Cards/Sakyo Furuichi

From A3! Wiki
Icon Card Name Card Name (JP) Character Attribute Rarity Troupe Cardset
Icon Card Name Card Name (JP) Character Attribute Rarity Troupe Cardset
85 Night Watch Ginsenkai 夜回り銀泉会 Sakyo Furuichi Action SSR Autumn Initial
86 Premonition of Blooming 開花の予感 Sakyo Furuichi Serious SR Autumn Initial
87 Rehearsal 立ち稽古 Sakyo Furuichi Comedy R Autumn Initial
88 How Wonderfully Picaresque なんて素敵にピカレスク Sakyo Furuichi Comedy R Autumn Initial
89 Longing for Autumn 秋の憧憬 Sakyo Furuichi Action N Autumn Initial
90 Dressing Formally フォーマルにキメて Sakyo Furuichi Serious N Autumn Initial
164 Irreverent Chocolate Pretzels 不遜なチョコプレッツェル Sakyo Furuichi Comedy SR Autumn February Magic sweet
217 Stranger 異邦人 Sakyo Furuichi Serious R Autumn the Ruined Future
239 The Blush-Hiding Garden 照れ隠しのガーデン Sakyo Furuichi Action SSR Autumn June's bouquet pale blue
257 Cool Compassion 冷涼な思いやり Sakyo Furuichi Action SR Autumn A night in summer
281 Impromptu Beach Lifeguard 即席ビーチ監視員 Sakyo Furuichi Serious R Autumn Heated Gaze Beachside
318 Tales of Chivalry: Ginji the Wanderer 任侠伝・流れ者銀二 Sakyo Furuichi Comedy N Autumn Tales of Chivalry: Ginji the Wanderer
319 Heart Drenched in the Night Rain 夜雨に濡れたこころ Sakyo Furuichi Serious SSR Autumn Tales of Chivalry: Ginji the Wanderer
347 MANKAI Birthday 満開Birthday Sakyo Furuichi Comedy SSR Autumn NOVEMBER BIRTHDAY SP
350 Bloom AUTUMN Bloom AUTUMN Sakyo Furuichi Comedy SR++ Autumn Blooming AUTUMN EP
382 First Snow, Falling Gently 初雪、ふわり Sakyo Furuichi Serious SR Autumn Heartfelt SNOW*WHITE
392 Fortune Will Come if it's with You お前となら笑門来福 Sakyo Furuichi Serious SSR Autumn Our Way of Ringing in the New Year
409 Trajectory of Blooming 開花の軌跡 Sakyo Furuichi Action SR Autumn 1st Anniversary Autumn & Winter
456 Adult Matcha Roll おとなの抹茶ロール Sakyo Furuichi Comedy R Autumn One Day Princess!
486 The Reigning Corpse King 君臨する屍王 Sakyo Furuichi Action SR Autumn DEAD/UNDEAD (Second Half)
490 DEAD/UNDEAD DEAD/UNDEAD Sakyo Furuichi Serious N Autumn DEAD/UNDEAD
499 Sincere Chopsticks 真心チョップスティック Sakyo Furuichi Action R Autumn The Mushroom Forest Expedition Team
556 Nobly Beautiful Milky Way 荘厳美麗ミルキーウェイ Sakyo Furuichi Comedy SSR Autumn Let's Meet by the Milky Way
583 Spartan Instruction X スパルタン指導X Sakyo Furuichi Serious SR Autumn Fire up, Mantou Fist!
587 Fire up, Mantou Fist! 燃えよ饅頭拳! Sakyo Furuichi Action N Autumn Fire up, Mantou Fist!
630 MANKAI Playback 満開Playback Sakyo Furuichi Action SR Autumn NOVEMBER BIRTHDAY SP 2018
