Yuki Rurikawa/Fairy Syndrome
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Knockout☆Big Brother
Backstage StoriesTenma | I’m back. |
Taichi | Sorry for barging in! |
*sewing machine noises* | |
Yuki | Welcome back. |
Tenma | Your sewing machine’s pretty loud. |
Taichi | There sure is a lot of cloth on the floor. |
Yuki | I’m making my costume right now, so don’t get in the way. |
Tenma | Oh yeah, you’re entering that theme park contest, right? |
Taichi | The concept’s based on the world of fairy tales, yeah? Who’re you going as, Yuki-chan? |
Yuki | Gretel. |
Taichi | The little sister in Hansel and Gretel! |
Tenma | Isn’t that the story where the brother and sister eat a house made of candy? |
Yuki | Your lack of knowledge is showing. |
Tenma | That’s what they’re all like! |
Taichi | But I think it’ll really suit Yuki-chan! |
Yuki | I’m being careful with the costume’s design and I’m gonna put effort towards the performance to put my own spin on Gretel. |
Taichi | So who’s gonna be Hansel? |
Yuki | Itaru is. |
Tenma | Sounds like an awfully harsh pair of siblings… |
Taichi | Yuki-chan and Itaru-san have really attractive faces! |
Yuki | Appearances aside, there’s no way I’d want a guy like that to be my older brother. |
But… We’re supposed to be siblings who get along, so I want to prepare for that somehow. | |
Taichi | When you think of siblings who get along, don’t you think of Juza-san and Kyuu-chan? Why not use them as a reference? |
Yuki | Like how? |
Tenma | Maybe take a bath together? |
Yuki | Uh… |
Tenma | What’s so bad about that? It’s not like it hasn’t happened before. |
Yuki | I don’t mind when we happen to bathe with each other by chance, but I’m not gonna go out of my way to ask. |
Taichi | In that case, why don’t you try living in the same room as him?! |
Yuki | Absolutely not. Have you seen that room? |
Tenma | …After all this rejection so far, I’m really feeling sorry for Itaru-san. |
Taichi | I feel bad for him. |
Tenma | Are you sure you don’t want to stay in his room for a while? To be honest, there’s something I want to ask Chikage-san about. |
Yuki | Something you want to ask him about? |
Taichi | You want him to look at your assignments, don’t cha? |
Tenma | How did you know?! |
Taichi | We go to the same university, so I can tell by looking at you. |
Tenma | I-I’m busy with work right now, so it’s a little hard to keep up with my classes. |
Yuki | *sighs* I guess I don’t have a choice… Alright, I’ll go. |
Taichi | Good for you, Ten-chan! |
Tenma | We’ll just do it for one night for now. |
Taichi | Do you think he’ll clean up if you ask and say it’s for the role? |
Yuki | Hopefully. I’ll ask about it too. |
Yuki | (Chikage said that the room’s clean for the most part, so I guess it’s okay…) |
*knock knock* | |
Yuki | I’m coming in— |
Itaru | Ah, welcome. |
Yuki | …This is impossible. |
*door closes* | |
Itaru | Too late. |
Yuki | I heard from Chikage that you tidied up. |
Itaru | I did. |
Yuki | Where? |
Itaru | That’s all you have to say? Even though I poured my blood, sweat, and tears into cleaning when I heard you were coming over. |
Yuki | If this is how things are after you clean, then how bad is it usually…? |
Itaru | Now then, please come this way. Here’s the space that senpai always uses. |
Yuki | This side is normal, I guess. Well, I’ll be doing the rough sketches for the costumes. |
Itaru | ‘Kay. Don’t mind me, I’ll just be playing my game like a good little boy. |
Yuki | By all means. |
Itaru | …Alright, it’s here! |
Yuki | …… |
Itaru | …Hah? You gotta be shittin’ me with that noob play. |
Yuki | …… |
Itaru | Hell yeah! The god-tier support is upon me, thanks you absolute legend! |
Yuki | …… |
I can’t take this anymore! | |
Tenma | I see… I finally get it. |
Chikage | I recommend reading this book for a better understanding of— |
*door opens* | |
Yuki | I couldn’t do it after all. |
Taichi | Huh, you only lasted an hour?! |
Yuki | I can’t help it, I just couldn’t do it. Put the safety pin over there. |
Taichi | But that’s way too soon! |
Yuki | Just move your hands already. |
Taichi | Yessir! |
Tenma | So after all that, how are you gonna prepare for your role? |
