Omi Fushimi/Bon Appetit Pumpkin
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Pumpkin Sweets Time!
Backstage StoriesOmi | Well then, what should we buy? |
Izumi | We're going to throw an after party once the Halloween contest ends tomorrow after all. |
Since we have the opportunity, I want to make lots of food and sweets related to Halloween! | |
Omi | Right. Then, making the taste of autumn our main focus… |
Store Announcement | "Dear customers, today's special event, guess the weight of the pumpkin tournament will begin shortly!" |
"By all means, gather up your energies and participate!" | |
Izumi | Guess the weight of the pumpkin tournament? I wonder what is that? |
Omi | Sounds interesting, let's try taking a look. |
Store Manager | Then everyone we have kept you waiting! The guess the weight of the pumpkin tournament is starting now! |
You'll have to be guessing the weight for, this pumpkin here! | |
Omi | Woah, it's huge. It's splendid. |
Manager | The rules are simple! You only have to guess the weight of this pumpkin! The person who guesses the closest to the actual weight will receive this pumpkin and--. |
this store's recommended pumpkin set as a present! | |
Izumi | We can get this huge pumpkin and, on top of it even more pumpkins!? |
Omi-kun…! | |
Omi | Haha. Director, your eyes are sparkling. Seems like we have no choice but to participate. |
Sakyo-san tells us not to waste money, if we can get it for free it’s the best. | |
Manager | Then first, let's start with 5kg. If you think this is the weight raise your hand! |
Ah, naturally each one is able to raise their hand once! | |
Izumi | (Alright, if it's guessing I want to guess it perfectly right!) |
Manager | …15kg! Is there anyone, who thinks it's 15kg? |
Then next, 16kg! Someone who thinks it's 16kg! | |
Izumi | (Alright, this must be it!) |
Here. | |
Manager | Ah, that's too bad young lady! Though your momentum was good~, it's a miss. |
Izumi | Uuh, I got it wrong… |
Izumi | And somehow the way I've been told that is really frustrating… |
Omi | ... |
Izumi | (Omi-kun, he has an unusually serious expression… I wonder when he will raise his hand) |
Manager | The customers who haven't raised their hand are down to a few. Then next! 31kg! Someone who thinks it's 31kg! |
Omi | Here! |
Manager | Is there anyone else! Seems like there isn't! |
Young man! That is correct!! Congratulations! | |
Alright! | |
Izumi | Eh!? Amazing, Omi-kun!! |
Customers | Ooh!! Congratulations! |
Omi | Ahaha, thank you very much. |
Izumi | Getting it exactly right is amazing! How did you know? |
Omi | No, it was just gut feeling. Just somehow… |
Manager | Congratulations! Then here's a present of a giant pumpkin and pumpkins set! |
Omi | Woah, carrying all this is going to be tough. We have to borrow a cart. |
But with this, seems like we can make a huge volume of pumpkin cooking. | |
Izumi | You're right! |
Izumi | Phew, we were able to carry it home somehow. |
Omi | To think we would get our hands on such a big pumpkin. This pumpkin, what should we do with it… |
Izumi | Hmmm… |
Omi | I know. Since it's a chance, how about we carve out the filling and make a Jack-o'-lantern? |
You don't quite get to see such a huge Jack-o'-lantern around here after all. | |
Izumi | I see! Sounds good, let's do that! It'll definitely be cute after we decorate it. |
Omi | You said it. Alright, then I'll look up how to do it online. |
Omi | First, we draw the face we would cut later. |
Izumi | Hm hm. Then, here Omi-kun, a pen. |
Omi | Eh!? I'm going to draw it? |
Izumi | Of course. It's the pumpkin Omi-kun won for us. Omi-kun must draw the important face! |
Omi | G-Got it. Then…. Something like that…? |
Izumi | Ahaha, it's cute! It's not too scary, that's a good face! |
