Sakyo Furuichi/Master of the Royal Palace

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A Log of the Struggles of Raising a Child?

Backstage Stories
IzumiWow, the royal palace sure is a big place.
SakyoSo big that this guy is just here wondering about.
Sakyo-- Sit, you.
IzumiIt’s coming over here..!
IzumiWhat... is it just passing by?
CitronOh! Juliano!
Julianogrrr grrr~♪
IzumiIt’s just... playing with Citron...
GuyCitronia, you let him out of his cage again, didn’t you?
CitronBut he looked bored in his cage.
SakyoHey, what’s the meaning of all this?
CitronLet me introduce him! This is my leopard, Juliano!
GuyHe is Citronia’s pet.
IzumiOh, so this is Juliano! But what was he....
(He has the same pattern as Miru, the cheetah I met at the zoo once... I really think he looks more like a cheetah than a leopard....)
Sakyo.... Is he really a leopard?
CitronWhat are you saying? Juliano is a leopard!
CitronLook, Juliano says so too.
Izumi(Well, I guess if Citron says he’s a leopard, he’s a leopard.)
Servant<< Over there! H-Hey, stop~!>>
???rawr rawr~!
CitronOh! That’s Juliano’s son! This is my first time seeing him~
Juliano Junior~! Come here, pssppspsp~!
Juliano JrRawr!
Servant<< A-AHH! Jumping around in a place like this he’s gonna knock--!>>
IzumiOH, that vase is falling..!
Guy--No need to worry.
IzumiNice catch, Guy!
Servant<< Thank you so much, Guy. If that vase were to break it would surely cost more than I could ever dream fo earning in my whole life.....>>
Guy<< The vase is fine. No need to worry.>>
IzumiThe servant looks relieved.
GuyYes. It is because if this vase would have broke, he said the cost would be greater than what he could have earned in his lifetime.
IzumiI-Is it really that expensive... !?
GuyYes, it is because this is a vase that has been passed down through the royal family for generations.
CitronThis lil guy is cute, but also a bit mischievous.
GuyIt seems as if he gives an equivalent amount of grief to his handler as well.
SakyoWha a headache. He may be a wild animal, but he acts more like a big cat.
Juliano Jr......
Sakyo--- Yea, what they hell you looking at?
Juliano Jr.Rawr~ ♪
IzumiWow, he’s really grown attached to you, Sakyo.
CitronOh, could this be a sign of his respect for you, Sakyo!?
Carnivorous animals bow down before those they deem as stronger..... That’s our Sakyo!
SakyoHumans do not tame wild animals.
Servant<< I have never seen Juliano Jr. act so tame and docile....>>
GuyThis just confirms Furuichi’s uniqueness.
CitronOh! I just thought of a great idea!
So what do you think about letting Sakyo look after Juliano Jr. while we’re in Zahra?
SakyoWhat? Why am I--
CitronSakyo is great at child rearing, and it seems like Juliano Jr. definitely felt something around you.
IzumiChild rearing...
SakyoYou’re talking about this guy, right?
SakyoI think you’re mixing up people and animals.
CitronJuliano Jr. is only this snuggly with you, Sakyo!
You can just hang out with him during your flea time, please!
IzumiFlea time?
SakyoI think you mean free time.
CitronYes, that!
SakyoWhatever... If it’s only during my free time.
CitronThank you~! I am in your web!
Sakyo.... If that is what you say, you are in my debt.
TsuzuruAre you ready, Taichi?
IzumiOh, are you two going out?
TaichiWe’re just gonna head out to do some shopping in town. Seems like everyone else has left already.
CitronSee you guys!
IzumiHuh, you’re not going, Citron?
CitronI wanted to go, but I have some stuff to do here at the palace.
IzumiI see.
TsuzuruBy the way, Furuichi has been taking care of your pet recently, right?
CitronYes! My leopard, Juliano Jr.!