638 Frugal Real Estate Agent 倹約家な不動産屋 Sakyo Furuichi Comedy SR Autumn mAnkai ApArtment!
650 Creator of the World 世界の創造主 Sakyo Furuichi Action SSR Autumn Óros Ólimpos
702 Journey of Blooming 開花の旅路 Sakyo Furuichi Comedy SR Autumn 2nd Anniversary Autumn
715 Sighing Chocolate やれやれチョコレイト Sakyo Furuichi Serious R Autumn 99% CACAO:HOLIC
772 The Man Seeking Truth 真実を追う男 Sakyo Furuichi Comedy SR Autumn Fallen Blood
777 Fallen Blood Fallen Blood Sakyo Furuichi Comedy N Autumn Fallen Blood
779 A Quiet Morning's Ascetism 静かな朝の一修行 Sakyo Furuichi Comedy SSR Autumn An Honest Life
857 Souvenirs Assortment てんこ盛りスーベニア Sakyo Furuichi Action R Autumn HOLIDAY PARK CARNIVAL
883 Yin Yang Midnight 陰陽の宵 Sakyo Furuichi Comedy R Autumn Invitation to the Afterlife
884 Between Yin and Yang 陰と陽のはざまで Sakyo Furuichi Action SSR Autumn Yin Yang Midnight
909 MANKAI Encore 満開Encore Sakyo Furuichi Serious SSR Autumn NOVEMBER BIRTHDAY SP 2019
941 The Golden Flower Blooming Wild 咲き荒ぶ黄金の花 Sakyo Furuichi Serious SR Autumn It's ADEYAKA BEAUTY
969 Banquet of Blooming 開花の祝宴 Sakyo Furuichi Serious SR Autumn 3rd Anniversary! Autumn
985 Seize Your Fate 命運を握れ Sakyo Furuichi Comedy SSR Autumn EnDgame StuDy
999 Sin Being Judged by Live Bullet 実弾で裁かれる罪 Sakyo Furuichi Action SR Autumn PSYCHO-PASS 3 × A3! Special Collab Scout
1,034 Surreal Charm シュールな魅力 Sakyo Furuichi Serious R Autumn mAnkai AnimAls!
1,039 Master of the Royal Palace 王宮の支配者 Sakyo Furuichi Comedy SR Autumn Beautiful Country
1,090 Keen Mechanic 鋭敏メカニック Sakyo Furuichi Serious SR Autumn ACTOR'S CIRCUIT
1,137 Thank You for the Meal. ご馳走様でした。 Sakyo Furuichi Comedy SSR Autumn Searching for a New-World Gourmet
1,145 Welcome to Akebono-so! 異世界歓迎!元ヤン食堂 Sakyo Furuichi Action N Autumn Welcome to Akebono-so!
1,153 Monster Donut モンスター・ドーナツ Sakyo Furuichi Comedy SR Autumn Re:Tag Match Halloween
1,169 MANKAI Glitter 満開Glitter Sakyo Furuichi Serious SSR Autumn NOVEMBER BIRTHDAY SP 2020
1,191 Beautiful Candlelight 秀麗なキャンドルライト Sakyo Furuichi Action R Autumn Auf der Romantischen Strase
1,230 Promise of Blooming 開花の約束 Sakyo Furuichi Comedy SR Autumn 4th Anniversary Autumn
1,246 Loved One on the Bottle's Rim 瓶の先の想い人 Sakyo Furuichi Serious SR Autumn Magical Fragrant Dreams
1,274 Fierce-looking Rosticere 強面ロスティチェーレ Sakyo Furuichi Action SR Autumn RISTORANTE MANKAI
1,300 Trump the PT Trump the PT Sakyo Furuichi Serious R Autumn On the Night of the Royal Star
1,319 Wishing You a Pleasant Trip 快適な旅を Sakyo Furuichi Serious SSR Autumn All aboard!
