Kazunari Miyoshi/les sucreries

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Atelier Tea Time

Backstage Stories
BanriWhat’s up?
KazunariI’m thinking what theme I should use for my next art assignment.
I was considering choosing still life, but it’s been a while, so I also wanna paint someone…
It’s hard when you have lots of choices, huh?
BanriYeah, it’s tough when the theme’s up to you.
KazunariYou feel me~.
I still have time, so I guess I’ll relax and think it over.
MisumiYou can do it, you can do it~!
BanriIs that voice… Misumi?
KazunariI wonder what happened?
TasukuSee, I told you.
KazunariWhat’re you guys up to?
MisumiTsumugi was challenging whether he could lift Tasuku~.
BanriWhat the heck lead to that?
TasukuI just told him he should work out more since he was out of breath from just carrying a slightly larger planter.
TsumugiBut I thought I would be able to lift something as heavy as Tasuku if I really put my back into it …
KazunariDude, that’s a reckless challenge, you know!
Tsumugi…Yeah. It really was too much for me.
MisumiI bet I could lift Tasuku though~?
Tasuku…Please don’t.
MisumiHow about you, Kazu? Can you princess carry him?
KazunariLet’s see…
Tax is out of the question, but I think I could still pull it off with Settzer!
BanriI question your judgment criteria.
…But, I mean, if you can do it, then go ahead and try?
KazunariAlright, here goes~… Hmph!
Kazunari…Welp, guess that’s that!
BanriYou sure threw in the towel fast.
TasukuWell, I predicted that wasn’t going to work.
KazunariHold it! If it’s Tsumutsumu, then I think I can do it!
KazunariLemme give it a shot!
MisumiYou got this, Kazu~!
TasukuYou guys…
BanriStop before you throw out your back.
Izumi(…I wonder if this looks okay?)
It’s been a while since I’ve dressed like this, so it feels off…
(I pulled out a dress that I bought because I thought it looked cute, but it was just sitting in the closet since the timing was never right to wear it…)
(Something about it just isn’t right though.)
(I have a dress that I’ve worn before, but I don’t have time to change—)
(It’s fine, I only get to wear this for times like today where I’m invited to a wedding.)
…Wait, it’s this time already!?
(I have to hurry…!)
The gift, my wallet, the invitation card just in case…
Great, I’ve got everything.
(Alright, let’s head out!)
KazunariHey, it’s Director-chan~.
I see you’re all dolled up. Are you going out somewhere?
IzumiYep, I’m going to a friend’s wedding—err, sorry, I’m running behind on time, so I’ll be off!
KazunariHave fuuun.
Izumi*Sigh*, I’m beat…
(In the end, I got swept along and ended up attending the after party too…)
(It’s later than I expected.)
KazunariWelcome back, Director-chan!
I was waiting for you to come home.
IzumiSorry I’m late. What’s up?
KazunariHear me out… I have a favour to ask you.
Kazunari’s university… how long has it been since I’ve been here?
(On top of that, to think I came in this dress…)
*flashback starts*
…You want to paint my portrait?
KazunariYep! I was torn over what to do for my assignment. But when I saw you in your dress I totes thought, “I wanna draw that!”.
You’re always cute, but I’d love to immortalize how you look all dressed up like today in a painting.
IzumiUm, I’m…
(Being told that kind of makes my heart skip a beat…)
KazunariPretty please!
*flashback ends*
Izumi(I ended up agreeing as a result…)
(I don’t even go here, but I still feel a bit uneasy loitering around in this outfit.)
(In any case, I guess I’ll wait in this area.)
KazunariSorry for the wait, Director-chan!
IzumiAh, Kazunari-kun.
It’s fine. I just got here.
KazunariFor reals? Thank goodness~.
Thanks for coming all the way here!
The atelier is over here. I’ll show you the way.
KazunariM’kay, I’m gonna jump right into it.
Director-chan, you can take a seat on that sofa and make yourself comfortable.
IzumiSure thing.
I feel kind of nervous though…
KazunariAhaha, your shoulders are all tense!
Let loose and have a seat.
Ah, it’s alright if your line of sight isn’t on me!
…Nice! Let’s take a quick break.
(*Sigh*… I can finally move again…)
KazunariSorry for making you keep still.
IzumiNo worries.
It’s pretty tough staying still the entire time.
KazunariWe don’t do that all that often, huh?
Ooh, I know! Wanna have some?
They’re macarons! They’re famous for tasting delish!
Let’s have ourselves a tea party!
Holding a tea party in an atelier feels fresh.
KazunariUni’s pretty laissez-fair, after all.
Besides, you came all the way here, so I gotta treat you properly.
And most importantly, I rarely get the chance to have teatime with a dressed-up Director-chan, isn’t that right?
The locale is my uni’s atelier though.
CHOICE 1: A tea party in an atelier sounds fun too [+]
CHOICE 2: Amabi is an interesting place [+]
Anyways, here’s the macarons!
Choose any one you’d like.
IzumiEhh… I can’t decide which one to pick…
Alright, I guess I’ll have pistachio.
KazunariOkayyy! Salted caramel for me then.
It’s the instant kind, but I’ll whip up some black tea. Sit tight for a sec~.
IzumiThanks. Itadakimasu.
KazunariLet’s see, I’m pretty sure it’s over here—.
*alarm goes off*
Announcement“Fire. Fire. A fire has broken out.”
“All students please evacuate immediately.”
KazunariEh? EH? FIRE!?
IzumiThis isn’t an evacuation drill, is it…?
KazunariI didn’t hear of anything like that…
In any case, we should probably head outside. Now.
Over here, Director-chan!
*opens door*
Kazunari-kun, there’s smoke…!
KazunariWoah~!? This is legit!
IzumiWe have to get out of here, quick…!
KazunariWait, Director-chan. You can’t run in that outfit, can you?
IzumiI think I’ll manage if I take off my heels, but…
KazunariHold still… upsie-daisies!
IzumiWah! Kazunari-kun!?
Kazunari…I’ll carry you, princess.
(This is unmistakably a princess carry… isn’t it!?)
KazunariHold on tight!
IzumiEh!? Wait a minute—!
KazunariHere we go!
…And that’s why we were in a doozy the other day~.
Director-chan got a fright too!
BanriHey, if it’s Director-chan, then she’ll be fine.
Besides, it wasn’t actually a fire in the end, right?
KazunariRight, right. Apparently, the smoke from people grilling meat in a lecture hall set off the fire alarm.
BanriWhat a drag involving the whole school over grilled meat…
Oh yeah. I heard there’s a rumour you were with a girl.
There’s lotsa speculation flying ‘round that she’s your girlfriend.
KazunariAhh… well, I’m not gonna deny it!
BanriWhy’s that?
KazunariBut, I mean… if I had to say, she’s more like my muse.
