Azami Izumida/MANKAI Playback

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The Memories of Jin-Gi-Oh Cards

Backstage Stories
IchiroHappy birthday. Here’s our present for ya.
AzamiAh… thank you.
Yakuza ABou! Happy birthday!
Yakuza BHappy birthday!
IchiroBoucchan’s gotten big now, huh. You were just below my knees when you were small.
AzamiAin’t that an exaggeration?
IchiroEven the president’s in high spirits celebrating Boucchan’s birthday.
AzamiNot really… There ain’t much to celebrate.
IchiroHe looked quite pleased when he received the bouquet from before[1].
IchiroDid you know he displayed them on a vase for some time?
Azami...Oh, really.
Azami...Do you have something to do?
AzamiIt’s because you’ve been concerned at the time.
IchiroAh… no, it’s nothing.
AzamiOh yeah, where’s Ken-san today?
IchiroAh… Today he said he’s out doing a very important errand.
AzamiWell then, it’s about time I go back.
AzamiShitty Sakyo told me to go home as early as I can.
IchiroAh… Wait, hold on for a bit.
Ichiro...Well, I guess it should be fine now.
IchiroOh nevermind. Take care.
AzamiYeah. See ya.
Azami...I’m home.
SakodaAzami, we’ve been waitin’~!
Azami...Ken-san? Why are you here--
TaichiHehe, the surprise is a success~! This year, Sakoda-san’s celebrating your birthday with us!
Azami...So, you actually didn’t have plans?
SakodaSorry! I wanted to surprise ya, so I got Makita-san’s cooperation.
OmiFor now, since the food’s ready, let’s sit down.
Shishito no kushi[2]
SakodaThese skewers were made by me and Fushimi-san!
CHOICE 1: Last year, Sakyo-san... [+]
CHOICE 2: We went shopping together [+]
BanriWell, Sakoda-san’s skills were so bad that it took a long time for it to be over with.
JuzaWe got Makita-san to buy us some time for that.
AzamiSo that’s why...
Thanks, Ken-san. I’m very happy.
SakodaOf course I’d do this much, it is my precious Azami’s birthday!
BanriMan, he’s really honest in front of Sakoda-san.
TaichiIt’s different from Sakyo-nii’s situation!
OmiHe’s in his rebellious phase so he can’t be honest with his parents.
AzamiHuh? It ain’t like that.
SakyoHe’s still a kid, huh.
BanriWhatcha grinning for, Ossan?
IzumiHey now, the specially made food’s gonna get cold.
SakodaIt’s a bit burnt but… how is it?
AzamiThis tastes amazing, Ken-san.
SakodaI’m glad~! I put a lotta effort in making this for you!
But the number one secret ingredient is my love! Make sure to eat a lot, alright?
AzamiThank you very much.
BanriWhat’s with this exchange?
TaichiThey’re like newlyweds!
OmiSpeaking of handmade stuff, has Sakyo-san gotten something Sakoda-san made as well?
Sakyo...Yeah, I guess.
SakodaIt’s nothing big but even my meals are overflowing with love and even the reaction…!
AzamiHeh. I think I’ve gotten much more stuff from you though, right, Ken-san?
SakodaThat might be true!
Izumi(Somehow, this feels like deja vu…!)
SakodaA-Aniki! Please don’t get mad! Don’t worry ‘cause Aniki’s my number one!
SakyoDon’t say such gross things. Just go away.
SakodaOf course, Azami’s important, too!
BanriThe hell’s happening?
TaichiIt’s just like a harem!
SakodaAh, right! Today, I brought these!
IzumiHuh? Could those cards be...
SakyoGeez, why’d you have to bring those?
TaichiWhat are these?
SakodaThey’re Jin-Gi-Oh cards!
IzumiThose are Sakyo-san and Azami-kun’s handmade trading cards from a long time ago, right?
SakodaYup! I wanna see you two have a Jin-Gi-Oh card showdown!
IzumiYou haven’t seen them yet?
SakodaThat’s right! But, that time around Azami’s rebellious phase--
SakodaAzami, did you only come back now? It’s awfully late.
Azami...Yeah but, have you come to scold me, too?
SakodaThat’s not it. Have you eaten yet?
AzamiI ate at Shifuto’s place.
*stomach growling*
SakodaThought so, which is why I made rice balls.
Azami...Did Ken-san handmake these?
SakodaThe shape’s pretty bad though.
Azami...Thanks. Itadakimasu.
SakodaHey, Azami. The president and aniki are both worried, you know?
Azami...It has nothing to do with them.
SakodaEven if you say that-- hmm?
What are these bundle of papers?
Azami...I-It’s nothing.
SakodaNow that I think about it, those bundle of papers that he hid that time were the Jin-Gi-Oh cards~
AzamiW-Why do you remember somethin’ like that?
IzumiSakyo-san’s happy, too, huh~
BanriI didn’t think you’d take good care of those cards during your rebellious phase.
OmiIt's like familial love.
AzamiI-It ain’t like that!
TaichiBut hey, Aa-chan’s pretty good at drawing~
JuzaLooks like somethin’ Kumon would like.
OmiIt’s pretty well made.
BanriIs this Sakyo-san’s handwriting, too?
SakodaThat handwriting belongs to Aniki’s mother!
SakyoYou don’t have to tell them every single detail.
TaichiI wanna see Sakyo-nii and Azami’s showdown, too!
Azami...I’m not a kid anymore so I’m not doing it.
SakodaI’m beggin’ ya, Azami!
Azami...If Ken-san says so then fine.
BanriThat was too easy.
AzamiOf course, it is Ken-san who asked me.
JuzaHow kind.
I’m not gonna lose to you a bastard like you, shitty Sakyo. I’m gonna beat you to a pulp!
SakyoBring it on!



  1. I’m guessing this was when he gave a bouquet of flowers as a birthday gift for his father in this card’s backstage story.
  2. Sweet green pepper skewer, one of Azami’s favorite foods.