Sakuya | Having the three of us gathered together feels like a blast from the past, doesn’t it? |
Masumi | …Not really. |
Banri | Geez, you’re blunt as always. |
Tenma | Nothing’s changed, huh? |
Izumi | (Seeing the three Hanasaki High students all present does make me feel a little nostalgic.) |
| (I’m sure we’ll get to hear some memorable stories from those three today.) |
| |
Banri | Thanks for comin’ today. |
Sakuya | Banri-kun, happy birthday! |
Masumi | …Happy birthday. |
Tenma | Happy birthday, Banri-san. |
Guest A | Happy birthday, Banri-kun! |
Guest B | Banri-kun! You’re so cool~! |
Guest C | With Tenma-kun, Sakuya-kun and Masumi-kun as guests, maybe we’ll get to hear stories from their high school days!? I can’t wait…! |
Banri | Aight, let’s get the VLOG viewing party segment started right away. |
| |
| “Today, I got Tenma to come shoppin’ with me as we search for a pair of sneakers I was dying to get.” |
| “That bein’ said, Tenma’s also in charge of the camera. |
| Thanks, Tenma.” |
Tenma | “Yeah, leave it to me.” |
| |
Guest A | It’s celebrity shopping…! |
Guest B | Banri-kun’s taste is on point, as expected~. |
Sakuya | Banri-kun, you never look at the price tag until you buy something, huh… |
| If it was me, I’d look at the price first thing… |
Guest C | Yeah! That’s right! |
Banri | Ah, really? I never really noticed. |
Masumi | Isn’t the price tag what you look at at the time of purchase? |
Tenma | Exactly. |
Sakuya | Ehh! |
Guest B | Masumi-kun’s a celeb too…! |
Guest E | I empathize with regular folk like Sakuya-kun…! |
Guest F | I’m with Sakuya-kun too! |
| But shopping like a celebrity sure is nice too…! |
| |
Banri | “The three of us studied for a test at that café before.” |
Tenma | “That reminds me, Juza-san, Taichi and I joined you guys later…” |
| |
Sakuya | That brings back memories! We had a match between Hana High and O High to see who could answer the questions faster. |
Masumi | …It wasn’t even a match though. |
Tenma | Guh… |
Guest A | That’s the Hana High team for you. |
Guest B | They must get along, studying for tests and stuff together~. |
| |
Tenma | “That shoe store is way too much of a hole in the wall.” |
Banri | “I know, right? Masumi and I bought some rare sneakers, but Sakuya didn’t buy anythin’.” |
| |
Masumi | …That happened too. |
Sakuya | Right! I’d love the three of us to hang out together again. |
| But I guess only Banri-kun and Masumi-kun would end up buying something again. |
Banri | How ‘bout Masumi and I choose then? Somethin’ even Sakuya can buy. |
| |
| “…It sure feels good findin’ what you were looking for, doesn’t it?” |
| “…And so, that’s the end of my VLOG. |
| Thanks for watchin’.” |
| |
| *applause* |
Masumi | …Wait, what was the sight you wanted to show us? |
Banri | Who knows. I’ll leave it up to your interpretation. |
| You can look at it that way. |
Masumi | What the heck? |
Sakuya | Now, now. I had fun being able to see those nostalgic sights after such a long time. |
Tenma | We don’t show our shopping trips much either. |
Banri | Did y’all enjoy yourselves? |
Guest A | I had a blast! |
Guest B | Banri-kun looked so cute when he found the sneakers! |
Sakuya | Banri-kun did look like he was in high spirits when he spotted the shoes. |
Tenma | Well, he had been searching for a long time. |
Banri | Pff… I know I said this at the end, but it feels amazin’ finding what you’re looking for, doesn’t it? |
| (I had always been searching for that somethin’ that would set my heart ablaze. |
| Then I found it, and now I’m standing here.) |
| I kinda glossed over it in my VLOG… |
| But I’ll convey myself without hidin’ anything on stage. Thoroughly, through my acting. |
| So, I’ll continue countin’ on your support from here on out. |
| *applause* |
| |
Masumi | It’s about time to wrap up the end. |
Sakuya | It was so fun, the time passed by in the blink of an eye. |
Banri | Alright, last but not least is my photoshoot time. |
| Go for it, Tenma. |
Tenma | On it. |
Banri | This outfit is amazin’, ain’t it? |
| Take some commemorative shots, everyone. |
Guest A | We’re allowed to!? |
Guest B | YAY! |
Banri | It’s a special service just for today. |
Guests | KYAHH!! |
Masumi | Looking good. |
Tenma | If Kazunari was here, he’d be snapping up more photos than anyone else. |
Sakuya | Ahaha, you’re so right. |
Banri | M’kay, let’s start the photoshoot time filled with all my gratitude. |
| *click, click, click* |