Omi Fushimi/Journey of Blooming

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A Special Flavor

Backstage Stories
OmiI see, this one is nice too…
Friend AHeeey, Fushimi.
OmiHey, how is it going?
Friend AGreat~.
Friend BWhat do you know, I thought you were reading a photography book but turns out it's a cookbook?
Friend AFushimi is a cooking boy after all~. You're cooking everyday right? Can't you just cook without looking at these books at this point?
OmiAh… truth is right now I'm cooking for someone, so just like you said, I'm always cooking.
So I was reading it in order to increase my repertory.
Friend BCooking for someone you say… can it be, a girl?
OmiIt is a girl but…
Friend BThen, it's the girl you took snowboarding right!? You so smooth dude~!
OmiNo, you got it wrong! It's not like that.
The theater company I'm affiliated with is having its second anniversary soon.
So, because the Director is taking care of us every day, we decided that each one of us members will cook her something as a present.
Friend ASo that's how it is~…
OmiSorry for betraying your expectations.
Friend ABut that's actually kinda nice. Handmade cooking is like, filled with emotions you know?
Friend BI guess it's not the same for boys and girls, but I would be happy if someone cooks a familial dish for me~.
Friend AI get you! It's really touching!
OmiSomething familial, huh…
(Thinking of which, Citron gave me a gift coupon for the shopping district. I think he told me to use it to add to the ingredient for dinner)
(Alright, then today I'll use this coupon to buy vegetables, and I'll make some heated vegetables…)
WomanHmm… perhaps this one… but this one too…
That is tough, I wonder which of them is tasty…
OmiExcuse me… are you perhaps having trouble with choosing onions?
WomanEh? Oh no! Was I talking out loud!? Forgive me!
OmiYou should choose an onion with a firm weight in your hand, one that has a yellow, dry skin and also a luster to it.
WomanHeh… Thank you, it is very helpful. If you don't mind, can you tell me the best way to choose the other vegetables…?
OmiOf course.
WomanGreat! It is pitiable, but I have not the slightest clue about this type of things.
The truth is, I'm always so busy with work, I was leaving all the cooking to my mother but--.
Today is my child's birthday so I want to cook something for them, I even left my workplace early.
OmiI see.
WomanI'm not a good cook, I don't know if I can make anything tasty but… I want them to see what the taste of home cooking is like.
OmiIt's wonderful. By the way, what are you going to cook?
WomanFufu, meat and potato stew.
WomanYou've been such a great help! I'll work hard in order to make a delicious stew out of these ingredients.
OmiIt will definitely be tasty. I hope your child will be happy.
WomanYes. Thank you so much. Goodbye.
OmiYes, goodbye.
Alright then, I have to head to the dorms too--.
JuzaHey stop right there!
BanriYou're not getting away!
Is that… Banri and, Juza?
ManHuh, huh! Damn, for how long are they going to chase me!?
OmiAre they running after this man?
Banri--Omi! Catch this dude!
Excuse me, I'll listen to your excuse later, so please stop--.
ManOut of my way!!
JuzaAlright! Omi-san, thanks.
BanriNice one Omi! Nothing less from you, twisting his arm when he was about to hit you.
ManScrew you…
Omi…and, what's going on?
AzamiYou caught a habitual offender for shoplifting?
BanriRight. For him to meet Omi on his escape, the dude really ran out of luck.
OmiI'm happy I could be of use.
TaichiWoo~! The three heroes who saved the shopping district! You're awesome!
So that’s why you got so many vegetables and quality meat from the people of the shopping district right!
OmiYeah. I thought we can have a hotpot with all of us Autumn Troupe members.
SakyoStill, why are we doing it in this room…
Juzamunch munch…
BanriOi Hyodo! Stop eating nothing but meat!
JuzaAah? Same goes to you!
AzamiAll of you eat your vegetables, take some vitamins.
Taichimunch munch, it's so yummy~! The last meal is ramen right!
OmiRight. Ah, there's also rice gruel.
BanriOne vote for ramen from me.
JuzaRice gruel obviously.
AzamiIt's ramen right?
TaichiSo hard to decide! Which one do you want Sakyo-nii?
SakyoDoesn't matter. More importantly can't you eat more quietly!?
Juza…we're out of meat.
OmiHaha, that was fast. But there's more in the fridge, I'll go and bring more.
TaichiAh, then I'll go and grab it!
I'm back! Here you go, your extra meat!
OmiHm? …ah, sorry, Taichi. That's not the meat we received, it's in the other pack.
That's the meat I bought in order to cook for Director tomorrow.
TaichiEh, is that so?
BanriAah? For Director-chan? Then--.
IzumiYou're in charge of cooking today right Omi-kun.
OmiYeah. Here you go, Director.
IzumiWoah, it's a meat and potato stew! Thank you for the food!
…yup, it's delicious! It's a bit sweeter than usual.
OmiI thought you would notice.
IzumiFufu, I'm always eating your cooking after all.
Omi…the truth is, I tried to make it similar to my mother's cooking.
IzumiYour mother?
My deceased mother, it wasn't like she couldn’t cook, but honestly she wasn't a good cook either.
Everything she made had this deep sweet taste, see. But my brothers and I didn’t hate it, for us it tasted like home.
IzumiI see.
OmiMy mother has often made this stew for us, and it's probably the one I found the tastiest.
At first I thought about cooking an extravagant full course but… I wanted to give you as present the meal I find the tastiest.
But even if I think that it's tasty, there's no point if Director doesn’t like it.
Izumi…not at all. I like this flavor too. It's very good.
OmiI see. I'm glad.
CHOICE 1: Your repertory is amazing Omi-kun [+]
CHOICE 2: It's a special flavor [+]
OmiIt's the Company's second anniversary. Director, thank you for everything. I'll do my best to improve my acting.
Of course, I intend to work on my repertory of meals that will make Director happy. Look forward to it.
Take care of me from now on too.
IzumiOmi-kun… thank you. Same here, I'll be in your care.
IzumiBack to our topic, this stew is really good.
And this meat, it's of a really high quality isn’t it!?
OmiSo you've noticed that too?
You heard about us Autumn Troupe receiving things from the shopping district for catching a shoplifter right?
The truth is Banri and the others told me to use the high quality beef we received for your meal.
It's a result of everyone's goodwill--.
And more than anything they wanted you to have something tasty, so they gladly shared it with you.
IzumiI see…
Fufu, thank you. I have to thank the other Autumn Troupe members too.
OmiYeah, you're right.
