Omi Fushimi/Romantic Silver World

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Winter Sports Lessons

Backstage Stories
ItaruYou’ve been thinking for a while, what’s up?
IzumiActually, another theatre troupe invited me on a trip to snowboard with them.
TsumugiHee, that sounds like fun.
IzumiBut, I’ve never gone before. I wonder if I can learn...
OmiSnowboarding...I also go there for photography every year.
KumonOmi-san going snowboarding sounds cool!
ItaruSo Omi is also a partier...?
TsumugiOmi-kun seems like someone who’s good at snowboarding.
OmiHaha, I’d say I’m okay.
KumonItaru-san, you can’t snowboard, can you?
ItaruSo you can tell just by looking. My stats in sports are practically nonexistent, even in cold weather.
TsumugiAhaha, I can’t really imagine Itaru-kun snowboarding.
OmiWith enough practice, you’ll be able to glide smoothly.
KumonYeah! Maybe you’ll have a sudden talent for snowboarding!
ItaruNo thanks.
TsumugiAnyway, please enjoy yourself, Director.
IzumiMhm...I will!
Izumi(Though...I’m still worried that I won’t be able to ski, so let’s just check it out.)
Hee, this video was just uploaded.
...Hm, I feel like it’s harder to understand from a video.
OmiDirector, good evening.
IzumiAh, Omi-kun.
OmiAre you working?
IzumiYeah. I was looking up how to snowboard just now.
It’d be a pain if I can’t snowboard when I get there, so...I figured I’d prepare myself. I did go skiing a long time ago.
OmiHee, you’re watching videos. I think Director will be just fine... ah, almost forgot.
Are you free this weekend, Director?
IzumiEh? I don’t think I have anything...
OmiI’m planning on going snowboarding with my photography college buddies. Wouldn’t it be good for Director to come with and practice beforehand?
IzumiNo, it’s fine, I don’t want to intrude!
OmiActually, six people are needed and one of them had contacted me and said they had an emergency, so they can’t go.
I have one ticket left, and we’ll also be able to lower the cost of the rental car for everyone.
IzumiEhh, but...
OmiAnd uh, it might be helpful for you to come with anyway...
Izumi(What does he mean...?)
OmiWouldn’t it be great to practice still? I can teach you, y’know.
IzumiWell, I guess it wouldn’t hurt...Okay, I’ll come along.
OmiThat’s good to hear. Can’t wait.
Friend AYou...I was wondering who he’d bring along...
Friend BHis girlfriend!
IzumiNo, I’m not his—
OmiHaha, yeah. Who else would I bring.
Friend CDamn man~, I’m jealous!
Friend DAre you two participating in “that”?
OmiYeah, we are. No problem.
Izumi(What’s “that”...?)
Friend AAlright, today I’m definitely gonna get a cute girl and go home~!
Friend BLook, incoming...!
Friend COh, a beautiful woman! Onward!
Izumi...Omi-kun, is this really a good idea?
OmiAhh...Unfortunately, their only reason for being here is to flirt with women.
But since Director’s here, I don’t have to go with, so I was saved.
Izumi(I see, so that’s what he means by saved...)
OmiOkay, let’s start practicing.
IzumiYes, lead the way!
IzumiI-I can’t stand...
OmiIf you stand with your feet closer to your body, the board will stay under you, but it’s alright... this is your first time after all, so I’ll help you up.
There we go.
IzumiI’m standing...! Thanks! But, I don’t know what to do now...
OmiWhile sliding, keep your weight on your heels, and we’ll go bit by bit.
IzumiWeight on my...Th-this is hard...
OmiIt’s okay, I’m still here.
IzumiSorry I’m not strong enough to keep myself up.
OmiHaha, don’t worry about it.
Bend your knees a bit, and make sure your center of gravity doesn’t waver too much.
Izumi...Waa, I’m moving!
OmiYeah, good job. You’re doing great.
Izumi(Omi-kun’s a really good teacher, I’m relieved.)
CHOICE 1: Can you do tricks? [+]
CHOICE 2: Have you taught someone before? [+]
OmiDirector! Are you okay?
IzumiAhaha, I’m fine. Just lost my balance a bit.
OmiSkating and slipping is all part of the process. Isn’t it alright to fall every once in a while?
IzumiIt is! Thanks to Omi-kun, I think I’m confident to slide on my own!
OmiThen, how about we go to the beginner’s area and try it out.
OmiThe incline isn’t as steep here, so you should be fine gliding here.
Try not to focus on falling.
IzumiG-got it.
OmiI’ll just keep watch, so for now, try sliding.
OmiThere you go, keeping your speed in mind, break when you need to with your heels...
IzumiI think I’m getting the hang of this—ah.
OmiBetter to fall now rather than later.
IzumiI thought I was getting used to it... but I’ll nail it next time!
IzumiI feel like I won’t fall this time...!
OmiAlright, do your best, Director.
OmiHaha, you’re getting better at falling.
IzumiUu, I shouldn’t be improving on my falling...
Aa, just a bit more...
OmiBut, you are getting the hang of it. Really, Director.
IzumiAlright, next time, I’m reaching the finish line, I’ll show you!
IzumiI did it without falling...!
OmiYeah, good job!
IzumiI’m so happy! Now, I’m not worried about snowbo—WA!?
OmiGotcha—. You alright?
IzumiS-sorry, thanks for catching me. And just when I was getting it too.
OmiWe’ve been snowboarding since the morning. We should take a break anyway.
IzumiYou’re right, let’s go.
IzumiUu, my body aches...I’m gonna be so sore tomorrow...
OmiI hope you feel better from all that falling.
IzumiThough, since I came here, Omi-kun wasn’t able to snowboard at all... sorry.
OmiNo, today I was helping out Director. Besides, it’s not often I see such a side to Director.
OmiHaha, I’m joking.
Friend AOi oi, show off!
Friend BDid you have to fight people off~?
IzumiNo, I’m not his girlfriend...
OmiIt’s okay, right? I’m rather proud.
IzumiW-wait a second, Omi-kun—
Izumi(I-I guess I shouldn’t say anything...)
Omi‘Kay, Izumi.
(He called me by my name!?)
Friend CDaaamn! This guy’s smooth!
Friend DHappiness in its purest form!
IzumiActually, this has to end.
OmiYeah, sorry. Today, I wanted to feel like a lover to Director.
OmiHaha, I’m joking.
IzumiOmi-kun doesn’t sound like he’s joking...
OmiAfter you rest a bit more, how about we head to a higher level course. We can go in the afternoon.
IzumiYeah! I wanna know how to turn, so please teach me.
OmiGot it, you can count on me.