Banri Settsu/Guide Your Destiny

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The Beloved King’s Conditions

Backstage Stories
KazunariThanks for hanging with me today, Settzer!
BanriNo prob. I had fun too.
KazunariMy buds were also stoked that you came to try out the board game club, Settzer.
Shogi and the other games were fun, but chess was especially hyped up!
Seeing you win against the members who play chess all the time was cool AF!
BanriI mean, I can pull anythin’ off.
KazunariKyah~! So true, Settzer!
Wanna start a chess club at the dorm?
Aririn plays!
BanriCome to think of it, Sakyo-san ‘n some others have acted in an event before, haven’t they?
KazunariOh yeah! It was the opening event for a chess facility, right?
I think they said they had giant chess pieces…
It sounds super ‘blammable so I’d love to go there too!
Come with me, Settzer!
BanriYou’re just doin’ it for the ‘blam, huh?
BanriWhat’s up?
KazunariIsn’t that Massu and Director-chan over there?
IzumiAh, Kazunari-kun and Banri-kun.
KazunariI knew it~!
What’s this? Are you two out on a secret date without telling us~?
That’s sly of you~!
MasumiYeah. It’s a date, so don't get in our way.
IzumiIt’s not a date. Masumi-kun was on his way home.
We just happened to meet up in front of the station earlier.
MasumiThe fact that we bumped into each other is fate.
BanriNothin’ out of the ordinary here.
IzumiYou two are also coming home from school, right?
KazunariYep! We were playing with the board game club!
Settzer has mad chess skills~.
BanriWhat’s wrong?
IzumiThat reminds me, the chess facility we performed an event for in the past asked us to act for them again today.
The opening event was well-received, so they want us to act as special guides for a day…
We were just talking about how we wanted to go there~!
IzumiWhat an amazing coincidence!
There were three guys last time, so I assume they want the same number this time…
KazunariIn that case, why don’t Settzer, Massu, and I take the stage!
BanriThat’s fine by me.
IzumiMasumi-kun is—.
Masumi…I’ll do it. If you’re going to be there.
Let’s play chess after the event!
Izumi…And so, we’ve received a request to assist the guests as a king, bishop and knight like last time.
Last time, we each discussed and decided on the roles. But what should we do this time?
KazunariAlrightey~! This is the moment where this comes in!
IzumiA lottery box?
BanriWhere’d you pull that out from?
KazunariWouldn’t it be fresh putting slips with the roles written on them inside and then choosing who’s in charge by pulling them~!?
BanriWell, I guess that’s a good way to decide without any biases.
MasumiWhatever, I’m fine with it.
Kazunari‘Kay, I’ll make the lottery then.
Izumi…Alright, Banri-kun’s the king, Kazunari-kun’s the bishop, and Masumi-kun’s the knight. Does that sound good?
BanriNo objections here.
MasumiI’ll become your knight.
BanriHold up, Sakyo-san was the king last time.
We got dragged into his role study back then and it was a huge ass mess…
IzumiHis profile sheet last time specified “a tyrant king who rules over a country”…
I got profile sheets again this time, so I’ll hand them out later.
(Although I got the profile sheet…)
(“A king beloved by his subjects”, eh…
Sounds like it’ll be a totally different king from Sakyo-san.)
(Well, I’ll figure it out.)
TaichiBan-chan! What are you lookin’ at?
Ah, could that be for your role study!?
TaichiI’ll help you prepare for your role!
BanriYou’ll help me… what’re you gonna do?
TaichiUmm… maybe the Autumn troupe guys and I can fawn over you like your subjects?
*imagination starts*
…All the Autumn troupe members are together.
SakyoIf it’s for you, Settsu, then we’ll do anythin’.
JuzaJust say the word if there’s somethin’ you want us to do.
BanriHaa? The hell are you sayin’ all of a sudden—.
OmiHere, Banri. I’ve made your favourite California rolls.
There’s lots so eat as much as you’d like.
BanriErr, I can’t finish this huge pyramid of food!
Geh, that’s cold!?
The hell’s this!
AzamiA super high-quality face mask chock-full of a mixture of beauty ingredients.
