Omi Fushimi/Hunky Middle Dancer
From A3! Wiki
Men Talking About Muscles
Backstage StoriesMisumi | Omi~ |
Omi | What’s up? |
Misumi | Omi, I have a request! |
Omi | A request? |
Misumi | So the thing is— |
—And that's why I want you to be a model with me for a job~ | |
Omi | A magazine model… And you’re supposed to appear as a burlesque dancer? |
But if you need someone muscular, then wouldn't Tasuku be better for this? | |
Izumi | Tasuku has a guest performance that day, so he can’t do it. |
Omi | I see. ...However, it sounds like a difficult theme. |
Misumi | Oh that reminds me, I got this from the cameraman~ |
Omi | A business card? |
This… ....Abukawa, is this that Abukawa? | |
Izumi | Is he famous? |
Omi | Yeah. He's still new in the industry, but he’s been recognized as an up-and-coming photographer. |
Misumi, you've been approached by an amazing person. | |
Misumi | You think so? |
Izumi | And if it’s with a famous photographer, it’ll not only be a beneficial experience as an actor, but in photography too. |
Omi | Certainly. As Director put it, it’s possible I’ll learn something as a photographer. |
If it's alright with you, I can do it. | |
Misumi | Hooray! Thanks Omi~! |
Omi | (I should train my body so I can get that hunky figure.) |
Tenma | *wheezing* |
Tasuku | *panting* |
Tenma | Whew, that’s good enough. |
Tasuku | Yeah. Let's stop here for today. |
…...Hm? Well if it isn’t Fushimi. | |
Omi | I see you two are training hard. |
Tasuku | I guess so. By the way, I heard you recently got work as a model. |
Tenma | Burlesque dancing is an interesting theme. |
Omi | Yeah, but I don’t think I have the image they want yet. |
Tasuku | Muscle training is necessary if you’re gonna be a hunky dancer. Want to train together, Fushimi? |
Omi | Yeah, I’d be happy to. |
Tenma | If you’re bodybuilding then you gotta be conscious about your diet. |
Tasuku | Gotta have chicken, it’s high in protein and low in fat. Eggs too. |
Tenma | Can’t leave out broccoli and tofu. |
Omi | I see… Then for tonight’s dinner, I’ll try making a dish with broccoli and chicken. |
Omi | Dinner's ready. |
Yuki | What’s this dish? I think I’ve seen it before... |
Izumi | Now that you mention it.... |
Taichi | Doesn't it look like the Soccer Club Special Course Meal that Omi-kun and Director-sensei made before?[1] |
Omi | Yeah. The truth is that I’m going to be cooperating with Tasuku-san and Tenma. |
After we talked about the photoshoot, they remembered a good regimen for bodybuilding, so I thought I’d try it right away. | |
I’m sorry to have involved everyone with my photoshoot. | |
Sakyo | It’s fine. Chicken and broccoli are cheap. |
Taichi | It’s tasty but I wanna eat some junk food~ |
Azami | Well, it seems good for your skin, but I hope we’re not doing this forever. |
Izumi | This seems like it could help with bodybuilding. |
Omi | Yeah, Tasuku-san gave me his special regimen for muscle training. |
Izumi | Special regimen? |
Omi | “For building captivating muscles”, apparently. |
Izumi | T-that seems like it’s a bit much… But hang in there! |
Izumi | Hm? Yuki-kun, you’re not gonna go to the baths with everyone else? |
Yuki | It’s fine. There's a reason I'm bathing later. |
Izumi | You’re bathing later…? How come? |
Yuki | So the truth is— |
Tasuku | Fushimi, you’ve been building up your muscles quite nicely, huh? You really pack on muscle easily. |
Omi | It’s probably because I’ve been working out a lot. Your deltoids have gotten bigger too, Tasuku-san. |
Kazunari | Seriously! You guys are so manly! |
Muku | So cool…! |
Yuki | Really? It looks stifling… |
Chikage | Is this a bodybuilding venue? |
Itaru | You guys are so swole and ripped~ |
Tasuku | You guys should discipline your bodies a little. I’ll give you my muscle training regimen. |
Itaru | Muscles are a no-go for me. |
Chikage | Sorry, but I make it a rule not to build up excess muscle. |
Kazunari | I’m not a muscle-type character~ |
Tasuku | You guys… |
Muku | Muscles are so cool… I wanna try muscle training too...! |
Omi | A muscular Muku… I can’t imagine it. |
Kazunari | It was a mistake imagining Mukkun stripping and being all muscle-y and buff underneath, so cut it out! |
Yuki | —And because of that, I’m going to bathe separately from those muscleheads. |
Izumi | I-I see… |
Yuki | We’re in this cramped changing room, and yet they just show off their muscles without caring where they are…. |
Izumi | But it sounds like everyone’s having fun. |
Yuki | ...Must be nice. You have your own bathroom, so this is all someone else’s problem. |
Izumi | Hahaha.... |
Izumi | (Now then… I should go shopping for dinner soon.) |
Oh, Omi-kun. | |
Omi | Director. |
Izumi | It seems like you’ve been working hard on your training recently. I hear you’ve been giving it your all. |
Omi | Yeah, it’s all thanks to Tasuku-san's regimen. |
CHOICE 1: "I think you’ve gotten more buff." [+]
CHOICE 2: "He’s like your personal trainer." [+]
Omi | Not really. Actually, my obliques here aren’t defined yet..... |
*rustling* | |
Izumi | ……!? |
Yuki | We’re in this cramped changing room, and yet they just show off their muscles without caring where they are…. |
Izumi | (This is just like Yuki-kun said......) |
Omi | Even though I did the drills the same way Sakyo did, our results didn't turn out the same. Muscle training is pretty interesting, isn't it? |
Izumi | (It’ll definitely be a problem if he strips everywhere.) |
Yeah! ….But do you mind putting your clothes back on first? | |
Omi | Oh, sorry. Didn’t mean to do that. |
Izumi | (I hope he doesn’t keep this habit up in the future…) |
- ↑ Possibly a reference to Tasuku Takato/In Preparation For Opening!.