Cards/Masumi Usui

From A3! Wiki
Icon Card Name Card Name (JP) Character Attribute Rarity Troupe Cardset
Icon Card Name Card Name (JP) Character Attribute Rarity Troupe Cardset
7 Now Playing... Now Playing… Masumi Usui Serious SSR Spring Initial
8 Premonition of Blooming 開花の予感 Masumi Usui Action SR Spring Initial
9 Rehearsal 立ち稽古 Masumi Usui Comedy R Spring Initial
10 Romeo & Julius ロミオとジュリアス Masumi Usui Action R Spring Initial
11 A Bud Waiting for Spring 春待つつぼみ Masumi Usui Serious N Spring Initial
12 Hanasaki Private Academy 私立花咲学園 Masumi Usui Comedy N Spring Initial
176 Boy Alice in a Dream 青年アリスは夢の中 Masumi Usui Action SSR Spring Boy Alice in Wonderland
179 Boy Alice in Wonderland 不思議の国の青年アリス Masumi Usui Serious N Spring Boy Alice in Wonderland
204 Love is a Storm of Flowers 恋は花嵐 Masumi Usui Serious R Spring SAKURA Diary Night
211 Actor's Cafe OPEN アクターズカフェOPEN Masumi Usui Serious R Spring Actor's Cafe
225 First SPRING First SPRING Masumi Usui Comedy SR++ Spring First SPRING EP
233 Kneeling Vow of Love 跪いて誓う愛 Masumi Usui Comedy SSR Spring June's Bouquet pearl white
266 The Clockwork Heartbeat ぜんまい仕掛けのココロ Masumi Usui Action R Spring Daydreaming gear
283 The Song I Want You to Hear キミに聞かせたい曲 Masumi Usui Comedy R Spring GUILTY SUMMER ROCK FES.
298 Asleep or Awake, I Want to See You 寝ても目覚めても逢いたくて Masumi Usui Comedy SR Spring good, good night!
335 I Want to Ripen for You アンタのために熟したい Masumi Usui Serious SR Spring Mogitate à la Mode
369 Obsessive★Stage 執着★Stage Masumi Usui Action SR Spring I-Chu x A3! Special Collaboration Scout
381 The Lord Has Come 主は来ませり Masumi Usui Action SSR Spring Heartfelt SNOW*WHITE
396 Trajectory of Blooming 開花の軌跡 Masumi Usui Serious SR Spring 1st Anniversary Spring & Summer
431 Pure Love Illusion 純愛イリュージョン Masumi Usui Action SR Spring The Wonderful Charlatan of Oz (Second Half)
434 The Wonderful Charlatan of Oz エメラルドのペテン師 Masumi Usui Action N Spring The Wonderful Charlatan of Oz
442 MANKAI Birthday 満開Birthday Masumi Usui Comedy SSR Spring MARCH BIRTHDAY SP
455 Self-Play MAXIMUM 俺プレMAXIMUM Masumi Usui Action R Spring One Day Princess!
478 First Love Horse Riding Club はつこい乗馬倶楽部 Masumi Usui Action SSR Spring Petals Flutter, You Slumber
527 With Love From the Kitchen 厨房より愛を込めて Masumi Usui Comedy SR Spring Tell Me a Secret Code
529 Knights of Round IV Knights of Round IV Masumi Usui Comedy N Spring Knights of Round IV THE STAGE
577 Reverent Salute 敬愛サルート Masumi Usui Serious SR Spring Queen Camellia
639 Genius Composer in Love 恋する天才作曲家 Masumi Usui Comedy R Spring mAnkai ApArtment!
658 Handsome Casse-Noisette 端麗なカスノワゼット Masumi Usui Comedy SSR Spring Dear My Nutcracker
687 Journey of Blooming 開花の旅路 Masumi Usui Action SR Spring 2nd Anniversary Spring
720 Heated Gaze Chocolate 熱視線ビスケット Masumi Usui Serious R Spring Re:FebMAGIC
722 Dedicated to a Dearly Beloved Person 親愛なる人に捧ぐ Masumi Usui Serious SSR Spring Frühling Einsatz
729 Harugaoka Quartet 春ケ丘Quartet Masumi Usui Serious N Spring Harugaoka Quartet
733 MANKAI Playback 満開Playback Masumi Usui Serious SR Spring MARCH BIRTHDAY SP 2019
785 Running Through Kyo no Machi 京の街を駆け抜けて Masumi Usui Serious SSR++ Spring Let's go Samurai Cinema Romance
863 Last Runway ラスト・ランウェイ Masumi Usui Serious R Spring DRESSED
866 Mad Love Torso 狂愛トルソー Masumi Usui Comedy SR Spring The Last Runway
894 The Friendly Chat of Deads 死者たちの談笑 Masumi Usui Comedy SSR Spring Day of the Marigold
928 Hot Chocolate with Love ラブ入りホットココア Masumi Usui Serious SR Spring party people on ice
952 Sinking in the Abyss of Longing 墓情の淵に沈む Masumi Usui Action R Spring Fated Battle
954 Banquet of Blooming 開花の祝宴 Masumi Usui Serious SR Spring 3rd Anniversary! Spring
980 Sword of Friendship 友情の剣 Masumi Usui Action R Spring The MANKAI Dorm in Those Days: Spring-Summer Edition
994 select me select me Masumi Usui Action SR Spring Magical Pink Diner
1,005 MANKAI Encore 満開Encore Masumi Usui Action SSR Spring MARCH BIRTHDAY SP 2020
1,022 Today, Your 17-year-old Self Will... 今日、十七のキミは Masumi Usui Serious SSR Spring Best wishes for your future.
