Tsuzuru Minagi/MANKAI Memory

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Childhood Memory: TSUZURU

Backstage Stories
Tsuzuru(…Hm? There’s a lot going on in the lounge.
Everyone sure is energetic in the morning.)
CitronGood morning, Tsuzuru!
Huh, I-Itaru-san!?
ItaruMorning, Tsuzuru.
TsuzuruGood morning…
Eh, i-it’s… 8 in the morning right now…
ItaruIt’s always like this when I have work, you know?
TsuzuruI mean, you’re off today, aren’t you…?
Are you working on your day off…? No, wait, did you pull an all-nighter…?
ItaruNope~. Today’s special.
CitronIt’s started!
TaichiOoh. That person’s the main character this time!
TsuzuruAhh, I see. I get it now.
A new series started today, huh?
This new Sentai show has been blowing up on SNS.
CitronI’ve been eagerly waiting for today!
TaichiSame here!
*Sigh*, that was awesome!
The new hero was super cool too~.
TsuzuruYeah. He gets carried away pretty easily, but he’s a refreshing and dashing protagonist.
CitronI really liked that transformation pose!
ItaruIt seems popular since it has a classic vibe to it despite its unique setting.
TaichiThe preview for the next ep is after this, right?
I wonder if a new ally will join forces with them?
You, take this sword and fight alongside the hero!”
TaichiEh? This sword is…
CitronOH!? A never-before-seen weapon?
ItaruThere it is. The commercial dropped spoilers before the actual show.
That’s probably the weapon that’ll show up next week or the week after that.
TaichiWhat a sharp business tactic…
TsuzuruHaha. That happens a lot for hero shows and anime at this hour…
CitronThe official sources spoil the most!
But I can’t wait for next week!
TsuzuruHold on. Taichi has a little brother, so that makes sense…
But you’re into these things too, Citron-san?
CitronYes! The same hero shows were aired in Zafra 2~3 years after they were broadcast in Japan.
I watched them in secret.
I was looking forward to them every week.
TsuzuruI see. So that’s how it was.
…Then there’s Itaru-san. I was sure you’d watch shows like this by streaming reruns instead.
ItaruIt’s only for the first episode. If it’s interesting, I’ll stream it later.
TsuzuruOnly the first episode…
ItaruI mean, I can do my best to get up earlier than when I do for work…
But in the end, I wanna prioritize gaming.
*Yawn*… and with that said, I’m gonna head back to my room and sleep again.
CitronThat’s Itaru for you.
*door opens*
IzumiI-I just passed by Itaru-san.
Today’s Sunday. And it’s still morning.
TsuzuruI knew you’d think that.
You had the exact same reaction as me.
CitronItaru got up early to watch the early bird[1].
IzumiUm, I see…?
Ah, that’s right. That reminds me, Tsuzuru-kun.
Your turn is coming up for the birthday bromide photoshoot.
TsuzuruOh right, it is.
CitronYou need to prepare one item yourself to use as an accessory in the birthday bromide shoot, right?
The theme is a memorable item from before you joined the troupe.
TsuzuruA memorable item, huh…
Well, I don’t have any plans today.
I’ll drop back home and look for an accessory to use in my photoshoot while I’m at it.
I’m sure my little bros were also watching that show just now.
TaichiGreat! You can get hyped up over the same topic.
IzumiYeah. Have a safe trip.
TsuzuruI’m back.
NoboruTsuzuru nii-chan?
TsuzuruSuberu, Noboru, I’m home.
NoboruWelcome back.
SuberuWelcome back!
Heeey, Tsuzuru nii-chan’s home!
TakeruEhh, really!?
YuzuruTsuzuru onii-chan! Welcome home!
TsuzuruHaha. You guys look like you’re doing well too, Takeru, Yuzuru.
Sorry for dropping by so suddenly.
There’s just something I wanna find.
TakeruYou’re looking for something?
TsuzuruYeah. I’m gonna use a memorable item from before I joined the troupe as an accessory for a photoshoot.
NoboruHeh, so you use things like that too, sometimes. That sounds intriguing.
SuberuHmm, do we have anything?
NoboruAll the clothes and toys we played with get handed down to our younger brothers in our household, right?
SuberuYeah, exactly. There are lots of items that become broken or unusable as they’re used for a long time.
TsuzuruThat’s true…
Thinking about it that way, there’s not many things left, huh?
Ah! Maybe we still have that.
YuzuruWhat is it?
TsuzuruUmm, I’m sure it’s in the back of the dresser…
…Here it is!
NoboruAh, that t-shirt…
TakeruWhat’s that, Tsuzuru nii-chan~?
TsuzuruAhh, you see…
*flashback starts*
TV“Starry Sky Sentai! Star Rangers!”
TsuzuruThe Star Rangers are so cool!
I wanna become a hero like them too!
TV“You can be a Star Ranger too!
Star Ranger style t-shirts now on sale!”
They match the Star Rangers!
That’s awesome.
I wanna wear that and become a Star Ranger too!
Hey. Mom, dad!
Tsuzuru’s momWhat’s the matter?
TsuzuruUm, I have a request…
I want a Star Ranger style t-shirt…!
Tsuzuru’s dadA t-shirt?
TsuzuruIt’s a t-shirt that looks like just the Star Ranger’s transformation suit.
It’s super duper cool!
They showed it in a commercial today…
And I want one no matter what…
Please! I’ll even help out around the house!
Tsuzuru’s dadIt’s rare for Tsuzuru to beg for something.
Tsuzuru’s momIt really is.
Tsuzuru’s dadA t-shirt is fine, isn’t it?
He can use it all the time.
Tsuzuru’s momTrue. He’s always doing his best with his chores too.
