I'm good at holding my breath. I can go for 5 minutes with ease...
YukiYou don't need to go that far.

Veludo Town Library

GuyKabuki... It's very deep. Yet the guild names for the actors are difficult.
YukiIt's fine. Your master still can't say them to this day.
GuySome of the famous ones were... Sakaya, Yaoya, and Komeya I believe?
YukiShopping district places, huh. Like master, like servant...[1]

  1. Famous kabuki actor guilds end in -ya(Naritaya, Otowaya, Kouraiya...), but so do shopping district specialty stores. Sakaya is a liquor shop, Yaoya a greengrocer shop and Komeya a rice shop.