1,073 Hiyoku's Younger Brother 比翼の弟 Masumi Usui Action SR Spring IMMORTAL CROW (First Half)
1,077 IMMORTAL CROW 新説・クロウ伝 Masumi Usui Action N Spring IMMORTAL CROW
1,098 Magician of Lovesickness 恋煩いの奇術師 Masumi Usui Comedy SSR Spring Magicians' Pure Love
1,101 Magicians' Pure Love 奇術師たちの純愛 Masumi Usui Serious N Spring Magicians' Pure Love
1,155 Ultimate Break Shot 究極のブレイクショット Masumi Usui Action SSR Spring Kiss Shot
1,205 Busybody Ventriloquism 世話焼き腹話術 Masumi Usui Comedy R Spring New Year! Red and White Kakushigei Tournament
1,215 Promise of Blooming 開花の約束 Masumi Usui Action SR Spring 4th Anniversary Spring
1,262 MANKAI Glitter 満開Glitter Masumi Usui Comedy SSR Spring MARCH BIRTHDAY SP 2021
1,271 Amethyst Palette アメジストパレット Masumi Usui Serious R Spring Cosmetic Syndrome
1,292 Promising Young Employee 期待の若手社員 Masumi Usui Action R Spring SPRING SUIT COLLECTION
1,317 Cool×Rocker クール×ロッカー Masumi Usui Comedy SR Spring 69'n' Roll 4ever!
1,394 Feelings That Can Melt Ice Cream アイスも溶ける想い Masumi Usui Action SR Spring Choose Ice Cream♪
1,410 my favorite songs my favorite songs Masumi Usui Comedy SSR Spring Last Planet ep.02 Spring Troupe Edition
1,416 Last Planet Last Planet Masumi Usui Serious R Spring Last Planet ep.02 Spring Troupe Edition
1,435 Twins: Black ツインズ・ブラック Masumi Usui Serious SR Spring Virtual Angel
1,441 SSR Family SSRファミリー Masumi Usui Serious N Spring SSR Family
1,479 Beyond One’s Gaze 視線の先は Masumi Usui Serious SSR Spring A Scenic View to Give You Someday
1,511 Garrison Captain's Determination 守備隊長の決意 Masumi Usui Serious R Spring EnDgame StuDy Black Turn
1,522 MANKAI☆New Year 満開☆新年 Masumi Usui Action SR++ Spring New Year's Login Bonus 2022
1,539 Brilliance of Blooming 開花の光彩 Masumi Usui Serious SR Spring 5th Anniversary Spring
1,582 1-Day Apprentice Mechanic 見習い整備士の1日 Masumi Usui Comedy R Spring Yearning Airlines
1,584 MANKAI Memory 満開Memory Masumi Usui Action SSR Spring MARCH BIRTHDAY SP 2022
1,586 Spotlight Spotlight Masumi Usui Serious SR Spring BD Scout Letter (March)
1,605 Beside You 傍にいるのは Masumi Usui Serious R Spring SK∞ the Infinity × A3! Collaboration Scout
1,628 Devilish Smile LIVE! 魔性のスマイルLIVE! Masumi Usui Comedy SSR Spring A Love Song Dedicated to You
1,645 Literary Impasse 文学隘路 Masumi Usui Comedy R Spring The Beloved Domestic Student
1,672 Sweet Ripe ☆ Spring Fruit 甘熟☆スプリングフルーツ Masumi Usui Serious SSR Spring SUMMER VACATION Collection
1,705 Cool Boy, Cool Bear クールボーイ・クールベア Masumi Usui Comedy SR Spring Elegant Vacation
1,748 Kiss and Change Color 口づけて色づいて Masumi Usui Action R Spring Yummy☆Cosmetics
1,768 Rumored Lady 噂の貴婦人 Masumi Usui Comedy SR Spring La Vie En Rose
1,791 Festival of Blooming 開花の祝祭 Masumi Usui Serious SR Spring 6TH ANNIVERSARY SPRING
1,831 Thinking on the Rooftop 屋上で想うのは Masumi Usui Action SR Spring After School
1,837 MANKAI Party 満開Party Masumi Usui Comedy SSR Spring MARCH BIRTHDAY SP 2023
1,851 Zero Gravity Linguist 無重力リンギスト Masumi Usui Serious SR Spring Moon Traveler
1,853 Moon Traveler ムーン・トラベラー Masumi Usui Action N Spring Moon Traveler
1,879 going my way going my way Masumi Usui Serious SR Spring Sanrio characters × A3! Collaborative
1,894 Beyond Full Bloom 満開のその先に Masumi Usui Action SR Spring Night Street: Meteor Shower Half
1,901 Long Slumber 永い眠り Masumi Usui Action SSR Spring Android001
1,962 Heart-throbbing Vacation Night ときめきバカンスナイト Masumi Usui Serious R Spring Night Pool Party!