Alright, Tsuzuru. Let’s go tomorrow to buy one together.
Yay. Thanks mom and dad!
I’ll be sure to take great care of it!
*flashback ends*
And so, they bought this t-shirt for me.
I was so happy and loved it so much that I wore it all the time.
TakeruOoh~. Tsuzuru nii-chan liked these heroes, huh!
TsuzuruYeah, I sure did.
KaoruOh, onii-chan’s home.
Welcome back.
TsuzuruAh, Kaoru. I’m back.
KaoruHuh, that t-shirt… sure brings back memories.
You used to love that, didn’t you?
TakeruDid you wear that as a hand-me-down too, Kaoru nii-chan?
KaoruNope, I never wore it.
TsuzuruSentai heroes switch to new heroes from year-to-year, after all.
Kaoru and the others weren’t familiar with the Star Rangers, so they didn’t wear this as a hand-me-down.
And, well, that’s why it was left in the back of the drawer like this.
SuberuI see.
NoboruYou found a great memorable item.
TakeruHey, hey. What kinda pose did the Star Rangers do when they transformed?
TsuzuruEh? You want me to do it?
TakeruDo it, do it!
YuzuruI wanna see~!
TsuzuruGuess I have no choice…
Shine, courage!
Star Ranger, transform!
YuzuruWow, that’s so cool!
SuberuOh, he struck it perfectly!
NoboruHe really remembered it. I’m not surprised.
Hey, I wanna do that pose too! Teach me!
YuzuruMe too!
KaoruAhaha. Onii-chan’s Star Ranger is all the rage, huh?
CitronHappy birthday, Tsuzuru!
IzumiHappy birthday, Tsuzuru-kun!
TsuzuruThanks so much, everyone.
CitronAlright, to celebrate Tsuzuru’s birthday, Citrun will perform a birthday manzai show!
TsuzuruHold on, what’s a birthday manzai show!
Besides, I’m the one we’re celebrating for in the first place!?
MasumiTheir manzai show has already begun.
TsuzuruIt hasn’t started!
ItaruTsuzuru’s birthday bromide also came out really well, didn’t it?
ChikageThere was a huge variety in his accessories.
IzumiIt turned out to be a very wonderful bromide.
TsuzuruIt’s all thanks to everyone who helped with the photoshoot.
CitronTsuzuru’s memorable item was a Ranger’s t-shirt, right?
ChikageIt’s very like Tsuzuru to choose clothing as opposed to a transformation belt or weapon.
ItaruWere you thinking about your family’s situation even when you were a kid?
TsuzuruAh, yeah. I have a lot of brothers, so I guess I was.
I thought they might be reluctant to buy me a transformation belt or toy. But clothing is practical, so…
I wanted that t-shirt no matter what, so I took the plunge and asked them.
IzumiOh, I see.
SakuyaEven so, you have great parents for buying it for you when you asked for it.
TsuzuruYeah. It’s a genuinely good memory of mine, so that’s why I used it for my bromide this time.
MasumiYou’re considerate in a weird way.
ItaruIt’s fine, isn’t it? That kindness feels just like Tsuzuru.
Izumi(It does feel like it’s rare for Tsuzuru-kun to beg for something.)
CHOICE 1: You really loved them [+]
IzumiYou must have really loved those heroes to want that t-shirt no matter what.
TsuzuruI did. There were a bunch of other books and shows that I liked…
But I was particularly into the Star Rangers back then.
I admired the main character since he was so cool.
He was kind, fun, and dependable to boot.
I wanted to become a hero just like that.
IzumiThat sounds just like you, Tsuzuru-kun.
IzumiYou’re kind, fun, and dependable. You’re really cool, Tsuzuru-kun.
Tsuzuru…! T-thank you very much…!
It feels a bit embarrassing…
But I’m thrilled to hear you say that, Director.
CHOICE 2: Once in a while, ask us for something too [+]
IzumiOnce in a while, ask us for something too. Alright, Tsuzuru-kun?
IzumiThere aren’t many times you’re selfish or beg for something, so I just thought I’d like to hear some of your requests.
TsuzuruNo way. You’re always letting me be self-indulgent with my scripts.
SakuyaIn that case, we’re the ones always being selfish towards you, Tsuzuru-kun.
CitronWe want to pepper[2] you too!
MasumiIt’s pamper, not pepper.
ChikageExactly. You should learn from Chigasaki who’s full of desires and be self-indulgent too.
ItaruLol. But yeah.
SakuyaWe’d be more than happy to listen to your requests, Tsuzuru-kun!
…I’ll take your word for it and try asking for something next time.
CitronBy the way, Tsuzuru. Did you talk about the morning show with your brothers?
TsuzuruAhh, no… when I brought this t-shirt out, we got excited chatting about the Star Rangers who were my favourite.
They even got me to do the Star Ranger’s transformation pose.
CitronOH!? That sounds fun. I want to see that transformation pose too!
Do it, Tsuzuru!
TsuzuruEhh!? Err, I’m not gonna do it?
SakuyaI’d like to know about the Sentai heroes you liked too, Tsuzuru-kun!
TsuzuruEven you, Sakuya…
ItaruI might have some sorta transformation belt.
TsuzuruWait, you’re from a different generation, aren’t you!
MasumiI’m not interested. Why don’t you do it by yourself?
TsuzuruThat’d be kinda cringe though…
ChikageHaha. Tsuzuru taking jabs from every direction is as interesting and reliable as always, huh?
IzumiThat’s also a part of Tsuzuru-kun… isn’t it?



  1. I’m like 99%(?) sure Citron is misspeaking here, but I can’t figure out what he actually meant. So I just put something for now lol.
  2. Citron originally says “ふやかす” (fuyakasu: to soak), which Masumi corrects as “甘やかす” (amayakasu: to pamper/spoil).