Cards/Kazunari Miyoshi/les sucreries

From A3! Wiki
les sucreries
【les sucreries】
Leader Skill 構図の先の秘密モチーフ
Secret Motifs Behind the Composition
Adlib Skill 憂鬱な日常
Melancholic Everyday
Cardset La Vie En Rose
Card № 1767


マカロンはタワーにしてティーカップはここで···うん! これでいいかな? 豪華な静物画になりそうな予感!

Arrange the macarons into a tower, place the teacups like this, and... there! Is this okay? I think it looks like a fancy still life painting!


Card Stats

Lv. Co Ac Sr
1 2652 1893 3030
80 4706 3315 5400
+ 4966 3495 5700
++ 5226 3675 6000
🔥🔥🔥 6426 4875 7200

Adlib Skill Stats

Lv. % Activation % Stat Increase
1 20 35
2 25 40
3 30 45
4 35 50