1,995 Haunted Butler ホーンテッド・バトラー Masumi Usui Serious SSR Spring Special Edition: Haunted Western-Style House
2,026 Candlelight Radiance キャンドルライトの輝き Masumi Usui Serious R Spring White Town Never Sleeps
2,051 File:(Reminiscence of Blooming) Masumi Usui Action SR Icon Unbloomed.png File:(Reminiscence of Blooming) Masumi Usui Action SR Icon Bloomed.png Reminiscence of Blooming 開花の追想 Masumi Usui Action SR Spring 7TH ANNIVERSARY SPRING
2,092 File:(MANKAI Feature) Masumi Usui Action SSR Icon Unbloomed.png File:(MANKAI Feature) Masumi Usui Action SSR Icon Bloomed.png MANKAI Feature 満開Feature Masumi Usui Action SSR Spring MARCH BIRTHDAY SP 2024
2,096 File:(Rosa Pura, Longing for Love) Masumi Usui Serious SSR Icon Unbloomed.png File:(Rosa Pura, Longing for Love) Masumi Usui Serious SSR Icon Bloomed.png Rosa Pura, Longing for Love 恋焦がれるローザプーラ Masumi Usui Serious SSR Spring You're my first and last love
2,116 File:(Indomitable Thoroughbred) Masumi Usui Action SR Icon Unbloomed.png File:(Indomitable Thoroughbred) Masumi Usui Action SR Icon Bloomed.png Indomitable Thoroughbred 不屈のサラブレッド Masumi Usui Action SR Spring
2,122 File:(At the Crimson Glow Mansion) Masumi Usui Action SSR Icon Unbloomed.png File:(At the Crimson Glow Mansion) Masumi Usui Action SSR Icon Bloomed.png At the Crimson Glow Mansion 茜さす洋館で Masumi Usui Action SSR Spring
2,128 File:(Premonition of Budding) Masumi Usui Comedy SR Icon Unbloomed.png File:(Premonition of Budding) Masumi Usui Comedy SR Icon Bloomed.png Premonition of Budding 芽吹きの予感 Masumi Usui Comedy SR Spring
2,134 File:(Rosso e Blu) Masumi Usui Serious N Icon Unbloomed.png File:(Rosso e Blu) Masumi Usui Serious N Icon Bloomed.png Rosso e Blu Rosso e Blu Masumi Usui Serious N Spring
2,152 File:(A Body that Captures Your Gaze) Masumi Usui Comedy SR Icon Unbloomed.png File:(A Body that Captures Your Gaze) Masumi Usui Comedy SR Icon Bloomed.png A Body that Captures Your Gaze 視線を奪う身体 Masumi Usui Comedy SR Spring
2,205 File:(A New Use for A Crown) Masumi Usui Comedy R Icon Unbloomed.png File:(A New Use for A Crown) Masumi Usui Comedy R Icon Bloomed.png A New Use for A Crown 王冠の新たな使い道 Masumi Usui Comedy R Spring
2,218 File:(Letter Destination) Masumi Usui Action SSR Icon Unbloomed.png File:(Letter Destination) Masumi Usui Action SSR Icon Bloomed.png Letter Destination Letter Destination Masumi Usui Action SSR Spring
2,249 File:(King Who Holds Supremacy) Masumi Usui Serious SR Icon Unbloomed.png File:(King Who Holds Supremacy) Masumi Usui Serious SR Icon Bloomed.png King Who Holds Supremacy 覇権を握る王 Masumi Usui Serious SR Spring
2,307 File:(Gaze of Absolute Zero) Masumi Usui Comedy SSR Icon Unbloomed.png File:(Gaze of Absolute Zero) Masumi Usui Comedy SSR Icon Bloomed.png Gaze of Absolute Zero 絶対零度の眼差し Masumi Usui Comedy SSR Spring
2,335 File:(Thrilling Tea Party) Masumi Usui Serious R Icon Unbloomed.png File:(Thrilling Tea Party) Masumi Usui Serious R Icon Bloomed.png Thrilling Tea Party 心躍るお茶会 Masumi Usui Serious R Spring