Sakyo Furuichi/Courier Rabbit

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All-out Easter Etude!

Backstage Stories
―Entrance (Night)―
IzumiI'm home~.
SakyoOh, you just came home too, huh.
IzumiYeah! Good work for today, Sakyo-san.
SakyoWe're back.
KazunariWelcome home~.
IzumiWhat're you all doing here?
SakuyaWe're doing preparations for Easter event!
SakyoOh, the one that Miyoshi proposed?
KazunariYeah, that one! It's kinda tiring to prep for it tho, cuz there'll be tons of different games~.
IzumiAre you guys making easter eggs?
AzamiKinda, but not really. The egg inside has a piece of paper with instruction written on it.
KazunariI call this game, "Simon Says Easter Egg Hunt"!
SakyoWhat kind of game is that?
SakuyaIt's like a scavenger hunt. The contestants must pick up an egg and follow the instruction written on the paper inside.
TaichiSakyo-nii will be the rep of Autumn Troupe for this contest!
SakyoWhat? Since when you decided on that?
AzamiYou weren't there for the event selection 'cause you had some errands to do. You even said it yourself, "Go ahead and decide for me".
SakyoOh, that time... It's my bad for not listening but you should've informed me if you've decided already.
TaichiSorry, Sakyo-nii!
IzumiIt doesn't seem like there's that much progress though...
SakuyaActually, we all had trouble coming up with challenges to write on the paper.
KazunariWe need some decent amount of them~.
AzamiAnd it won't be good to have many identical ones too.
SakyoPerhaps it'd be better to go for a different direction that's not too biased and easy to think about.
IzumiOh, how about writing an etude theme? It might be a bit different from an instruction though.
SakuyaThats a good idea!
TaichiIt's fitting for us actors!
AzamiEtude themes... Anyone got any idea?
KazunariHere, here! I just thought of one!
"A person who frantically waves his hand for a taxi in a heavy rain at midnight, but the taxi is actually a police car"!
SakyoWhat the hell...
SakuyaThat's very sad...!
AzamiHow surreal.
TaichiBut thanks to Kazu-kun, we've got some idea of the direction! We just gotta think of themes like that!
KazunariAlrighty~, I'm gonna come up with lots of ideas~!
SakyoYou better not just think of weird stuff.
TaichiWhat about this one!
"A rabbit who's wary of the surroundings to monopolize its favourite carrot"!
IzumiNice, you included an Easter element!
SakuyaMine is... "An Easter egg who's sad for not getting any paint". How is it?
KazunariSuper interesting, Saku-saku!
Oh! I got one more idea... "A frog who wants to be reborn as a boba"!
AzamiAre we having a surreal story fest now?
Sakyo...Cut that out, you brats. Take this more seriously, will you!
TaichiEek! I'm sorry~!
SakuyaWe didn't mean to play around...!
KazunariI guess it'd be a problem if we put any strange themes in this game since Frooch-san's gonna be in it~.
SakyoThat's not what I meant. If it's etude, we'll do it seriously. I'm just telling you to think more properly.
AzamiProperly, you say... In that case, an interesting theme that we don't usually see might be better.
SakyoHey, what're you up to now?
IzumiNow, now. You don't have to be that angry.
CHOICE 1: Make the event more exciting. [+]
IzumiThey just wanna make the event more exciting, that's all.
SakyoI know that.
But what if the game stops because the contestants have difficulty with a theme like the one just now.
They'd be sluggish, and everything will be a mess from that point onwards.
IzumiSakyo-san...! I thought you weren't that interested in the Easter event but you're very serious about it!
SakyoWhat? Well, I gotta do it properly since I'm going to participate in it.
IzumiFufu, I'm kinda happy to know that you're also enthusiastic about this.
SakyoHmph, I'm not so keen on it though.
CHOICE 2: Sounds fun, count me in! [+]
IzumiThis seems fun, so I'll try coming up with a theme too. Let's see...
How about, "A person who's happy after they open an Easter egg and find a curry rice in it"?
SakyoYou're the only person who'd be that happy about it.
IzumiEhh?! I don't think that's true though...
SakyoHeh, yours are probably the most surreal out of all.
―Easter event―
ManagerThe next game is "Simon Says Easter Egg Hunt"! Which is also an "Etude Game"!
MasumiI'll show her my good part.
TenmaI'm gonna win this.
HomareI'm very looking forward to seeing what kind of etude themes will pop out!
ManagerWe've got quite a unique group of members here!
SakyoIt's time for me to play now.
OmiDo your best, Sakyo-san.
JuzaWe're rootin' for you.
TaichiGo, go, Sakyo-nii~!
ManagerWell then! On your marks, get set... Go!
SakyoGuess I'll go with the egg that's closest first. Let's see what's inside-.
ManagerOh? Looks like Furuichi-san is frozen in place after seeing his paper. Sir, please read out loud your theme~!
Sakyo..."Ken Sakoda, who's eating a fried shrimp set meal".
TaichiWhaaat?! He's gonna act as Sakoda-san?!
BanriPfft, the heck? That's more of an impression rather than an etude.
JuzaWho put that theme in...?
AzamiI wrote it thinking it'd be funny if shitty Sakyo pulled it, but I didn't expect for him to ACTUALLY get it. I should film this.
Sakyo...So that's what this is.
ManagerQuite a difficult theme there! What will you do, Furuichi-san!?
SakyoI'm an actor, so I'll give my all to act it out.
SakyoYou better watch me closely, you brats...
BanriOh man~. If there's MVP for this game, it'd be Sakyo-san for sure.
AzamiYeah, that acting of his was the best. Bet Ken-san would cry if he saw it himself.
Right, I should send him the video that I took.
SakyoStop it, don't let the guys from Ginsenkai see that.
AzamiI'm the one who took the video, so it's up to me how I want to use it. Anyways, gotta send it to Ken-san first.
IzumiGreat work, Sakyo-san! You were really impressive as an actor!
You were just like Sakoda-san!
IzumiUm, Sakyo-san? What's wrong?
BanriI'm sure you meant it as a compliment but that ain't it for him, Director-chan.
Sakyo...Not happy at all.