Banri Settsu/Wink Postman

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To My Future Self

Backstage Stories
Banri-kun, which one is better? This or this?
BanriThe outfit on your right got a nice color but the one on the left suits your inner shirt better.
SakuyaIndeed...It seems this one is easier to match.
BanriTry fitting it to see how it looks on you.
SakuyaYou're right... I'll try it on.
BanriSure. I'll take a look 'round here.
(This outerwear's perfect for the denim I bought the other day)
???Eh? Aren't you Settsu?!
IzumiA classmate from primary school?
BanriYeah. Bumped on him at the second-hand clothes store.
We kinda talked 'bout all kinds of stuff then topics ‘bout our upcoming class reunion came up.
It's all set and they want me to attend.
IzumiIs that so.
You'll have a chance to meet your classmates again!
KazunariSweet~! Aren't reunions a sure-hit place for a fling?
BanriThat's not how it works, you know.
MukuBut it's possible to meet your first love at the class reunion!
IzumiYup, yup.
Love talk is obligatory during class reunions!
KazunariHot damn-! I'm getting pumped!
YukiYou're way too excited.
OmiEveryone, I baked an apple pie.
It's delicious. Eat as much as you like.
MukuWow, it smells really good...It looks delicious!
IzumiThank you, Omi-kun.
KazunariAnother superb dessert by our very own Omimi~! Gotta snap 'em, Inste-perfect foodies!
OmiBanri, you too.
OmiSpeaking of class reunions, all members of Autumn Troupe have no prior relationship before becoming part of the troupe so I think it's a good opportunity.
BanriNow that you mentioned it, you're right.
IzumiCertainly. You can even use it as a reference for our future plays. I think it's a good idea to attend your class reunion.
OmiToday is Banri's class reunion, right?
YukiHe's getting ready right now.
KazunariYou helped him choose his fit?
YukiKind of.
KazunariHeh, can't wait to see it!
BanriAll done-
Banri (Wink Postman) 1-1.jpg
CHOICE 1: You look cool! [+]
IzumiWoah~. you look cool, Banri-kun!
KazunariSetzer! You're such a banger, man~! Lemme snap a cool pic!
YukiObviously. I chose that outfit for him after all.
OmiSuits him perfectly.
IzumiYup. He's more mature-looking now than before.
CHOICE 2: You nailed it! [+]
IzumiYou absolutely nailed your outfit!
BanriIf director-chan says so.
IzumiYup! Banri-kun looks good in his usual casual outfit but the formal outfit also suits you well.
BanriAin't gonna hurt wearing this kind of outfit once in a while.
Though, I was thinkin' of wearing my casual outfit too.
YukiSure. If you want to stand out that bad, then go wear your casual outfit.
IzumiYou're amazing, Yuki-kun.
YukiThankfully, he stopped reeking of yankee for now.
BanriGotta get going.
IzumiHave fun!
OmiYou owe us a story later.
BanriYeah, sure.
Banri(This outfit's quite decent... Glad I listened to Yuki's advice.)
Classmate AAre you Settsu?
Classmate BLong time no see~!
BanriYeah, uhh, who're you again?
Classmate BEh, you don't remember us?
BanriHaha, juz' kidding.
Classmate CWhat have you been up to?
BanriI'm acting on the stage while attending university.
Classmate AHeh, that's cool!
Classmate CI want to watch your plays! When's your next performance?
BanriSure, buy a ticket then.
Classmate BActors do get a lot of roles, right?
Are you doing stuff like role study or something?
BanriSomethin' like that.
Classmate BYou're really good at anything. There's no way I can do what you do.
Classmate ASettsu can do anything.
Classmate BIt has always been like that even when we're still kids.
BanriThat doesn't really matter now.
Classmate CSpeaking of, I heard our homeroom teacher is coming today.
Classmate AWe've grown old enough to even drink with our teacher, huh.
BanriIt's all part of growin' up.
(Man, I'm pooped talkin' to people around )
Homeroom TeacherBanri-kun, long time no see!
BanriAh, long time no see.
Homeroom TeacherI heard you're part of a theater group now? You've grown up well.
BanriIt's thanks to you too.
Didn't expect they'd invite a teacher too.
Homeroom TeacherEh? Perhaps, no one informed you? Our main event for today is---
Izumi(I wonder if it's better to position them further up. This place needs more lighting too....)
BanriOh, director-chan.
IzumiBanri-kun, welcome home.
Did you enjoy your class reunion?
BanriAh--...Well, It's better than I thought.
It's tiring cuz you gotta talk to people non stop but it's kinda nostalgic. Overall, It's pretty interesting.
IzumiGlad to hear that.
Banri-kun.... Is that a letter?
BanriAh, this? It's a letter addressed to my future self.
Got it from my former homeroom teacher at the reunion.
IzumiHeh-! How wonderful!
BanriI don't remember a single thing I wrote though. Haven't checked it yet.
Director-chan, wanna read it with me?
IzumiEh? Is it okay?
BanriAren't you curious what kind of brat I am?
I thought I'd let you know.
IzumiThen...I'll take you up on your offer.
Banri'right. I'll open it.
" To My Future Self,
Did you finally become a prime minister? "
IzumiPrime minister !?
(His dream is unexpectedly grand...!)
BanriAt that time, I didn't have a dream, and I dunno what I wanted to be.
I thought I'd be on the top if I become a prime minister so I made it my dream.
IzumiAhahah! That's cute!
Banri"I'm good at studying and no one beats me in a fight. I'm simply the best at school. That's why someday, I will be very rich and take a walk down the elite course. It will be easy for me to do anything!"
IzumiYou're brimming with confidence!
Banri... Juz' one hell of a cheeky brat.
Never thought I'd be joining a theater company while attending university.
I didn't become as great as I thought I would be but I'm glad I found something I can be passionate with.
Izumi( I can say from his expression that he's really happy right now. I'm glad Banri-kun joined the theater company too.)
Banri-kun has mellowed out lately~
BanriWhat the hell do you mean by that?
IzumiAhaha, it's a joke.
There's something else written down below.
BanriHm? Ah... This?
"Have you married yet?
If you haven't, hurry up and find a good partner right away."
...The hell is this.
IzumiYou're way too ahead~
BanriNo way I'll ever think of gettin' married at this age.
....But yeah, It's gonna be a different story if my partner is someone like director-chan.
IzumiHn? What did you say?
BanriNah, didn't say anythin'.