1,367 Ginsenkai’s Central Pillar 銀泉会の大黒柱 Sakyo Furuichi Comedy SSR Autumn Last Planet ep.01 Autumn Troupe Edition
1,373 Last Planet Last Planet Sakyo Furuichi Serious R Autumn Last Planet ep.01 Autumn Troupe Edition
1,429 The Eye of Temperance and Frugality 節制倹約の瞳 Sakyo Furuichi Comedy SR Autumn Fortune Festival
1,451 Feelings of the Gathered Dead 集いし亡者の念 Sakyo Furuichi Serious SSR Autumn Special Edition: Veludo Fashion Festa
1,473 MANKAI Memory 満開Memory Sakyo Furuichi Action SSR Autumn NOVEMBER BIRTHDAY SP 2021
1,475 Spotlight Spotlight Sakyo Furuichi Action SR Autumn BD Scout Letter (November)
1,490 South. Hill. Prison サウスヒルプリズン Sakyo Furuichi Comedy R Autumn South. Hill. Prison
1,531 SUNNY AUTUMN SUNNY AUTUMN Sakyo Furuichi Serious SR++ Autumn SUNNY AUTUMN EP
1,554 Brilliance of Blooming 開花の光彩 Sakyo Furuichi Serious SR Autumn 5th Anniversary Autumn
1,579 The Satisfaction of Being a Mechanic 整備士のやりがい Sakyo Furuichi Comedy R Autumn Have a good flight
1,591 Courier Rabbit 運び屋うさぎ Sakyo Furuichi Action SR Autumn Rabbits Party!
1,629 Gratitude and Repayment LIVE! 報恩謝徳LIVE! Sakyo Furuichi Serious SR Autumn A Love Song Dedicated to You
1,661 The Very Best Discarding Move 最善の打牌 Sakyo Furuichi Action SSR Autumn Mahjong Fighting Club
1,714 Acclaimed Accuracy Rate 命中率はお墨付き Sakyo Furuichi Action R Autumn Attack☆Veludo Star Challenge
1,719 Stay Safe Today 今日もご安全に Sakyo Furuichi Serious SR Autumn BURNING EDGE
1,727 the Rad Red the Rad Red Sakyo Furuichi Comedy N Autumn the Rad Red
1,745 MANKAI Party 満開Party Sakyo Furuichi Comedy SSR Autumn NOVEMBER BIRTHDAY SP 2022
1,776 Sake Cup Among Chrysanthemums 菊に盃 Sakyo Furuichi Serious SSR Autumn Hanami de Ippai
1,806 Festival of Blooming 開花の祝祭 Sakyo Furuichi Comedy SR Autumn 6TH ANNIVERSARY AUTUMN
1,826 Magical☆Keemun マジカル☆キームン Sakyo Furuichi Action R Autumn Magical Toys
1,845 Weapons Specialist 武器のスペシャリスト Sakyo Furuichi Action SR Autumn CYBER SHINOBI
1,889 King Enma of the 35th day 35日目の閻魔王 Sakyo Furuichi Comedy SSR Autumn Hell's Hot Spring Village
1,898 Beyond Full Bloom 満開のその先に Sakyo Furuichi Serious SR Autumn Night Street: Meteor Shower Half
1,926 PRIDE for a Living 生業のPRIDE Sakyo Furuichi Action SR Autumn SAVAGE PRIDE
1,930 Defensive and Steady Mahjong Player 守備型堅実雀士 Sakyo Furuichi Serious R Autumn Spotlight: Wolf vs Ginsenkai & Mahjong Club
1,942 Revenger's Balleto リベンジャーズバレット Sakyo Furuichi Action SSR Autumn Something Red
1,972 Life of the Party パーティーの盛り上げ役 Sakyo Furuichi Serious SR Autumn Lovely Pink House
1,999 Stress Relief Methods ストレス緩和方法 Sakyo Furuichi Comedy R Autumn CHILL OUT TIME
2,006 MANKAI Feature 満開Feature Sakyo Furuichi Serious SSR Autumn NOVEMBER BIRTHDAY SP 2023