I wanted to take care of our precious Banri-san’s skin.
BanriDude, don’t just stick it on my face!
SakyoSettsu, shall I rub your shoulders?
JuzaI’ll rub his feet then.
OmiAlright, I’ll take his arms…
AzamiI’ll massage his scalp.
TaichiThat’s not fair, guys!
I wanna do something too~!
*imagination ends*
BanriNothin’. Anyways, I’ll prepare by myself for now—.
CitronHold it right there!
BanriIt’s just one after another!
CitronIt’s important for kings to treat everyone the same way.
A true king bestows their love upon all equally!
BanriSince when were you listening…
CitronThat’s what it takes to become a great king!
BanriSo that’s the mindset, huh?
TaichiIt sounds deep when Citron says it!
CitronThose who believe shall be saved!
Banri…I mean, you’re the real deal, so I’ll keep your words in mind for now.
KazunariThe costumes are so totally legit, right?
BanriThey’ve nailed the vibe.
MasumiHow… do I look today?
IzumiYep, all of you look cool!
MasumiI’ll be your very own knight today.
BanriThere he goes.
IzumiMake sure you fulfill each of your roles as guides today, alright?
Masumi…Fine, if you say so.
BanriWe should probably head to our stations soon.
IzumiAlright. Good luck out there, you three!
(I should take a peek at how each of them are doing.
I’m pretty sure Masumi-kun is supposed to be around here…)
Guest AExcuse me… how do I get to this location?
Masumi“I have sworn loyalty solely to the king…
However, I suppose I can help. I shall give you a special tour, just this time.”
Guest AO-okay…!
Izumi(I’m glad it looks like he’s doing his job properly.
Kazunari-kun is…)
Kazunari“Milady. If you don’t mind, may I offer you a tour?”
Guest BEh? Are you sure?
Kazunari“Why, of course. Let us go to a spectacular world together.
Now then. This way, please…”
Izumi(Kazunari-kun was also preparing for his role and he’s got a suspicious vibe going on.)
(Next is the king Banri-kun…)
(I didn’t notice this step…!
I’m gonna fall…!)
Banri…Oi, are you okay?
Banri…Geez. Be careful, will you?
You'll get hurt if you don't watch your step while you walk.
CHOICE 1: S-sorry. Thanks. [+]
IzumiS-sorry. Thanks.
BanriI’m glad you didn’t take a tumble.
I’d hate it if you got hurt, Director-chan.
(…Maybe it’s because of his costume.
Banri-kun looks more reliable than usual.)
Banri…What’s up?
Don’t tell me you’re admirin’ me as a king?
IzumiEH!? Um, well…
I was just thinking you’re reliable, Banri-kun.
Banri…It doesn’t feel bad hearin’ that from you, Director-chan.
CHOICE 2: I was looking for you, Banri-kun. [+]
IzumiI was looking for you, Banri-kun.
I was wondering what kind of king you’d be acting as.
But I interrupted you.
BanriYou didn’t interrupt or anythin’.
A man who can't even protect the people closest to him has no right to call himself a king.
Izumi…That line sounded really kingly!
BanriI know, right?
Guest CUm, where is this spot…
Guest DIt looks like it’s over there…
BanriIf you can’t find the place, then want me to guide you?
Guest CCan you!?
BanriOf course. Aight, where do you wanna go?
Guest DThank you so much!
BanriNo prob~. Watch your step, ‘kay?
Izumi(Even so…)
(Banri-kun's behaviour seems closer to his regular self than like he's playing a king.)
Banri—Director-chan, are you thinkin’ that I didn’t change from how I usually am?
Izumi…Yeah. Why?
BanriIn order to be loved by your subjects, it’s important for you to treat everyone equally and without discrimination.
I’m just spittin’ back what Citron said.
But with that in mind, I thought maybe I could act like my natural self without forcing myself to behave like a king.
IzumiOh, I see…! A reverse approach, huh?
Guest EExcuse me. I’d like to go here, but…
BanriDon’t worry. I’ll guide ya.
Izumi(…A king who’s beloved by his subjects, huh?)
(The role study Banri-kun came up with was a great idea.)