TaichiAren’t leopards wild animals? I-Is Sakyo alright?
CitronWell he is Juliano’s son and Juliano is pretty gentle, so I think Sakyo will be alright.
TsuzuruUh, I don’t think that’s how that works.
IzumiBut well, it did seem like Juliano Jr. was growing attached to Sakyo.
TaichiA man who can make even wild animals yield before him...! That’s our Sakyo!
CitronSakyo is taking care of him lots and lots, Juliano Jr. seems pretty happy too.
Izumi(Now that I think of it, Sakyo had said he was looking after Juliano Jr., but I have yet to see what he is actually doing....)
Well then, I’m just gonna go check on Sakyo.
CitronThank you so much, good luck with Juliano Jr.!
Sakyo-- Hey, you can calm down. This guy is still here.
Juliano Jr.Rawr rawr~♪
Izumi(Wow, seems like they have suddenly become instant friends.)
Sakyo-- Huh, you came to visit, director?
IzumiY-Yea, well I was just curious how you and Juliano Jr. were doing, he seemed to be pretty attached to you.
SakyoEven though he’s a wild animal, he’s still a child who likes to play. Guess I just got used to it.
IzumiJuliano is in his cage I see.
SakyoYea, just for safety. So Juliano can see that Juliano Jr. is safe and doing alright.
Izumi(Wow, Juliano looks pretty relaxed...)
Umm, can I play with Juliano Jr. too?
SakyoYea, this guy seems to be fond of this cat toy.
Izumi.... Hey hey, pspspsppsp.
Juliano Jr.Rawr rawr~!
IzumiWow, so cute! But uhh, he is pretty strong.
CHOICE 1: Are you not scared of him? [+]
IzumiSakyo, are you not scared of him?
SakyoI had said it before, but he is just like a giant kitty cat.
Also, this guy’s still a baby. Trying playing with him, you’ll see.
IzumiOkay, I’ll try. .... Good boy, good boy.
Fufu, you’re right.
CHOICE 2: You are good at taking care of him. [+]
IzumiFrom the looks of it, you are good at taking care of him, Sakyo.
SakyoI had mentioned earlier not to confuse humans and animals, however after playing with this guy for a bit I found some surprising similarities.
He likes to play and he gets fussy on an empty stomach. He really is just as weak as a child.
-- He... Kinda reminds me a little of that brat when he was young.
I remember he was also pretty weak, and had that childish innocence about him.
IzumiAhaha, I think Azami would be pretty upset if he heard you say that.
Juliano Jr.munch
IzumiUH, Ahh! S-Sakyo! He’s eating your hand!
SakyoWhat? It’s just play biting, don’t worry.
IzumiOh he really.. You’re not hurt. S-So that’s a relief.
(This is stressing me out.... I wonder if he was ever like this with Citron.)
Sakyo has finally finished taking care of Juliano Jr..
SakyoYea, surprisingly enough the time went by quickly.
CitronThank you for taking care of him, Sakyo!
Servant<< Thank you so much for your hard work. So then, here is Juliano Jr.>>
Juliano Jr.Rawr~
CitronOh, he’s so docile, you can pet him~ He’s such a good boy now thanks to Sakyo!
GuyAs expected of Furuichi.
SakyoNo, it wasn’t anything big.
TaichiOh! Even I can pet him! Juliano Jr. pspspsp!
AzamiShitty Sakyo, you know he could easily bite off your finger.
SakyoWhat did you say, you brat?
IzumiWe gotta get going, Sakyo. See you later, Juliano Jr.
SakyoHe is quite energetic.. -- Huh?
JulianoRawr rawr!
Juliano Jr.! Rawr!
Juliano familyRawr rawr~♪
TaichiThey both just ran off....
Izumi.... Doesn’t seem like Sakyo noticed.
CitronEven though they seemed so attached, they are surprisingly filed.....!
This just goes to show you that kids will be kids...
AzamiUh, they aren’t your kids though.
