Cards/Masumi Usui/Rumored Lady
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< Cards | Masumi Usui
Rumored Lady | |
【噂の貴婦人】 | |
Leader Skill | かの王妃の好物 The Queen's Favorite Food |
Adlib Skill | 失礼、 ごめんあそばせ Excuse me, I Beg Your Pardon |
Cardset | La Vie En Rose |
Card № | 1768 |
え、これ・・・?いや、カシューナッツじゃなくて、バニラ キプフェル。 マリーアントワネットの好物だったって···
Wh-this...? No, this isn't a cashew nut, it's a vanilla kifli. Apparently it was Marie Antoinette's favorite food, so...
- Backstage Story: 三日月の中のハート (My Heart Under the Crescent Moon)
Card Stats
Lv. | Co | Ac | Sr |
1 | 2407 | 1504 | 2109 |
60 | 4000 | 2507 | 3525 |
+ | 4270 | 2677 | 3765 |
++ | 4540 | 2847 | 4005 |
🔥🔥🔥 | 5440 | 3747 | 4905 |
Adlib Skill Stats
Lv. | % Activation | % Stat Increase |
1 | 15 | 25 |
2 | 20 | 30 |
3 | 25 | 35 |
4 | 30 | 40 |