Cards/Yuki Rurikawa/Licky Heart Parfait

From A3! Wiki
Action.png Summer troupe.png SR
Licky Heart Parfait
(Licky Heart Parfait) Yuki Action SR.png
(Licky Heart Parfait) Yuki Action SR+.png
Leader Skill スイーツは見た目も肝心
Presentation Is Crucial For Sweets As Well
Adlib Skill あざとくツインハート
Clever Twin Hearts
Cardset Valentine's Magic



It’s nice to get to pay close attention to the colors when arranging a parfait. An outfit with a parfait motif could be cute too.


Card Stats[edit]

Lv. Comedy.png Co Action.png Ac Serious.png Sr
1 1023 1638 1434
60 2026 3290 2850
+ 2196 3570 3090
++ 2366 3850 3330
🔥🔥🔥 3266 4750 4230

Adlib Skill Stats[edit]

Lv. % Activation % Stat Increase
1 15 25
2 20 30
3 25 35
4 30 40



Yuki 001 Chibi.png Yuki 045 Chibi.png