Masumi Usui/Boy Alice in a Dream

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Boy Alice in a Dream

Backstage Stories
Alice's Friend AHey, Alice. How about we drop by the pub along the way home? Senpai said that he’ll be bringing along his little sister’s friends.
Alice's Friend BIdiot, there’s no way that Alice will go, is there?
AliceAlright, got it.
Alice's Friend BWhat?
Alice's Friend AWell, see you later then.
Alice's Friend B……That’s rare of him to be joining us in things like this.
Alice's Friend AHe’s been agreeing to come along with us recently.
ProfessorHello, Alice-kun.
ProfessorIt seems like you’ve been leading a meaningful school life recently. I no longer see you at the base of this very tree everyday anymore.
AliceI just tried to follow your advice.
ProfessorI see. What’s most important is that you’re having fun. Won’t you come drink a cup of tea together with me sometime too?
AliceDidn’t I already tell you that your teatimes are too crowded?
ProfessorMy my. It seems like it’s rather hated by you.
……Right, you’ve changed. You no longer need teatimes.
ProfessorTill later then, Alice-kun. Have a nice weekend.
……He doesn’t have any classes today huh.
(Come to think of it, it’s been quite some time since I’ve read a book down here since I’ve been really busy up till now)
(It’s really calming here after all……)
(This place……it’s still not over?)
(But unlike that time, there aren’t any white rabbits. I’ve not fallen into any holes either. So, why……)
White RabbitOh no, oh no, I must hurry.
AliceOh, Oi, hey youーー
White RabbitWhat should I say since I’m lateーー
AliceOi, wait.
Alice……I’m here again huh.
White RabbitPhew, barely made it on time.
Cheshire CatYou’re both late. The tea will go cold.
Mad HatterThe one who’s late is Alice-kun.
King Of HeartsThat’s a death penalty.
Mad HatterNow now, wait a minute, king. It’s not anything to rush, is it? The tea party has just started.
White RabbitIt hasn’t even started.
Cheshire CatWe have to hurry and start.
Mad HatterRight, right. That’s true. We’re already behind time by 5 minutes.
White RabbitNot 5 minutes. It’s an hour.
Mad HatterHm? That’s strange, the clock seems to be off. Alice-kun, what day was it today again?
AliceIt’s the 4th day.
Mad HatterSo it’s been off for 2 days……alright. In other words, since today’s the 4th day, right, we’re 5 minutes behind time.
White RabbitI’m saying, 1 hour.
Cheshire CatIt’s off again. I think we should have fixed the date.
Alice……My head hurts. It’s meaningless to be only fixing the date, isn’t it.
Mad HatterReally? Well, whatever. Let’s hurry and start the tea party now.
As the only one late for the tea party, Alice-kun, show us a trick or two.
White RabbitThat’s nice. If so then I want to see you balancing a ball.
Cheshire CatI want to see you swinging in mid-air.
King Of HeartsI want to see a trick that sends your head flying.
White RabbitHe’d die if he did that, wouldn’t he?
King Of HeartsThat’s because it’s a death penalty.
Cheshire CatSounds interesting!
AliceSomething like that isn’t even an act or anything, is it?
AliceSaying that I’m late is just your plain assumption. Besides, I wasn’t even invited in the first place.
Mad HatterIs that so?
White RabbitThat might be the case.
Cheshire CatIsn’t that the case?
King Of HeartsEither way’s fine. I’ll place you in prison.
Mad HatterNo choice then. If you can’t do tricks then how about we have you do a buzz and answer?
White RabbitThat’s a nice idea.
Cheshire CatAgreed!
King Of HeartsHurry and do it.
AlicePlease don’t go deciding things all on your own.
Mad HatterWell then, here’s the first question. Why is a large piece of glass similar to a desk used for writing?
Alice…..You don’t need a reason for that, do you? In the first place, they aren’t even similar.
Mad HatterThen, why can’t you solve it?
White RabbitThat’s right, that’s right.
Cheshire CatDo it once over.
King Of HeartsOtherwise, you’ll face the death penalty.
Mad HatterYou have the obligation to find an answer that satisfies us.
AliceHow stupid. I can’t solve a riddle without an answer. I can’t think of it as anything else but a waste of time.
Mad HatterThat’s how you spend time just like that. How about you try taking a note from “Him” a little more?
Mad HatterIf you spend your time with me, you won’t end up like how “Him”
AliceI don’t get what you’re talking about.
Mad HatterI thought that you had changed a little but it appears that you haven’t changed at all.
AliceWhat do you want to say. In the first place, all those things you were saying beforeーー
Mad HatterBefore?
AliceSomeone who really resembles you told me that I’ve changed.
Mad HatterI see, I see. But that just means that you’ve essentially not changed at all.
AliceYou’re being to vague.
Mad HatterIt seems like the person who told you that really thinks that way. What a show of courage.
AliceShow of courage?
Mad HatterOr rather, he’s given up.
AliceI don’t understand what you’re saying.
Mad HatterMy, is that so? Well, I don’t know much of it since I’ve only just picked it up.
AliceWhy do you understand what the professor thinks so well?
Mad HatterYou should already know the reason to that.
I understand what the professor thinks better than anyone else. And so, I forced you to participate in this tea party.
And then, what’s the most logical consequence which can be derived from it?
AliceWhat can be derived from that……?
Mad HatterWell, just drink the tea and take your time to think about it slowly.
(What? All of a sudden, my consciousnessーー)
Mad HatterGood night, Alice. Sweet dreams.
ProfessorMorning, Alice.
ProfessorHow about you have a cup too?
ProfessorOh? I thought you said that you didn’t like it?
AliceIt’s because I don’t hate the taste of the tea you make. Moreoverーー
You wanted to drink tea together with me, didn’t you?
ProfessorThat’s an interesting opinion. I’d like to hear your reasons behind those views.
AliceLet’s take our time to talk about it over tea.
ProfessorThat’s a nice idea. You seem to have figured out how to spend your time too.
