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< Guy

Role Study "Tsuzuki"

Backstage Stories
GuyI am thinking about what I would do if I was in charge of fixing up the hotel. Let me think. Hmm, let’s see.
HomareYou’d definitely bring stability back to the hotel in no time.
TsumugiTrue, but I feel like workload could easily become overwhelming if Guy was in charge.
HisokaEvery little detail would have to be refined and the service would be impeccable.
AzumaFufu, you’re right.
TasukuWe should be asking the man himself. So what would you do, Guy?
GuyIf I was tasked with fixing up the hotel well-- First and foremost I think entertaining guests would be of upmost importance.
Although, I do not think I would need to rely completely on human employees.
Tsumugi? What do you mean by that...?
Male GuestHello.
Male GuestOhh, I heard this hotel had robots with AI at the check in counter, but I didn’t expect it to be like this. Wow, amazing.
GuyThank you so much. If you need anything or have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask one of our AI staff.
AIManager, data analysis COMPLETE.
GuyYes, thank you. I will use this data in order to create new campaigns to bring in more customers.
Yes, hello. You would like rooms for a party of 20? ... Understood.
I am very grateful to have such a large reservation at our small hotel, however we will need to do a bit of work to prepare rooms for 20 people..
Well then, can I rely on you?
GuyWith the introduction of AI technology at the hotel, I can improve the efficiency of the hotel’s operations. Furthermore, I can lessen the load for the human staff to make the staff to guest ratio as low as 1:1.
There would be a bit of a cost up front for the technology, however I think the interest an AI hotel would attract guests. Perhaps it would even become a selling point.
As an added benefit, with the data collected by the AI staff I would have a better understanding of what the guests want.
I would be able to provide new services and campaigns.
AzumaYou would really use robots with AI, huh.
HisokaNow that’s something different.
TasukuGuy does what Guy does.
GuyIn addition, I would perform routine maintenance on the robots to avoid any bugs or issues.
TsumugiIt would be quite an inconvenience if they were to break down during work.
HomareI think an AI hotel would be quite interesting. I would definitely wanna stay a night there.
TasukuYea, me too.
