Cards/Sakyo Furuichi/Longing for Autumn

From A3! Wiki
Action.png Autumn troupe.png N
Longing for Autumn
(Longing for Autumn) Sakyo Action N.png
(Longing for Autumn) Sakyo Action N+.png
Leader Skill 地獄の取り立て
Debt Collector From Hell
Adlib Skill 威圧の一睨み
Daunting Glare
Cardset Initial



If you want to keep this theater company going, then scrape together and pay back the money I lent you. If you can’t do that, I’ll crush this company.


Card Stats[edit]

Lv. Comedy.png Co Action.png Ac Serious.png Sr
1 615 984 861
20 900 1421 1260
+ 1050 1651 1470
++ 1200 1881 1680
🔥🔥🔥 1800 2481 2280

Adlib Skill Stats[edit]

Lv. % Activation % Stat Increase
1 10 10
2 20 12.5
3 30 15
4 40 17.5



Sakyo 001 Chibi.png