Yuki | I’ll be fine for the performance one way or another. More importantly, I’m focusing on making the costumes. |
Tenma | …… |
Now that I think about it, you were having trouble with acting all brotherly with Kazunari during the rehearsals for Sardines, right? | |
Yuki | …… |
…Shiro and Kuro weren’t actually brothers though. | |
Tenma | You had a lot of trouble back then, so wouldn’t it be better to prepare for your brother-sister role too? |
Yuki | Guh… |
Sardines, huh… | |
Tenma | That picture book takes me back. Kazunari made it to help you get out of your slump, right? |
Yuki | But the level-headed Gretel is a completely different character than the sillier Shiro. I don’t think it’ll be very helpful this time. |
Tenma | Really? I don’t think so. |
Yuki | Huh? |
Tenma | Sure, Shiro isn’t level-headed, but at the end of the play, you showed how strong he was too. |
Taichi | Yeah, it was very Yuki-chan-like! |
Tenma | I don’t know how level-headed Gretel is in the original tale, but I think you can do a strong, cheeky, Yuki-like little sister. |
Just do a Gretel that’s like you. | |
Yuki | A Gretel like me… |
I get it now. —I’ll go try something out. | |
Taichi | I’m super stoked to see Itaru-san and Yuki-chan as siblings~! |
Izumi | Good morning. |
Yuki | Morning~ |
Izumi | I heard a lot went on when you were practicing for Gretel last night. |
Yuki | You heard about what happened in Itaru’s room? That failed so much I wanna forget about it. |
Anyways, do you wanna go out after school? I wanna go buy some materials for the costumes. | |
Izumi | Of course. Do you mind if I pick you up after school with the car? |
Yuki | Actually, you’ll be fine assisting. |
Izumi | Huh? |
Itaru | Morning~ |
Yuki | Are you coming home late tonight, Itaru? |
Itaru | Nah. I have an appointment but I’ll be going straight home, so I’ll be back around 5. |
Yuki | Bring your car ‘cause there’s somewhere I wanna go after school. |
Itaru | Sure. …So is this for the usual shopping or for practice? |
Yuki | …Both. |
Yuki | Okay, that’s about it. |
Izumi | That’s a lot of stuff…! |
Yuki | It's a good opportunity to grab stuff for the future and for fixing up my old costumes. |
Clerk | Thank you for stopping by! |
Yuki | Alrighty, here you go Itaru. |
Itaru | What? |
Yuki | Carry my stuff. |
Itaru | No way. I’m just a poor little office worker-slash-gamer who’s only good at mental work. My arms will fall off if I carry something that heavy. |
Yuki | …Please, big bro? |
Itaru | Hnng. |
…One more time. | |
Yuki | Big bro. |
Itaru | …Yes, just like that. |
Yuki | Ew. |
Izumi | (Itaru-san is totally weak to Yuki’s little sister act…!) |
Itaru | Down and out… So this is how you’re prepping for Gretel. |
Izumi | He realized how adorable his little sister is. |
Itaru | Little sister… |
That reminds me, Director is supposedly my little sister too. | |
Yuki | What’re you talking about? |
Izumi | A bunch of stuff happened, and the people at Itaru’s company think I’m his sister… |
Yuki | Huh. So if I’m Itaru’s little sister right now, then that makes you— |
Big sis? | |
Izumi | …! |
I-I think I understand how Itaru-san feels. He’s… definitely got it down. | |
Itaru | Right? |
Yuki | (Hmm…) |
Hey, are you guys hungry? Let’s go eat some pancakes. | |
Izumi | No way. If you eat too much now, then you won’t be able to eat tonight’s curry. |
Yuki | I see dinner’s curry again. |
Izumi | With plenty of mushrooms. We’re going home right away once we’re done shopping. |
Yuki | …But I wanna eat strawberry pancakes together~ |
Big sis? | |
Izumi | …Yuki-kun’s still growing, so he can eat pancakes and dinner! |
Itaru | You fell for that too easily. |
Yuki | C’mon, let’s go together. Won’t you join us too, big bro? |
Itaru | Please, allow me to become your wallet. |
Yuki | …Too easy. |
CHOICE 1: He's powerful [+]
CHOICE 2: It's nice [+]
Yuki | …It’s nice acting like a little sister every once in a while, I guess. I could use this for something. |
Izumi | Yuki-kun has completely mastered the little sister character… |
Itaru | It’s like he reclassed to his strongest class. Is this really a good thing…? |
Yuki | This was good practice, right? Look forward to my take on Gretel. |