Cross Backstage/CAFE LazyTime

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Cross Backstage: Banri x Tsumugi
CAFE LazyTime
Main Story
BanriFuaaa, how bothersome.. They told me to just leave already, but is there a place to kill time anywhere?
TsumugiEh? Banri-kun?
TsumugiWhat are you doing at this time around? It is no good to skip school, you know.
BanriAh, today we have this at the school, you know.. what is it? Opening day anniversary?
TsumugiSakuya-kun and the others are going to school, though.
BanriIt's townspeople day then.
TsumugiI never heard such thing exists in Velvet Way, though.
BanriAh, I actually have some chronic diseases...
TsumugiThat is a surprisingly old trick.
BanriI have some chronic flu then...
TsumugiOkay okay, that's enough. I won't tell director.
BanriThanks. By the way, Tsumugi-san, you don't go to your part-time work today?
TsumugiIt's my day off today. I am actually running an errand for director.
BanriOh.... Well then, do you have time today? Should we go out for a little bit?
BanriHell yeah.
TsumugiYou also like it, huh. Okay, let's go out.
BanriThis is Tsumugi-san's favorite shop, isn't it? There aren't many people here so it feels calm.
TsumugiYes, this is a good shop.
EmployeeThank you for waiting. Here are your drinks, two cups of hot coffee.
TsumugiThe coffee is also delicious.
BanriI know right?
TsumugiJust as I thought, Banri-kun has good eyes.
BanriI suppose.
Tsumugi.....Yes, It's calming.
BanriI know Tsumugi-san would definitely like this.
TsumugiYou found it out.
BanriIsn't it a good thing that I skipped school?
TsumugiThat's a different matter. If you keep skipping school, you will repeat a year, you know.
BanriI've already calculated it properly, so no problem.
TsumugiBanri-kun sure is good at dealing with things, huh.
BanriAh, anyway, the MMO that has just been released recently is really interesting. It's easy, so why don't Tsumugi-san give it a try?
Even though Itaru-san usually does things like PK[1], there are forbidden areas, and also a lot of laid-back players.
BanriItaru-san and I will help you leveling up. How?
TsumugiFirst off, what is MMO? Is that some type of game?
BanriYou don't even know it, huh.....
TsumugiI have no knowledge of game, you see.
Speaking of interesting things, the movie that is playing in Veludo Way's movie theatre was interesting.
It's a story about a couple who like collecting antique things. Since it seems like they only play it for a limited time, I think it is best to watch it now.
BanriEh... I only watch horror and action movies, though.
TsumugiI see.
BanriI'll go watch that when I feel like it.
Banri.....Ah, that's right. I have to pull the limited gacha.
TsumugiIs it game again?
.....Banri-kun, there's something I want to ask. Why do you always bring me together to any good shops that you find?
TsumugiI am happy about that, but isn't it more fun to bring a friend who is the same age with you?
BanriHmmmm. Well, it sure is not exciting.
TsumugiI know right?
BanriHowever, I don't really understand why, but being with Tsumugi-san somehow calms me down.... it puts me at ease?
TsumugiI see. That's good then.
BanriHow about Tsumugi-san?
TsumugiI am also having fun. I come to know a lot of shops thanks to you.
BanriWell, isn't it good?
TsumugiYeah, but I think it is kinda strange for the two of us to be drinking tea at this point of time.
BanriIt sure is.
TsumugiWe may be both leaders and cafe lovers, but our preference and things that we like are completely different.
BanriEven our cafe's preference is different.
TsumugiBanri-kun always considers the menu taste as the most important, but for me, it's the shop's atmosphere.
BanriShops that have the two of them combined are hella precious.
In the first place, Tsumugi-san's strike zone is too detailed.
Things like the chair position, the table's manufacturer, the cup's brand, the certification....
And even the table's arrangement. Your detail level is the same as a sister-in-law's.
TsumugiThat's because coffee shops are condensed from master's preference, you see. That's why shop that pays attention to small details is a good shop.
In Banri-kun's case, you can't leave even one menu tastes bad, yes? You even check the sugar measurement, so isn't Banri-kun just the same?
BanriChecking the sugar is basic, you see.
TsumugiI don't think it is really basic, though.
BanriBut this sure is a mystery, isn't it? We're not even the same age, and even when we become classmates, you're not the type of guy that I like to befriend with.
TsumugiI know right.
BanriI wonder how does it look if we see it from a side.
TsumugiYes... It's a mystery.
BanriIt sure is a mystery. What is our relationship in the first place anyway?
Tsumugi.....Colleagues of the same theatre company?
BanriIt doesn't really suit somehow. Other members don't drink tea together with us, you know.
TsumugiYou're right. I feel like we are more than colleagues, but we're not exactly "friends"....
BanriI guess we're like "tea drinking buddies with an age gap."
TsumugiThat's right.
Hm? There's a LIME from director.
BanriI got one too. It's in the company chat.
TsumugiInteresting street act...?
BanriThere's a video.
Banri......It's good.
Tsumugi....They're skillful.
BanriI never thought of this method. It's fresh...
TsumugiNot just the idea, but they also have acting skill. I wonder which theatre company it is.
BanriWell, but we're not going to lose here, though.
TsumugiWe have to develop too.
Should we go for it too?
BanriI am up for it.
There's one more, our common point.
BanriWhat is it?
TsumugiWe both love plays.
Banri....There sure is one, but is it okay?
Excuse me, can I have the bill please?
Main Story


Translator's Notes

  1. PK means Player Kill