Azami Izumida/Let's Eat.

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Put your hands together, and

Backstage Stories
Izumi(Phew~. I’m tired from helping out all day. But the performance looked like a success; I’m glad.)
(I’m hungry… There’s still some time till dinner, so maybe I’ll grab something before heading home.)
Azami—Got it. Don’t worry. I’ll let you off the hook if you treat me next time, Shifuto. Yeah, yeah. See you.
IzumiHuh? Azami-kun?
IzumiOn your way back from school?
AzamiYeah. I was thinking of getting some ramen with a friend, but he cancelled on me last minute.
IzumiRamen, huh. Sounds good.
AzamiWe can go another day, but the store is a requirement on the ramen map, so….
IzumiOh, right, you guys were filling out a ramen map?
That’s right! Can I come along with you? I was just thinking of grabbing something to eat.
AzamiThere’s no curry ramen.
IzumiI eat things other than curry too!
AzamiAlright then, let’s go.
IzumiWhat kind of store is it?
AzamiIt offers beauty ramen that’s good for the skin. It’s popular among women lately.
IzumiBeauty ramen!?
AzamiFull of collagen. The noodles are also made of low-fat ingredients.
IzumiAmazing, Azami-kun. You’re serious even when it comes to ramen….
AzamiOf course.
But it’s not really the kind of place a guy can go on his own, so I’m glad you’re here, Director.
IzumiI’m hungry, so this is perfect. Is the friend you were planning on going with also a boy?
AzamiYup. He just joined a theater troupe, and they’re telling him to take care of his skin and whatnot, so he was interested.
IzumiHuh~. He must be relieved to have a friend like you, Azami-kun.
AzamiWell, he’s the kind of guy who can’t afford to spend money on cosmetics, so I teach him about stuff like rice bran face packs.
IzumiIs he an old friend?
AzamiHe’s my childhood friend.
IzumiAh, is he the one you ran away from home with?
AzamiYup. He was always interested in theater, and he got accepted to a theater troupe audition recently.
IzumiI see.
AzamiHe was already a busy guy—he does all the housework and volunteers around where he lives, but now he has to deal with practice, too. So he hardly has any time anymore.
He cancelled today because his troupe called him out of nowhere. But I’m glad he seems fulfilled.
IzumiSo he’s working hard. You can’t lose, Azami-kun.
AzamiWell, yeah.
IzumiThe customers really are all women.
AzamiIt doesn’t feel like a ramen shop.
IzumiWhat will you order?
AzamiWe still have to eat dinner, so something light—.
IzumiAh, this one says it’s moderate size. Should we order it?
AzamiI guess they offer this sort of thing because they get lots of female customers.
IzumiThey know know how to suit every need, huh.
StaffThank you for waiting~.
IzumiWow, it’s full of vegetables! Looks delicious!
AzamiIt’s full of beauty food.
Izumi(Ah, Azami-kun puts his hands together when he says it.)
(Now that I think about it, he does it so discreetly that it’s hard to notice, but I feel like he always puts his hands together at the dorms, too.)
(He’s holding his chopsticks very properly, too….)
Azami-kun, you have good table manners, huh. Like when you say your “itadakimasu”s, and the way you hold your chopsticks.
No… It’s just habit because otherwise shithead Sakyo will yell at me.
IzumiSo it’s Sakyo-san’s teachings?
AzamiIf I don’t put my hands together he whisks away my plate at top speed, and if I don’t hold my chopsticks properly he takes those away too. I don’t know if it’s because he always keeps an eye out, but his reaction speed is insane.
IzumiSo thorough… though that does sound like Sakyo-san.
But why do you do it so inconspicuously?
AzamiThat’s because… How do I put it, it’s embarrassing, and I don’t want shithead Sakyo to notice.
Izumi(I guess he doesn’t want Sakyo-san to notice that he’s following his teachings. Kind of like a minor rebellious phase?)
(Ah, that’s right—.)
AzamiThanks for the meal.
IzumiThank you for the meal.
AzamiBut yeah, no surprise, I’m still hungry. I wanna ask for a refill.
IzumiI understand how you feel, but you won’t be able to eat dinner if you do.
AzamiWonder what’s for dinner today?
IzumiNow that you mention it, I think Omi-kun messaged us over LIME… But I was at work so I couldn’t check.
Azami...Oh, here we go.
Juza Hyodo
LIME Icon Juza.png
Omi-san, what’s for dinner today?
Omi Fushimi
LIME Icon Omi.png
Today’s menu also functions as role-building for Autumn Troupe’s performance
taichi nanao
Ooh, so Chinese!?
LIME Icon Banri.png
Huh, sounds good
Juza Hyodo
LIME Icon Juza.png
Almond tofu… Sesame dumplings….
Omi Fushimi
LIME Icon Omi.png
I’ve prepared dessert too
LIME Icon Banri.png
What are you, a kid?
IzumiA menu that also functions as role-building… don’t tell me it’s….
IzumiWe’re home~.
AzamiWe’re home.
OmiPerfect timing. We’re just about to eat, so help me set up the table.
IzumiIs it ramen…?
IzumiAh, it’s dim sum!
OmiEveryone’s been filling out the ramen map lately, right? So I tried making a full course of dim sum.
IzumiWow, there’s so much! It looks delicious!
TaichiDumplings and shaomai and deep fried food and fried vegetables and manto—uu, I don’t know what to eat first!
HomareI heard we were having an Autumn Troupe play-themed dinner and bought some Chinese tea leaves.
GuyI’ll brew them right away.
OmiI’ll leave it to you, Guy-san.
TaichiI can’t wait to eat~!
IzumiIs this everything?
TaichiThen—Itadakimasu! Let’s eat!
IzumiAh, wait one second!
HomareIs something the matter?
IzumiWe should take this opportunity to all put our hands together and say “Itadakimasu” at once!
MisumiEveryone at once~?
IzumiYes. Everyone put your chopsticks down—.
Omi-kun, thank you for always cooking such delicious meals for us! Now let’s say it together—.
BanriWhat is this, elementary school lunchtime…?
GuySo this is this country’s etiquette. It’s quite nice.
HomareYes, it’s refreshing.
TaichiOmi-kun, thank you for all the meals!
JuzaThey’re always delicious.
OmiYou guys are flattering me.
MisumiPutting my hands together and saying “Itadakimasu” feels good~.
GuyIt’s like we’re showing respect to our meals.
TaichiDinner tastes even more delicious than usual!
MisumiThen will it taste even better if we do it one more time~?
HomareHm, that’s quite interesting reasoning. It might be worth trying.
MisumiTwo times~? Triangle times~?
TaichiCome on, A~chan, you too!
TaichiHere we go! Put your hands together, and—itadakimasu!
Izumi(Fufu, this way Azami-kun won’t have to feel shy.)
Izumi(Sakyo-san looks a little happy, too.)
TaichiAh! It’s true! It does taste even better!
MisumiIt’s delicious~!
TaichiShould we do it again!?
Sakyo—Stop making such a ruckus! Eat quietly!