Then next we carve out the insides--. | |
Omi | Ah, I'll do that. It's going to become physical work. Director can you support the pumpkin? |
Izumi | Ah, yeah, got it. |
Omi | Here… |
Izumi | (As expected from Omi-kun, he's got strength… he's properly putting the knife inside, while supporting such a huge pumpkin…) |
Omi | It's done. Then, we scrape out the filling. |
Izumi | I can help with this too! Leave it to me! |
Omi | Alright, I craved the face too. How is it, Director? |
Izumi | Yup! It's really good! Ahaha, as I thought I really like this face~. |
Omi | I normally don't do this kind of things, so it's embarrassing somehow. If Director has liked it, it's good though. |
Izumi | Yeah, very much! |
Omi | Haha, thank you. Then, if we leave it in the sunlight a bit to dry it'll be ready. |
Izumi | Good job! |
Right, it might be nice to light a candle in this Jack-o'-lantern on the night of the party. | |
Omi | Yeah, sounds good. Seems like Muku and Kazunari would be happy with this. |
Speaking of which the lantern's eyes are triangles so Misumi might be happy with it too right? | |
Izumi | You're right! If we light a candle it’ll become romantic right~, I'm looking forward to it! |
Omi | Yeah! |
Well then, should we start with the cooking next. | |
Seems like naturally the insides of a giant pumpkin don’t fit for cooking, but seems like they use it for making pies overseas. | |
Ah, speaking of which, we still have some of the pumpkins the Manager received left right. | |
Izumi | That's right. Then should we use those pumpkins too before they become bad. |
Omi | Yeah. We have the ones we got today too, looks like we can make a full course with this |
Izumi | It's ready! |
Omi | I'm done too. |
Izumi | "Pumpkin curry" and "pumpkin gratin", "pumpkin soup" and "pumpkin salad"… |
Hmm- it completely became full of pumpkin stuff, but basically it's stuff that can be kept in a refrigerator or a freezer right. | |
Omi | Here we have "pumpkin cake", "pumpkin pudding", "pumpkin tart" and "pumpkin mousse"… |
Similarly they're pre-cooked and ready, so if we revise them and heat them on the very day they'll be okay to go. | |
Izumi | They all look so delicious…! As expected from Omi-kun! |
Omi | Director's cooking looks delicious too. With this much, everyone would be satisfied too right. |
Izumi | Then, I'm going to wash the dishes. Omi-kun, can you put the food in the refrigerator and freezer? |
Omi | Yeah, roger that. |
Izumi | Omi-kun, are there any other dishes to wash? I'll wash them too. |
Omi | Thank you, there's this tray too. |
Izumi | Alright~ |
Omi | Hmm, what to do… well, we're at it after all… |
Izumi | (…hm? Omi-kun, he's doing something over there but…) |
Omi | Alright, it's done. |
Director, the refrigerator was full so in order to reduce the stuff inside I took out the ice cream. | |
And then, I used the ice cream on a small piece of the tart as a test for an arrangement. | |
Izumi | Wah, ice cream as toppings. Looks good~. |
Omi | If you like would you like to eat some? |
Izumi | Eh, is that alright? |
Omi | Of course. |
Then, here. Open your mouth. | |
Izumi | Eh!? I-I feel bad. I'll eat it myself! |
Omi | Director you have your hands full with the dishes right. If you don't hurry the ice cream will melt, here. |
Izumi | (Uuh, it's, it's a bit embarrassing though…!) |
T-Then… aaan. | |
Omi | Yeah. |
Izumi | …! It's delicious…! |
Omi | Haha, that's great! |
CHOICE 1: How do you make it so delicious… [+]
CHOICE 2: To think I'll be able to eat it first, such side benefits. [+]
Izumi | To have such delicious desserts, and on top of it many more other cooking and sweets… |
Izumi | I'm really looking forward, to eat them with everyone! |
Omi | Yeah, you're right. |