Juza Hyodo/Sweet ☆ Magic

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Try it Yourself! Fake Sweets Making

Backstage Stories
KazunariHere heeere! Your attention here y'all! This year too we're having a Halloween party ♪
ChikageSo it's not only the Veludo Way Halloween.
SakuyaLast year too we had an in-dorms party in addition to the Veludo Way event.
KumonHeh! Sounds like fun!
KazunariObviously, I'm in charge of decorating! And Omimi is in charge of cooking!
OmiI'll be in your care.
KazunariAwrighty, then I'm going to announce everyone's roles!
Kumopi and Sumii are in the decoration squad with me~ and Hyodol and Settsuer, you two assemble those decorations please!
BanriWhy do I have to work with this guy. If I work with this clumsy bastard Halloween would be done for.
JuzaThat's my line.
SakyoShut it! Stop complaining and do it already!
TsumugiWe're in charge of flower decorations.
HomareIndeed. Working while being surrounded by flowers, I feel like a wonderful inspiration might fall upon me… ha! It is here!
AzumaFufu, don't forget to give us a hand yes?
KazunariIf there's something you don’t get just ask me! Then, let's start preparing for the party!
KumonKazu-san! I brought the garland you talked about!
KazunariNice Kumopi! Then please hang it there~!
MisumiKazu, can I decorate with this triangular pumpkin too?
KazunariOf coursey! Ah, leave it there~.
MasumiDirector, I'll help you with that too.
YukiThere he is, Psycho Stalker. You were not assigned to this area right.
MasumiIt's okay. We've already finished over there.
IzumiEh!? You've finished already!?
Yuki…then what's up with That.
TaichiMasumi-kuuun! Where are you!? We still haven’t finished decorating!
Izumi…Masumi-kun, go back to your assigned role okay.
BanriAwright, it's ready~. Oi Hyodo, next.
BanriOi, you listening? …wait, you're not done yet?
BanriWhat you looking at…?
MukuOmi-san, the pumpkin for the pudding has boiled!
OmiAlright, looking good. Then, can you put this pumpkin in the mixer?
BanriSo this is the cause…!
Oi, stop glancing over at Omi's direction! You concentrate on your job here!
JuzaAaah? You're the one who gets in the way of one's work.
SakyoQuiet! If you're gonna fight do it outside!
KazunariHm? You two are gonna go out? Then buy us some more decorations while you're at it~.
BanriNo, we didn’t say we're going… rather, there's no way I'm gonna shop with this guy!
Juza'kay. If Kazunari-san needs them.
BanriYou're going!?
IzumiAh, wait Juza-kun! I also have something I want to buy so let's go together!
KazunariThen Hyodol and Director-chan, I leave it to you!
IzumiWe came to the store Kazunari-kun suggested… and indeed, it's full with Halloween merchandise.
IzumiWoah, a pumpkin lantern. And here is… a jack-o-lantern lollipop. So it's not just the ordinary goods here.
JuzaHeh… it looks yummy.
IzumiThose are… bat stickers I guess? It might be cute if we hang them on the windows.
JuzaDirector. How about this?
IzumiWoah, such cute photo props! Kazunari-kun would probably like them. Misumi would be happy if we get the witch hat shaped one.
JuzaWhat is that… a zombie's face?
IzumiI think it's a mask for a costume. It looks so realistic…
…oops. If we take our time here we wouldn't have any left for decorating. We have to hurry up and choose some.
A donut in such a place…? …it doesn't smell sweet.
IzumiAh, those are fake sweets!
JuzaFake sweets?
IzumiYup. They look just like the real thing but you can't eat them.
JuzaSo you can't eat them…
IzumiBut, it may be cute if we use them as decorations for the party! Like this one here, it has a spider and spider web on it.
JuzaRight, we can use it as decoration
CHOICE 1: You've never made one of those before? [+]
CHOICE 2: But it looks delicious [+]
EmployeeExcuse me, dear customers. Are you looking for fake sweets?
IzumiYes. We're looking for decorations for our Halloween party.
EmployeeI see! The truth is we happen to have a trial session for fake sweets making right now!
You can also put together all kind of exclusive Halloween parts, would you like to try?
IzumiSounds fun! How about it, Juza. Since we're at it, want to try?
EmployeeThen please follow me!
EmployeeOver here there are fake sweets parts, so try matching them to your liking.
If there is something you do not understand do not hesitate to ask!
IzumiI see. It looks easy to make.
JuzaOnly problem is what parts we're gonna use…
IzumiLet's try choosing some for now.
IzumiI think… I'll go with macaroons. ….ah, if I make the macaroons into a wreath it might be real cute!
This ghost cookie is cute! I'll use it too.
(Did Juza-kun choose his already…?)
Izumi(He's just standing still with the basket in his hand…)
Juza-kun is everything okay? Is there something you don't understand?
Juza…no, it's just that now that I actually have to make them myself I don't know what to choose…
IzumiYou can just make it however you want you know?
Izumi…then, how about you create something that you would like to personally eat?
Juza! …go it.
Izumi(…he looked so troubled just a moment ago, but now he looks like he's having fun. For now, there's no need to worry about the parts anymore.
I'll add a pumpkin charm… a rhinestone… yup, it turned out nice!
Juza-kun are you done?
JuzaYeah. Thanks to Director I was able to make what I wanted.
IzumiThat's great! Then let's pay and go back to the dorms.
We're back~. Woah, you've made lots of progress with the decorations!
KazunariSettsuer worked for Hyodol too ☆
BanriHuh. I could handle it easily on my own.
KazunariDon't be shy now.~
JuzaKazunari-san, here, the decorations you asked for.
KazunariThanks! Let's hang them ASAP~!
MukuWoah, this ghost is so cute! And is this a pumpkin candle?
MisumiAh! A triangular hat~! …? It has a stick?
KazunariPhoto props! You use it like that, you hold this here… right! Alrighty, look here~.
SakuyaThey're all very cute!
KumonHm? What is that?
KazunariFake sweets! On top of it it's a macaroon wreath ver. Halloween! Can I take some pics for my Inste?
KumonFake… so, it's not really macaroons!?
IzumiThey had a trying session for fake sweets making, so Juza-kun and I made some.
KazunariI want to see Hyodol's too!
BanriCan Hyodo even make any.
KumonDon't bully my brother Banri! Nii-chan is a specialist when it comes to sweets!
BanriNo I mean, you can't even eat those… they don't have taste.
JuzaThat's mine.
KazunariOh~ it's so big~!
KumonSakura mochi, dango, manju… Amazing! It's full of the things you like Nii-chan!
BanriNo no it has nothing to do with Halloween! More like those are not things you add to a parfait right!?
Juza…it looks delicious.
IzumiY-You can't eat it okay!?
OmiHaha. Then I'll make something similar for you some other time, so be patient for now Juza.
Juza! …'kay.
BanriThe hell, you're using it as a sample?
IzumiThen let's give our all with what’s left of the decorations!
