Banri Settsu/Bride, Give Me Your Hand

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Our Secret

Backstage Stories
IzumiI’m home—.
BanriOh, if it isn’t Director-chan.
Izumi…Taichi-kun is glued to the television, huh.
BanriHe’s watching a rerun of a series. Why do I have to watch it too, though?
TaichiAre you watching it, Ban-chan!?
This series is a masterpiece, so it’s such a waste if you don’t keep your eyes on it! You’ll get addicted once you watch it for sure!
BanriYeah, sure.
Izumi(A series that Taichi thinks so highly of, huh. I’m a little bit interested…)
...Huh, this series…
TaichiDo you know it, Director-sensei?
IzumiYup! I love this series too.
TaichiFor real!? You can’t watch it without shedding tears, right!
IzumiI feel you! Remember that one scene where the main characters exchange vows after overcoming many hardships? It’s so sweet!
TaichiRight~! Just remembering it makes me cry!
BanriSo it’s that kind of series, huh….
IzumiNow that I think about it, Tenma-kun also filmed a bridal scene for his drama.
TaichiThere are sure a lot of June Bride stuff around this time, huh?
BanriWell, that stuff is interesting, after all. It attracts viewers too, so isn’t that a good thing?
TaichiAh! Speaking of bridal scene, I think the chapel appearing on this drama is located around here!
IzumiEh? Is that so?
TaichiThe place is super famous, apparently! I’d like to go there once too~!
BanriWhy would you even plan on going to a wedding hall…
Izumi(A famous drama location, huh… I want to go there too someday.)
(I finished helping out other theatre group for today! It was hard, but it was also such a good learning experience for me.)
Izumi——Huh? Banri-kun?
BanriOh, Director-chan. Are you on your way home?
IzumiI was helping out other theatre group. Are you done with class, Banri-kun?
BanriWell, yeah. Good job, Director-chan.
IzumiI know it’s been a while since you entered college, but how is it? Do you have any problem?
BanriWell, everything is going good so far.
I often eat lunch with Kazunari, and he teaches me a lot of things.
IzumiAhaha, as expected of Banri-kun. I can relax since I don’t have to worry—— Huh?
(That building. Could it be…)
BanriWhat is it, Director-chan? You stop walking all of sudden.
IzumiCome with me for a bit, Banri-kun!
BanriHey, where the hell——.
IzumiJust as I thought! This is the chapel from that drama!
BanriAh… it does look similar.
IzumiI thought I had seen this place before for sure! Amazing, it’s the real thing…!
BanriYou’re too excited, Director-chan.
Chapel StaffExcuse me, but… do you want to look inside?
IzumiAh, sorry. We didn’t come here for——.
Chapel StaffThis place serves as the holy ground for shooting drama. Thanks to that, night weddings became very popular among couples.
We don’t have any meetings for today, which is rare, so would you like to go inside and look around?
IzumiNo, we really didn’t come here for….
Chapel StaffDon’t be shy! Since you’ve come all the way here, please have a taste of the June Bride atmosphere!
Izumi(What, what should I do…)
Banri….You’re right. Since you’re pressing, can you let us in?
Chapel StaffOf course! Let’s head inside.
BanriWe’ll be able to see what’s inside this way, so why don’t we take this like a couple?
Besides, this could serve as practice. It’s like killing two birds with one stone, right?
IzumiThat’s the problem…!?
BanriDon’t pay attention to trivial things. Hey, let’s go.
——Do your best playing a bride who comes to inspect a church, okay, Director-chan?
IzumiAh, Banri-kun!
(It can’t be helped… Now that it has come to this, let’s just do it!)
(I feel like things like this happened before…)
Chapel StaffI shall explain the content of this catalog.
Do you have any wedding plans?
IzumiEh? Umm…
BanriI’ll go along with Izumi’s plan.
(He, he calls my name…?)
BanriMarriage is a once in a lifetime event after all, so I’d like the woman to be the main character.
Chapel StaffHow lovely…! I’m jealous of your thoughtful husband, madam!
IzumiEh, eeh…
…Umm, Banri-kun?
BanriJust go along with it. We’re playing newlyweds right now.
Izumi(But suddenly playing a couple is…)
Chapel StaffFufu, you two are such a loving couple, snuggling up close to each other like that!
Chapel StaffAnyway, what kind of plan that you have in mind, madam?
IzumiUmm.. You see——.
Chapel StaffThis one has a lounge attached to it, so you can use this space to hold a wedding reception…
IzumiI, I see…
(I don’t know how to reply to their explanation…)
Banri….Hey, this place appears on that series, right?
Chapel StaffYes! The chapel that is used for the series is in the back.
BanriSeriously? You see, my girlfriend is a fan of that series.
IzumiTha-That’s right!
(I’m saved… Nice assist, Banri-kun!)
Chapel StaffWould you like to go see it?
BanriYes, please.
Chapel StaffOkay. This way, please.
IzumiAmazing. It looks just like on the series!
Chapel StaffFufu. If you’re that mesmerized with the chapel, we’re happy too——.
Sorry, I’m afraid I have an incoming call. Excuse me for a bit.
BanriYou’re too hyped up, Director-chan.
IzumiI can’t help but get excited when I think that this is the place from the drama. Can we see the altar?
BanriAlright, I’ll go with whatever the bride wants.
Oh… So this is what the bride and groom see.
IzumiI didn’t know what to do at first, but I’m glad that we came. Thanks, Banri-kun.
BanriYou’re welcome.
Well, if you are happy, then playing a couple was worth it.
IzumiYour groom acting was really good. I was saved since you could follow my rubbish acting.
BanriGroom, huh….
BanriLend me your left hand for a bit, Director-chan.
IzumiLeft hand?
Banri——I’d like to reserve the ring finger on Izumi’s left hand.
BanriI’ll definitely become a suitable man for you in the near future…. Thus, I’d like to reserve you only for me so that you won’t be taken by other men.
Banri——Just kidding.
BanriMy acting looks real, right?
Izumi(It might be just acting, but I’m surprised…)
CHOICE 1: As expected of Banri-kun! [+]
IzumiAs expected of Banri-kun! You’ll be a perfect groom actor!
BanriNo, we don’t have a groom role in the play.
CHOICE 2: You looked cool! [+]
IzumiYup! You looked really cool, just like the protagonist on the series.
BanriWell, everything will turn like this in my hand.
IzumiStill, I was confused when you acted like that. I was like, “What did just happen?”
BanriThat’s because Director-chan was bubbling over with joy. It made me want to tease you.
(I had a lot of hard time yesterday, but it was such a precious experience.)
IzumiAh, morning, Masumi-kun.
MasumiIsn’t this… a wedding hall pamphlet?
IzumiAh, yes. You see, yesterday——.
The things that we did yesterday… keep it a secret from Masumi-kun, okay?
(It sure is something that’s not worth telling…)
MasumiYou’re… finally thinking about our wedding seriously.
MasumiWhen is the wedding date? I’m okay with whenever.
IzumiUmmm, this is not what you think…
MasumiHow about your dresses? The colour that will suit Director is——.
IzumiMasumi-kun, calm down for once!
Banri….You never change, do you? Hey.
