Kazunari Miyoshi/les sucreries
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Atelier Tea Time
Backstage StoriesKazunari | Hmm… |
Banri | What’s up? |
Kazunari | I’m thinking what theme I should use for my next art assignment. |
I was considering choosing still life, but it’s been a while, so I also wanna paint someone… | |
It’s hard when you have lots of choices, huh? | |
Banri | Yeah, it’s tough when the theme’s up to you. |
Kazunari | You feel me~. |
I still have time, so I guess I’ll relax and think it over. | |
Misumi | You can do it, you can do it~! |
Banri | Is that voice… Misumi? |
Kazunari | I wonder what happened? |
Tasuku | See, I told you. |
Tsumugi | Ahaha… |
Kazunari | What’re you guys up to? |
Misumi | Tsumugi was challenging whether he could lift Tasuku~. |
Banri | What the heck lead to that? |
Tasuku | I just told him he should work out more since he was out of breath from just carrying a slightly larger planter. |
Tsumugi | But I thought I would be able to lift something as heavy as Tasuku if I really put my back into it … |
Kazunari | Dude, that’s a reckless challenge, you know! |
Tsumugi | …Yeah. It really was too much for me. |
Misumi | I bet I could lift Tasuku though~? |
Tasuku | …Please don’t. |
Misumi | How about you, Kazu? Can you princess carry him? |
Kazunari | Let’s see… |
Tax is out of the question, but I think I could still pull it off with Settzer! | |
Banri | I question your judgment criteria. |
…But, I mean, if you can do it, then go ahead and try? | |
Kazunari | Alright, here goes~… Hmph! |
Banri | … |
Kazunari | …Welp, guess that’s that! |
Banri | You sure threw in the towel fast. |
Tasuku | Well, I predicted that wasn’t going to work. |
Tsumugi | Ahaha… |
Kazunari | Hold it! If it’s Tsumutsumu, then I think I can do it! |
Tsumugi | M-me!? |
Kazunari | Lemme give it a shot! |
Misumi | You got this, Kazu~! |
Tsumugi | Umm… |
Tasuku | You guys… |
Banri | Stop before you throw out your back. |
Izumi | (…I wonder if this looks okay?) |
It’s been a while since I’ve dressed like this, so it feels off… | |
(I pulled out a dress that I bought because I thought it looked cute, but it was just sitting in the closet since the timing was never right to wear it…) | |
(Something about it just isn’t right though.) | |
(I have a dress that I’ve worn before, but I don’t have time to change—) | |
(It’s fine, I only get to wear this for times like today where I’m invited to a wedding.) | |
…Wait, it’s this time already!? | |
(I have to hurry…!) | |
The gift, my wallet, the invitation card just in case… | |
Great, I’ve got everything. | |
(Alright, let’s head out!) | |
Kazunari | Hey, it’s Director-chan~. |
I see you’re all dolled up. Are you going out somewhere? | |
Izumi | Yep, I’m going to a friend’s wedding—err, sorry, I’m running behind on time, so I’ll be off! |
Kazunari | Have fuuun. |
… | |
Izumi | *Sigh*, I’m beat… |
(In the end, I got swept along and ended up attending the after party too…) | |
(It’s later than I expected.) | |
Kazunari | Welcome back, Director-chan! |
I was waiting for you to come home. | |
Izumi | Sorry I’m late. What’s up? |
Kazunari | Hear me out… I have a favour to ask you. |
Izumi | ? |
Kazunari’s university… how long has it been since I’ve been here? | |
(On top of that, to think I came in this dress…) | |
*flashback starts* | |
…You want to paint my portrait? | |
Kazunari | Yep! I was torn over what to do for my assignment. But when I saw you in your dress I totes thought, “I wanna draw that!”. |
You’re always cute, but I’d love to immortalize how you look all dressed up like today in a painting. | |
Izumi | Um, I’m… |
