Cards/Yuki Rurikawa/Butterflies Among Peonies

From A3! Wiki
Butterflies Among Peonies
Leader Skill レッツゴー!羽子板
Let's Go! Hagoita
Adlib Skill 座れば牡丹
Sitting Like a Peony
Cardset Hanami de Ippai
Card № 1777


昔、姉貴と羽子板に絵とか描いて可愛く作ってた。 好きにアレンジしたマイ羽子板って、よくない?

When I was young, my sisters and I made cute hagoitas by drawing things on them and stuff. Isn't it nice, making your own hagoita the way you like it?


Card Stats

Lv. Co Ac Sr
1 1504 2109 2407
60 2507 3525 4000
+ 2677 3765 4270
++ 2847 4005 4540
🔥🔥🔥 3747 4905 5440

Adlib Skill Stats

Lv. % Activation % Stat Increase
1 15 25
2 20 30
3 25 35
4 30 40

