Taichi Nanao/South. Hill. Prison

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Combination Lock that Holds Fate

Backstage Stories
Taichi(I’m doing pretty well with my new skateboarding technique~. I’ll practise again next week...)
BanriOh, it's Taichi.
TaichiBan-chan and Chikage-san! Were you hanging out together?
BanriYeah, kinda.
TaichiDon’t tell me... were you guys raiding escape games?!
ChikageWe didn’t mean to raid them though.
I heard that the game we previously played before was upgraded and the difficulty level increased, but...
BanriIt was a total breeze~.
ChikageI wanted it to be a bit more difficult.
TaichiAs expected from you guys...!
Moreover, Ban-chan’s gonna have jailbreak scenes at the next play! Wasn’t that something like role-making?
Banri...Well, if you say so, I guess it was?
ChikageRole-making... Then would you like to tag along with us next time?
TaichiI'm really interested! But...
I can only see a future where I’m dragging you guys down~!
BanriMost likely.
Taichi*sighs again*
TenmaHey! What's up with you?
TaichiIt’s just that we were suddenly told to submit reports by next week~
*sighs* My tension meter goes down so much...
TenmaIs that so? My condolences.
TaichiI never knew there’s gonna be so many reports to finish! Even though I have plays to do too!
TenmaWell, do your best.
TaichiTen-chan, you're acting so indifferent!
Tenma'Cause it's someone else's problem.
...What’s that? Something’s posted on the bulletin board.
TenmaHm? Was it there before?
Oh, it’s a flyer for the Escape Game Club. Our university sure has a lot of unique clubs.
TaichiIt says here that they hold escape games regularly! This looks really interesting!
This game seems easier to enjoy than the full-scale games that Ban-chan and Chikage-san usually play.
Alright, let’s enter this! Of course, Ten-chan will join too.
TenmaHuh?! I never said I’ll join it yet... More importantly, are your reports gonna be okay?
TaichiHmm~ It's gonna work out somehow!
I’m really looking forward to this escape game~!
Tenma*sighs* ...Where did all the low tension went to?
TaichiHmm, where’s the club room of the Escape Game...?
TsuzuruWhy did I end up joining you guys...
TenmaYou got involved too, huh.
TaichiIsn’t it good! It’s definitely more fun to do it together.
Oh, looks like the club room is there!
*shifts to Escape Room Club*
TaichiExcuse me~! It’s the Nanao group who made the reservation!
Escape Game Club memberWe were waiting for you! Welcome to our Escape Game.
The game is easy to play, so please enjoy it with everyone.
TsuzuruWe'll enjoy it.
Escape Game Club memberPlease stand-by in this room for the time being.
TaichiGot it!
TenmaStand-by, huh... There wasn’t any explanation, are we gonna be okay?
Monitor"Welcome to our Escape Game."
TaichiWoah! A video suddenly started playing on the monitor!
Monitor"The door to this room has been locked. Solve the problem on this monitor and try to escape from the room."
TsuzuruI see. It’s pretty simple and easy to understand.
TaichiAlright, I’ll definitely escape from this!
Monitor"First, check the handcuffs on the wall."
TenmaIs it this? Seems like only one side of it is connected to the wall.
Monitor"And then, decide which one of your friends will be handcuffed."
TenmaBe handcuffed...?
TsuzuruAre they even related to the game?
TaichiWe still gonna do it anyway.
TenmaBut who should be the one be handcuffed?
TaichiHmm... Then, Tsuzuru-kun!
TsuzuruWhy me?!
TenmaPlease help us out, Tsuzuru-san.
TsuzuruOkay, okay. Geez... The game hasn’t even started, yet it’s such hectic.
TaichiThen do it like this...
Okay, I handcuffed Tsuzuru-kun to the wall!
Oh, new words are appearing on the monitor! The game is starting!
Monitor"Rescue your handcuffed friend and escape from the room together within the time limit!"
TenmaIt's getting interesting.
TaichiLet’s all work together and do our best!
TsuzuruAlright, let's do this.
TaichiUgh… It’s so difficult! I don’t know~!
TenmaDamn, the time limit is approaching too.
TaichiThe answer to the previous question is horse... It should’ve been completed with this...
TsuzuruNo, wait... If you combine it with this keyword...
That’s it, isn’t the answer number two?
TenmaYou're right!
TaichiThat means the key is in the bookshelf!
Uhh... Oh, it's this box!
TenmaAlright, let’s use the key in the box to unlock handcuffs and then escape—
TaichiWait, there’s an even smaller box inside!
It’s being wrapped around by a chain and has a dial-type padlock!
TsuzuruThere’s also a memo saying, "Solve this formula and unlock the padlock with the three-digit number you found."
TaichiThere's still a question?!
TenmaOr rather, what's with this formula.
TsuzuruThe difficulty level suddenly become higher.
TenmaWhat are we going to do, there’s only one minute left.
TsuzuruI don’t feel like we can solve it in a minute...
TaichiIf it’s like this— I’ll just believe in my intuition and guess the numbers!
TaichiWow, that was interesting! Escape games are so fun~!
TenmaI didn't think we could win the game.
TsuzuruSeriously though.
To think that Taichi unlocked it with the numbers he instinctively put in.
TaichiHehe! I was so lucky!
TenmaSo, what numbers did you put in?
Taichi201! It’s Miguel’s prisoner number, the role which I’ll act in the upcoming play!
I never thought I could unlock it with that, though~
Tenma...Are you serious?
TsuzuruWhat a luck you have there, Taichi...