Banri Settsu/Imperial Box Seat

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Date Night in a Foreign Country

Backstage Stories
IzumiFinally, tomorrow we leave for Zahra.
KazunariMegaaaa pumped for the training camp! I don’t think I’ll be able to sleep I’m so excited!
TsuzuruGood grief.... Are we in kindergarten now?
TsuzuruHm? What’s wrong, Taichi?
KazunariAre you tired or something~?
TaichiWell, it’s just that I’m not done packing yet....
KazunariHuh!? Taicchan, you’re still not done packing!?
IzumiYou put your passport in your bag, right?
TaichiOf course! I didn’t wanna risk it getting lost so it’s already in my carry on!
BanriI’m back.
TaichiBan-chan, wow someone’s back late today.
BanriI had some questions after my last class.
KazunariSettsaa, so diligent!
TaichiDid you finish packing your bags, Ban-chan!? We leave tomorrow!
BanriI finished sometime yesterday I think.
TaichiFor real!? Wow that’s our Ban-chan, super fast!
KazunariTaicchan is really cutting it close~!
TaichiAnyway, I am looking forward to going sightseeing and stuff~! This is Autumn and Summer Troupe’s first time going to Zahra!
BanriYeaaa, some guys from university asked me to take some photos.
KazunariReally? They asked Settsaa too? They asked me the same thing!
TsuzuruIf I recall the architecture and cityscape of Zahra are really beautiful.
IzumiYea, yea. There are probably tons of cool places for pictures.
KazunariThen I gotta take pics of all those spots~
TaichiYea, totally! I’m so excited!
Izumi.... Hmmm.
(It’s pretty fun to just wonder around by myself. The curry restaurant Chikage had recommended was super good!)
(I wonder how I could replicate that taste at home....)
(I am sure they used a bunch of different spices, but I think it was the atmosphere that made it taste extra good.)
(The city is so beautiful..... uh, hmm? Where have I seen that building before.....?)
(WOW... What a pretty mosque!)
Izumi(Oh of course, that’s the mosque I found when I was searching up this area.)
(I wanna go and check out the inside, but it’s almost time to meet up with the others....)
Yeaa.... I think I should stop here for today. But we have quite the packed schedule from tomorrow onwards.... ehh, hm?
(There’s a poster over here.... It... lights up?)
.... Could this be so you can read it at night?
(I think I can make some time today, I’ll come back later.)
(For the time being, I gotta focus on meeting up with everyone else and...)
TaichiHm? Is that the director?
Wow , it is! Heyyyy director~!
IzumiAh, Taichi. And Banri is with you too.
BanriWalking around alone?
IzumiYea. I thought I would try and just take a stroll through the city myself today.
TaichiOh I see! Glad we ran into you~
IzumiAre you two walking around together today?
TaichiYea! Ban-chan knows about tons of places!
BanriNah, I just did some research ahead of time of some of the most popular tourist spots.
TaichiI took so many photos!
IzumiAhaha, that’s great.
What about you, Banri? You said your university friends had asked you to take photos.
BanriYea here and there. Well, I mean I still gotta take the pictures of places I wanna show them.
IzumiIs that so?
BanriYea, I plan to go take some more photos later.
TaichiWow, it’s almost time for us to meet up with the others! Sakyo’s gonna get mad if we’re late!
IzumiOh, you’re right. We gotta go quickly!
BanriHe gets so naggy if we’re late.
TaichiRunning running, we gotta get back to the meeting spot!
IzumiWow, tonight's dinner was delicious.
(Eating all these delicious meals every day makes me wanna live here.)
(They have tons of spices, the city is pretty...)
... Oh, now that I think about it, I saw that mosque this afternoon. What did that light up poster say it was open until?
(I’ll just look it up on my phone.)
Hmmm.... Seems like there still is some time before it closes.
..... Alright, I’m gonna go check it out!
IzumiOh, hey Banri.
What are you doing, you got your bag and-- wait, are you gonna go out?
IzumiYea, there’s one place I wanna visit.
Banri...... Even if we’re in Zahra, it’s dangerous to go out at night in a foreign country by yourself.
Yea, I’m gonna go with you, wait a sec.
IzumiEhh, Banri, I-- He’s already gone.
BanriWoww, the real thing is totally different from the pictures.
IzumiIt’s like we’re inside a kaleidoscope...! It just feels really mysterious.
BanriOh.... I see, you wanted to come here to see this mosque.
IzumiI’m sorry to make you come all the way out here with me just for this.
BanriDon’t apologise. I came because I wanted to go out somewhere with you, director.
Well, actually, those guys back at my university wanted some pictures of a night mosque.
So it works out perfectly that this is the place we came to.
IzumiI see.... Glad it worked out.
Anyway, take a look at the stained glass. Wow, it really makes a big impact on the atmosphere of the space. Seeing this all at night with the lights reflecting makes it feel like we are drifting in a fantasy....!
CHOICE 1: I feel like I’m getting lost in another world...! [+]
CHOICE 2: This is a great spot for a photo. [+]
BanriSo, looks like we are supposed to continue walking down there--
KazunariHuh? Hey, could that be director and Settsaa?
IzumiKazunari and Misumi?
MisumiWhat a coincidence~!
IzumiWow so you two came here too.
KazunariDuh, of course we had to come! We travelled all this way after all, we had to take pics of all the best spots!
Also my friends asked for tons of pictures of the best spots in Zahra!
This light up mosque is toottalllly insta-blammable!
BanriNo surprise there.
MisumiI came with Kazu to look for foreign triangles!
IzumiAhaha, there are quite a lot of triangles here.
KazunariYea yea, hey hey it’s not fair you got here before us! Hey, director, do you guys wanna walk around with us?
MisumiLet’s all search for triangles together! Banri’s also good at finding triangles, right?
KazunariLET’S GOOOO EVERYONE! C’mon, director!
IzumiH-Hey, wait up you two.
BanriMy god... Well guess this is how it is.
KazunariHey, hurry up Settsaa~!
BanriYea yea, I’m coming.
