Azami Izumida/Long-awaited Sunset
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A Flower Bouquet to Give as a Gift
Backstage StoriesKumon | —You see, Azami, Shift and I are gonna hang out together next week! |
Izumi | You three really get along, huh? |
Azami | Ain’t that just normal? |
*door opens* | |
Sakoda | Azamiii! |
Azami | Eh, Ken-san? |
Izumi | Good afternoon, Sakoda-san. |
Sakoda | Ah, Director nee-san. |
G’work today! | |
Azami | What’s up? |
Sakoda | Swing by the Chairman’s birthday party next week, Azami! |
I came here today to let ya know about it! | |
Azami | Right, it was that time of the year, huh… |
But I’ve already got plans with Kumon ‘n Shift next week so I won’t be able to go. | |
Sakoda | Don’t say that, Azamiii! |
Kumon | A birthday party’s an important event, isn’t it! |
We can hang out anytime, so you gotta go! | |
I’m sure Shift would say the same thing! | |
Azami | What’re you just deciding—. |
Izumi | The Chairman’s birthday, huh… |
Sakoda-san, is it alright if I tag along with Azami-kun too? | |
I don’t want to disturb you guys, so I’ll just greet him and head home. | |
Azami | Oi, what are you saying now… |
Besides, I didn’t say I’m going. | |
Sakoda | If it’s Director nee-san, then you’re totally welcome! The Chairman’ll be happy too! |
Don’t just say you’ll greet him and head back—please join the birthday party too. | |
Izumi | Thank you very much! |
So, Azami-kun, let’s go celebrate together? | |
Azami | *Sigh*… fine. |
Izumi | What would be good for a present for the Chairman? |
Azami | Meh, anything’s fine—ah. |
(A flower shop… That reminds me, my old man was real happy when I gave him flowers in the past.) | |
…There’s a flower shop over there, so why don’t we go with flowers? | |
Izumi | A flower bouquet as a present sounds lovely! |
I think that’s a great idea! Alright, let’s drop by the flower shop? | |
Azami | Yeah. |
Shop clerk | Welcome. |
Izumi | I’d like to give a flower bouquet as a present… |
Shop clerk | Oh, a flower bouquet? Do you have a specific use for it, or do you have any colours or flowers or so forth in mind? |
Izumi | Um, it’s for a birthday present for an older man… |
Do you have any thoughts about the colours or something, Azami-kun? | |
Azami | Ahh… if I had to say, then it might be nice to add some purple roses. |
Izumi | Then please add purple roses. |
I’ll leave the rest up to you. | |
Shop clerk | Understood. |
Please wait a moment. | |
*notification sound* | |
Azami | Hm? A LIME from Kumon…? |
Azami | (HAH!? There’s no friggin’ way I can say that!) |
Izumi | Ah, these white roses are really pretty! |
Azami | (…White roses?) |
Shop clerk | Thank you very much. |
They’re beautiful and charming, aren’t they? | |
Izumi | Yeah! Even so, there’s a huge amount of them placed out, huh? |
Shop clerk | Yes, many people buy them as gifts for White Day, so a lot of them are shipped over this season. |
Izumi | Oh, so that’s why. |
Maybe I’ll try buying some myself next time. | |
Shop clerk | Please do! |
Azami | … |
Sakoda | Alright, in honour of the Chairman’s birthday… |
Everyone | Happy birthday, Chairman! |
Chairman | Yeah, thanks, guys. |
Izumi | Happy birthday. |
Come on, you too, Azami-kun. | |
Azami | … |
…Congrats. | |
Here, for your birthday. | |
Chairman | Pff, this is the second time I’ve received flowers from you for my birthday. |
…That’s right, there were purple roses in the flowers I got last time too, weren't there?[1] | |
Sakoda | UuUuh… Azami congratulated the Chairman…! |
And the Chairman looks happy too… I’m sooo glad~… uhu… | |
Sakyo | Does Sakoda, that idiot, plan on crying every year? |
Makita | You say that, but Furuichi’s also happy to see those two like that, aren’t you? |
Sakyo | Shut it. |
Sakoda | It’s about time to wrap things up! |
Chairman | Sorry about today, Director-san. |
You brought that brat Azami along with you, right? | |
Izumi | Oh, no, I only came to celebrate because I wanted to. |
Thank you very much for letting me join in with you all. | |
Chairman | Well, I’ll just leave it at that. |
Same here, thanks. | |
Oi, Makita. | |
That reminds me, we had somethin’ to give Director-san, right? | |
Makita | Right, I’ve got it ready here. |
Izumi | (What could it be…?) |
Makita | Nee-chan, take this. |
They’re in return for Valentine’s day. | |
Izumi | Eh, these are… wagashi[2]? |
Is it alright to take this many? | |
Sakyo | All the members got something from you, right? |
That has everyone’s share in it. Don’t worry and just accept ‘em. | |
Izumi | If you say so, then I’ll gladly take them. |
Thank you very much! | |
Azami | Amazin’, the paper bag’s full of them… |
And there’s also a huge box inside. | |
CHOICE 1: It’s refreshing and I’m happy. [+]
CHOICE 2: All of them look tasty. [+]
Makita | Anyways, Bon-chan received somethin’ for Valentine’s day from Director nee-chan, didn’t you? What are you gonna give her for White day? |
Azami | HA!? |
…I haven’t really thought of anythin’ yet! | |
Makita | Oh…? |
Azami | What’re you smirking for? |
‘Sides, it’s none of your business anyways, Ichiro-san! | |
I’m going home. | |
Izumi | Ah, I’ll get going too then. |
Sakoda | Stay longer, Azami! |
Sakyo | If Bon’s staying, then I’ll take Director-san back. |
Izumi | Eh, I’m fine on my own. |
You have an opportunity like this, so please take your time, Sakyo-san. | |
Sakyo | You plan on draggin’ all those heavy wagashi home all by yourself? |
Azami | That’s why I said I’m going home. |
…’Kay later, Ken-san. | |
I’ll carry this bag. | |
Izumi | T-thanks. |
Wait, hold on, Azami-kun! | |
Alright then, thank you very much for today. | |
Please excuse us! | |
Sakyo | …Yeah, take care. |
Shop clerk | Welcome. |
…Oh my? | |
Hello. | |
Are you looking for something today? | |
Azami | Yeah… |
I’d like you to make a bouquet with the white roses over there. | |
Shop clerk | Ahh, those white roses! I understand. |
How many stems would you like? | |
Azami | How many… how many do you usually use? |
Shop clerk | Let’s see, a lot of customers ask for 3 flowers at this time of the year. |
Azami | 3, huh… |
(That’s not enough for a bouquet. | |
…I’ll just go for double that.) | |
Then I’ll ask for 6. | |
Shop clerk | Understood. |
Please wait a moment. | |
Azami | (Come to think of it, they didn’t ask me what I’m using it for like the last time we came…) |
Shop clerk | My apologies for the wait. |
What do you think? | |
Azami | Yeah, it’s nice. |
Shop clerk | Then I’ll hand it over to you over here. |
Azami | ‘Preciate it. |
Shop clerk | I hope she’ll like these white roses. |
Azami | Eh? |
Shop clerk | Your companion was looking at these flowers really eagerly when you came last time, right? I’m sure she’ll be thrilled. |
Azami | ! |
...Thanks. |