(Being told that kind of makes my heart skip a beat…) | |
Kazunari | Pretty please! |
*flashback ends* | |
Izumi | (I ended up agreeing as a result…) |
(I don’t even go here, but I still feel a bit uneasy loitering around in this outfit.) | |
(In any case, I guess I’ll wait in this area.) | |
Kazunari | Sorry for the wait, Director-chan! |
Izumi | Ah, Kazunari-kun. |
It’s fine. I just got here. | |
Kazunari | For reals? Thank goodness~. |
Thanks for coming all the way here! | |
The atelier is over here. I’ll show you the way. |
Kazunari | M’kay, I’m gonna jump right into it. |
Director-chan, you can take a seat on that sofa and make yourself comfortable. | |
Izumi | Sure thing. |
I feel kind of nervous though… | |
Kazunari | Ahaha, your shoulders are all tense! |
Let loose and have a seat. | |
Ah, it’s alright if your line of sight isn’t on me! | |
…Nice! Let’s take a quick break. | |
Izumi | Mhm… |
(*Sigh*… I can finally move again…) | |
Kazunari | Sorry for making you keep still. |
Izumi | No worries. |
It’s pretty tough staying still the entire time. | |
Kazunari | We don’t do that all that often, huh? |
Ooh, I know! Wanna have some? | |
They’re macarons! They’re famous for tasting delish! | |
Let’s have ourselves a tea party! | |
Izumi | Thanks. |
Holding a tea party in an atelier feels fresh. | |
Kazunari | Uni’s pretty laissez-fair, after all. |
Besides, you came all the way here, so I gotta treat you properly. | |
And most importantly, I rarely get the chance to have teatime with a dressed-up Director-chan, isn’t that right? | |
The locale is my uni’s atelier though. | |
CHOICE 1: A tea party in an atelier sounds fun too [+]
CHOICE 2: Amabi is an interesting place [+]
Anyways, here’s the macarons! | |
Choose any one you’d like. | |
Izumi | Ehh… I can’t decide which one to pick… |
Alright, I guess I’ll have pistachio. | |
Kazunari | Okayyy! Salted caramel for me then. |
It’s the instant kind, but I’ll whip up some black tea. Sit tight for a sec~. | |
Izumi | Thanks. Itadakimasu. |
Kazunari | Let’s see, I’m pretty sure it’s over here—. |
*alarm goes off* | |
Announcement | “Fire. Fire. A fire has broken out.” |
“All students please evacuate immediately.” | |
Izumi | !? |
Kazunari | Eh? EH? FIRE!? |
Izumi | This isn’t an evacuation drill, is it…? |
Kazunari | I didn’t hear of anything like that… |
In any case, we should probably head outside. Now. | |
Over here, Director-chan! | |
Izumi | O-okay. |
*opens door* | |
Kazunari-kun, there’s smoke…! | |
Kazunari | Woah~!? This is legit! |
Izumi | We have to get out of here, quick…! |
Kazunari | Wait, Director-chan. You can’t run in that outfit, can you? |
Izumi | I think I’ll manage if I take off my heels, but… |
Kazunari | Hold still… upsie-daisies! |
Izumi | Wah! Kazunari-kun!? |
Kazunari | …I’ll carry you, princess. |
Izumi | … |
(This is unmistakably a princess carry… isn’t it!?) | |
Kazunari | Hold on tight! |
Izumi | Eh!? Wait a minute—! |
Kazunari | Here we go! |
…And that’s why we were in a doozy the other day~. | |
Director-chan got a fright too! | |
Banri | Hey, if it’s Director-chan, then she’ll be fine. |
Besides, it wasn’t actually a fire in the end, right? | |
Kazunari | Right, right. Apparently, the smoke from people grilling meat in a lecture hall set off the fire alarm. |
Banri | What a drag involving the whole school over grilled meat… |
Oh yeah. I heard there’s a rumour you were with a girl. | |
There’s lotsa speculation flying ‘round that she’s your girlfriend. | |
Kazunari | Ahh… well, I’m not gonna deny it! |
Banri | Why’s that? |
Kazunari | But, I mean… if I had to say, she’s more like my muse. |