2,045 File:(Formal Occasion Banquet) Sakyo Furuichi Action SSR Icon Unbloomed.png File:(Formal Occasion Banquet) Sakyo Furuichi Action SSR Icon Bloomed.png Formal Occasion Banquet ハレの日の宴会 Sakyo Furuichi Action SSR Autumn VELUDO HAKAMA COLLECTION
2,066 File:(Reminiscence of Blooming) Sakyo Furuichi Serious SR Icon Unbloomed.png File:(Reminiscence of Blooming) Sakyo Furuichi Serious SR Icon Bloomed.png Reminiscence of Blooming 開花の追想 Sakyo Furuichi Serious SR Autumn 7TH ANNIVERSARY AUTUMN
2,097 File:(Hushed Pleading Kiss) Sakyo Furuichi Comedy SR Icon Unbloomed.png File:(Hushed Pleading Kiss) Sakyo Furuichi Comedy SR Icon Bloomed.png Hushed Pleading Kiss 密かな願いのKISS Sakyo Furuichi Comedy SR Autumn You're my first and last love
2,153 File:(Captivating Promotion) Sakyo Furuichi Action R Icon Unbloomed.png File:(Captivating Promotion) Sakyo Furuichi Action R Icon Bloomed.png Captivating Promotion 魅せるプロポーション Sakyo Furuichi Action R Autumn
2,167 File:(Wedding Aisle Under the Filtered Sunlight) Sakyo Furuichi Comedy SSR Icon Unbloomed.png File:(Wedding Aisle Under the Filtered Sunlight) Sakyo Furuichi Comedy SSR Icon Bloomed.png Wedding Aisle Under the Filtered Sunlight 木漏れ日バージンロード Sakyo Furuichi Comedy SSR Autumn
2,223 File:(A Message to Send to You) Sakyo Furuichi Comedy R Icon Unbloomed.png File:(A Message to Send to You) Sakyo Furuichi Comedy R Icon Bloomed.png A Message to Send to You あなたに贈るメッセージ Sakyo Furuichi Comedy R Autumn
2,231 File:(Dignity of the Boss) Sakyo Furuichi Serious SSR Icon Unbloomed.png File:(Dignity of the Boss) Sakyo Furuichi Serious SSR Icon Bloomed.png Dignity of the Boss ボスの矜持 Sakyo Furuichi Serious SSR Autumn
2,237 File:(Premonition of Budding) Sakyo Furuichi Action SR Icon Unbloomed.png File:(Premonition of Budding) Sakyo Furuichi Action SR Icon Bloomed.png Premonition of Budding 芽吹きの予感 Sakyo Furuichi Action SR Autumn
2,243 File:(Picaresque Returns) Sakyo Furuichi Action N Icon Unbloomed.png File:(Picaresque Returns) Sakyo Furuichi Action N Icon Bloomed.png Picaresque Returns ピカレスク・リターンズ Sakyo Furuichi Action N Autumn
2,252 File:(Sword of Absolute Monarchy) Sakyo Furuichi Comedy SR Icon Unbloomed.png File:(Sword of Absolute Monarchy) Sakyo Furuichi Comedy SR Icon Bloomed.png Sword of Absolute Monarchy 絶対王政の剣 Sakyo Furuichi Comedy SR Autumn
2,258 File:(One-Man Act (Autumn)) Sakyo Furuichi Comedy N Icon Unbloomed.png File:(One-Man Act (Autumn)) Sakyo Furuichi Comedy N Icon Bloomed.png One-Man Act (Autumn) 一人芝居(秋) Sakyo Furuichi Comedy N Autumn
2,300 File:(MANKAI Treasure) Sakyo Furuichi Serious SSR Icon Unbloomed.png File:(MANKAI Treasure) Sakyo Furuichi Serious SSR Icon Bloomed.png MANKAI Treasure 満開Treasure Sakyo Furuichi Serious SSR Autumn NOVEMBER BIRTHDAY SP 2024