Omi Fushimi/Virgin Land Cooking

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Expose It! Spiky〇True Form of the Secret Ingredient

Backstage Stories
IzumiOmi-kun, what is the complicated face for?
OmiAh, Director. Well, there is something…
IzumiDid something troubling happen? If you're fine with me I'm willing to listen.
OmiHaha, thank you. Then hear me out for a bit.
The truth is, I've looked at the ingredients everyone has found, and the ingredients containing protein are just a handful.
Since we have now more members in their growth period, with this, I'm feeling a bit uneasy.
IzumiNow that you're saying that, you have a point…
Hmmm… if it's protein you want then out of all things we have here, fish have it I guess. What about the share of fish the beach team has caught for us?
OmiWe do have fish, but many of them are on the small side. When cut, there is going to be left only a small part.
IzumiI see… Ah, then, should I go searching for something?
OmiYou Director? All alone?
IzumiYup. I happen to be free just now. I'll go to the beach and try looking for something!
OmiNo, I’ll go with you too.
IzumiEh, but Omi-kun weren't you busy…
OmiThere is still time left until dinner, it's all good.
And more importantly, if something was to happen to you Director when you go alone it would be a problem.
IzumiI think you're worrying too much but… then, I'll take you up on that.
IzumiOnce we're out of this forest there's a beach that seems good for fishing, so how about we try fishing there?
OmiYeah, let's do that.
IzumiI know, while we're at it let's look for mushrooms and plants as we move!
OmiHaha, sounds like a good idea. The guys will surely be hap… hm?
What is that?
IzumiOmi-kun? What happened?
OmiWell, next to that tree, there is something that looks like a stone slate…
IzumiYou're right! You think that maybe there's something written on it?
OmiWhile we are at it, let's go check it out quickly.
So this is a slate…
From a far I thought it was big, but looking at it closely it is surprisingly small.
OmiRight. But it looks like some letters are written on it…
IzumiIt's covered with dust so it's a bit hard to read. …hm? Is this, Japanese?
OmiLooks like it. Let's see…
"This is a recipe for an extremely nourishing Golden Curry, which is handed down in this island, and can be made only in this island"
"Well then, I shall tell of this recipe, only to the people who reached this place now"
…is what it says.
IzumiA-A recipe for Golden Curry!?
OmiA recipe for a Golden Curry huh… we really found something amazing.
IzumiWe definitely have to make it…!
OmiSeems like the recipe is explained through drawings.
IzumiOmi-kun, let's decode it!
(A recipe for Golden Curry that is known only in this island has to be delicious…!)
OmiYeah. I'm also curious to know what the Golden Curry is like.
First… ingredients for the curry? Those are most likely, drawings of fish, mushrooms and plants right.
IzumiWhat is that elliptical ingredient?
OmiIt… looks like the fruit Juza has picked. Maybe we actually have most of the needed ingredients.
Then, if we make it according to this Golden Curry recipe, we can make an extremely nourishing curry right!
OmiNo… before that, we still have to obtain two more ingredients we are missing.
IzumiEh, is that so?
OmiYeah. First this ingredient, it's really spiky right?
This ingredient wasn’t among the ones everyone gathered, so first we have to find it.
IzumiI see, I don’t remember ever seeing it either.
OmiAnd then we need curry powder. As expected even I didn’t bring curry powder.
IzumiWhat, if it's only that there's no need to worry!
IzumiBecause I brought curry powder! I'll show you once we get back!
OmiN-Nothing less from you Director…
Then, the only problem is this one ingredient.
IzumiSomething spiky, that can be found in this island… right?
(Hmm, I wonder what is it exactly…?)
Omi…even when scanning briefly the surroundings, there's nothing that looks like that.
IzumiYou're right… even if I try thinking about it nothing comes to mind, for now let's just go fishing.
OmiYeah. Let's try to look for it while we're on the move.
Izumi(We reached the beach, but in the end we couldn’t find an ingredient that looks like that….)
OmiThere there. Don't be so down.
Let's try taking a different route on the way back. We might be able to find it then.
IzumiRight. Thank you Omi-kun.
OmiThen, let's put the ingredient searching aside, and start the fishing.
OmiWith this we're ready. We surprisingly caught a lot. With this much, looks like it's going to be plenty enough.
IzumiThat's great! Then, we have to prepare the meal, so let's head back--.
(Ah, my hat…!)
OmiThat gust really came out of nowhere. Director, are you alright?
IzumiI'm fine, but my hat flew all the way over there. I'm going to take it.
OmiAh, hey!
IzumiThere it is. Good thing it didn’t fall to the sea.
(I wonder if the tide has risen. The water level became taller than I--)
*water splashing*
(Oh no, I'm losing balance…!)
Izumi… ……eh?
(I'm… not falling?)
OmiAre you alright, Director!
(Woah, his face is so close…!)
OmiAre you hurt?
IzumiN-No. Sorry, Omi-kun. Thank you for supporting me.
OmiDon't mind it. I'm happy you're safe.
IzumiThe waves somehow turned taller.
OmiThe flow of the tide must have changed. We better hurry back… hm?
IzumiWhat happened?
OmiSay, Director. That thing on the rock is…
Izumi…? There is something black and spiky on it but… ah!
Can it be, a sea urchin!?
OmiMost likely. If we can identify it all the way from here, it must be quite a big one.
…about the ingredient we've been looking for, can it be that?
Izumi! Now that you're saying it, it might look like that drawing…
(To think that the last ingredient was a sea urchin…)
OmiLet's catch it. It's a bit dangerous Director, so go somewhere a little distant from the sea.
Caught it.
IzumiWoah, it's huge!
OmiI too have never seen a sea urchin this big. It must be something you can catch only in this island.
IzumiI see…
OmiWith the fish and sea urchin, seems like protein isn’t going to be a problem. With this we have all the ingredients.
IzumiYup! Let's hurry back and make curry!
OmiHere, it's ready. There're second helpings too so eat a bunch.
TaichiOoh! Is that the Golden Curry thing you talked about earlier!?
IzumiHmm, such a nice smell…! It was worth brining the special curry powder!
YukiTo think you brought curry powder even all the way here… nothing less from curry alien.
BanriBut is that safe? For a curry, the smell is kinda different from usual.
OmiI can guarantee the taste. I tasted it properly.
IzumiThen let's eat it while it's still hot!
All membersItadakimasu!
MukuIt's a curry, but it has a new taste I've never tasted until now!
IzumiWith the touch of the mushrooms, the dashi of the fish is dominant, yet the sweetness and richness of the fruits bring depth to the curry…!
With just that it's already delicious and yet… when you add the sea urchin to that, a new flavor is added, and it gets even more delicious…!
It's really not any normal curry! This is the Golden Curry of this island…!
KumonWoah, it's super good! Right, Azami!
Azami…well, it works I guess.
OmiHaha, everyone really loves it.
IzumiYup! I'm happy they liked it!
CHOICE 1: Searching for the ingredients was hard after all [+]
CHOICE 2: Preparing it was hard right [+]
IzumiUmm~, it's delicious! With this it looks like I can eat several bowls!
Omi…yeah. As I thought it's a good thing we went searching.
Director and everyone eating my cooking so deliciously, for me it's the best result I could ask for.
