Sakyo Furuichi/Trump the PT

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Adults' Secret Meeting

Backstage Stories
Sakyo"Let's go to a warm place in the South and bask in the sun once in a while. "
I suppose I can wrap up today's voluntary practice here.
Hm? Lime? From who?
We're drinking at Guy's bar right now. Sakyo-san, would you like to join us?
SakyoGeez, can't be helped then.
I've also reached a good stopping point. I’ll join in.
HisokaWelcome...What--, it's just Sakyo.
SakyoDon't what me....You're working as a hall staff now. Serve your customers properly.
AzumaAh, you made it.
IzumiSakyo-san, over here!
ItaruOhh, he really came.
ChikageGood work.
SakyoSo you guys.... are here altogether.
AzumaIt's no big deal.
Let's have a toast for the time being.
OmiSakyo-san, please have some wine if you like.
SakyoFushimi....? It's quite unusual for you to help out here.
GuyI have a reservation for a group of guests today. Fushimi offered to help so I gladly took up his offer.
SakyoI see. Thanks for the wine.
AzumaThings have finally calmed down now, right?
Guy, Hisoka, and Omi too, why not join us?
GuyI shall have a drink then.
HisokaI'll have something sweet.
ItaruDoes everyone have a glass?
IzumiFor today's hard work.
Group MembersCheers!
AzumaBy the way, another good alcohol came in today.
ItaruJudging by this flow...
AzumaWhat do you think? Would you like to sample this drink?
ItaruI saw that coming.
ChikageIt has become a custom.
IzumiSounds good!
SakyoGeez....Is that why you called me here?
AzumaGuy is the one who bought it.
You're going to use alcohol as a prop during this performance, right?
SakyoYou just want a good excuse to drink, didn’t you?
IzumiFufu, but Sakyo-san, you're not going to refuse, are you?
ItaruBull's eye.
SakyoShut up. If we're going to drink it, we might as well drink it before these guys get drunk.
IzumiTwo types?
GuyYes. Both are different types of wines.
AzumaTelling the difference between expensive and cheap wine, huh?
I’ve been thinking of sampling some expensive wine after a long time.
ItaruHeh, I see.
IzumiYou also did it for your role study during the "Master's Mesmerized By a Mystery" performance, right?
AzumaAt that time, I asked Sakyo-kun to prepare the wine for us.
SakyoExpensive wine, huh....It sure is nostalgic.
Let's do it but.....don't let Mikage drink.
That guy chugs expensive alcohol dry without any care in the world.
HisokaThat's....a thing of the past.
AzumaWell then, let's all have a drink.
OmiThanks for the drink.
IzumiWah, it's delicious....!
(But both are delicious... I can't tell the difference...)
Omi-kun, do you know?
OmiNo....I'm thinking both are delicious.
ItaruBoth are indeed delicious but... If I had to choose, it has to be this one.
SakyoYeah, this one has a more sophisticated taste to it.
AzumaThat's right.
Chikage....This. Guy-san purchased this, right?
ChikageIsn't this a pretty rare drink?
I had a chance to drink it once when I went to Zafra.
GuyFhm...As expected no less of you.
The one chosen by Utsuki is the right answer.
ItaruYesss! We got it!
AzumaFufu, thank goodness.
IzumiEveryone's amazing...!
OmiVarious types of wine were used to make it seem like an expensive wine but.... Sakyo-san, Azuma-san, and Chikage-san were able to guess it easily. It's amazing.
ItaruIt's amazing, indeed.
AzumaItaru guessed it right too.
IzumiI couldn't tell the difference at all but I had fun sampling out different kinds of alcohol.
ChikageWe were able to drink rare alcohol.
GuyI shall have another alcohol prepared.
AzumaThen, let's have another good wine next.
SakyoGeez, like I said earlier,
you just wanted a good excuse to drink, didn’t you?
But well, I guess it's fine once in a while.
