Juza Hyodo/Travel Snacks Banzai!

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Sweets Hoarding Tactics

Backstage Stories
Izumi(What curry will I make today. Three days ago was sea food, so today it's vegetables I guess~)
…hm? Over there, this is a back I've seen before…
(That, it's definitely Juza-kun right? It's rare to meet him in the supermarket. I wonder what he's doing)
Izumi(Somehow his expression is so serious… I wonder if it's bad to call him…)
(But somehow looks like he's really deep in thoughts… I'm curious. Let's try following him a bit)
Izumi(It's the sweets corner here right. Juza-kun, he's glaring at the shelf but…)
Juza…this goes too. …this one too, I guess.
Izumi(Ah! So he made such a serious face because he was choosing candies! More than pondering, he was closely examining them)
(That's good, if that's it seems like it'll be okay if I call him)
Juza….! Director….!?
IzumiAh, my bad, did I surprise you? Juza-kun you came here for shopping too huh.
IzumiThe truth is I've watched you since earlier. Seems like you put in the cart the candies that caught your eye but…
…wait, looking from afar I didn’t notice, but that's some amount of candies isn't it!?
JuzaI was choosing candies to take to the trip.
IzumiEeeh!? All this!?
JuzaWhen going to a far place, candies are a must to take right.
IzumiNo, I understand how you feel, but they're about to spill out of the cart you know!?
A-As expected you can't take all of them right…? You have to pack clothes and so on in your baggage after all.
Juza…right. It's true…
It can't be helped, I'll do a selection.
IzumiYeah, I think it's for the best…
But that's nice, choosing candies to eat on the plane is one of the enjoyable things about trips.
Maybe I'll take some too. ….ah, this one looks tasty! It's the first time I'm seeing it!
JuzaThis one, I put it in my cart too earlier. This flavor is good, and there's also white chocolate flavor.
IzumiIs that so! As expected from Juza-kun, you know all kinds of candies.
CHOICE 1: Won't you tell me your recommendations? [+]
CHOICE 2: Did you buy salty candies too? [+]
IzumiFufufu, somehow I became all excited. The trip, I'm looking forward to it!
SakyoIt is obvious, but everyone is here right.
KazunariYup yup ♪
TsuzuruThe roll-call is so sloppy!
YukiWell when you have this many guys with strong personalities gathered, actually if they're not here you'll notice right away.
TsumugiAn airplane, it's been a while since I've rode one. Omi-kun on your free time, where are you planning to go to?
OmiIt's plain, but I'm thinking about going around the tourist attractions and taking pictures there. I'm also looking forward to take pictures of everyone.
TenmaKazunari and Taichi look like the types to take a crazy amount of pictures, when we get back the dorms are probably going to be overflowing with pictures.
IzumiAhaha, true that!
Izumi(…hm? Juza-kun, he looks like he's digging in his luggage but…)
Juza….munch munch…
Izumi(Ah, he has already opened a candy and started silently eating it…!)
Speaking of which Juza-kun, where are you planning to go in you free time over there?
JuzaI was invited by Muku, to do a sweets shops tour.
IzumiWoah, sounds fun! Did you investigate stuff already?
JuzaWell, to some extent.
Seems like there's a famous street with sweets stores, we talked about going there.
Child…uuh, sniffs. Waah! Don't wanna!
Izumi(…! I wonder what's wrong, the child sitting opposite to Juza-kun, seems like he started crying suddenly but…)
MotherDon't be selfish. The trip will surely be fun! I think there're many interesting things there you know?
ChildBut, they're not showing Tyranman over there~!
MotherWe've put it to be recorded so it's alright. Geez…
Juza…oi. Why're you crying.
Izumi(Eh!? Juza-kun spoke to the child. That's a little surprising)
…! W-Waaah!!
Izumi(Aaaah, he has stopped crying for a moment, yet when he saw Juza he started crying again! He does look a bit scary though!)
Um, excuse me…!
JuzaIt's not like, I wanted to scare you. …here, wanna eat it?
Ah, this is, the yummy thing! Can I eat it?
JuzaYeah. I like this candy too.
ChildWoah, thanks, big brother…! I like this candy too!
JuzaI see. I'll give it to you, so don't cry anymore.
MotherI'm sorry, you've been a great help. Thank you very much.
Juza…'s fine.
IzumiJuza-kun, amazing…! That kid, he became all happy!
I feel like I was able to see an unexpected side of Juza-kun.
JuzaI, have a younger brother. Well it's a little, but I'm used to it.
IzumiI see… you're a good big brother.
I know, to this kind big brother, here. The candies I bought! Let's eat them together?
JuzaEh, but… ….is that okay?
IzumiOf course.
JuzaThanks. …yeah, it's good.
