Tenma Sumeragi/MANKAI Memory

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Childhood Memory: TENMA

Backstage Stories
TenmaI’m home. Sorry I’m late.
Tenma MANKAI Memory 1-1.png
IzumiWelcome back, Tenma-kun.
TsumugiWe didn’t wait that long so it’s alright.
Good job with work today.
TenmaYeah, thanks.
BanriWhat’s up? You’re in a good mood, eh?
SakuyaDid something nice happen?
TenmaYou can tell?
Well… kinda, yeah.
TsumugiOh, really? What happened?
TenmaAh, no, I can’t say yet.
It’s just my… how do it put it?
Ah, no, it’s nothing.
BanriIt sounds like you wanna say it really badly though.
IzumiAhaha. But I really am curious now.
TenmaI’ll just say I got a nice job.
SakuyaOh, I see! Congrats!
IzumiI can’t wait to hear what kind of job it is.
Do your best, Tenma-kun.
TenmaYeah, of course.
SakuyaAlright, let’s start the leader’s meeting since everyone is here!
TsumugiPlease go ahead.
IzumiSo, first on our agenda are the birthday bromides.
BanriAhh. We’re gonna make and sell commemorative bromides during each member’s birthday month, right?
TenmaThey made Misumi’s the other day.
IzumiYeah. Kazunari-kun and Omi-kun on the troupe’s creative team are putting in a lot of effort working on them for us.
The photos came out really great. And we used some unused items from the storage room as props, so it didn’t cost as much as we expected.
BanriThat money grubbin’ accountant Sakyo seems satisfied too.
SakuyaThe next photoshoot will be Tenma-kun’s, huh?
TenmaYeah. I’m also a pro at photoshoots, so just leave it to me.
I’ll definitely make the absolute best bromide there is.
BanriWell, ain't someone full of confidence?
You really are in a good mood, huh?
You must’ve gotten a pretty great job.
TsumugiFufu, good for you.
I’m looking forward to it as well.
Izumi(Just what kind of job could it be that makes Tenma-kun this happy?
I’m kind of excited about it too.)
TenmaThe birthday bromide photoshoot…
Come to think of it, there was a rule that you have to choose one accessory that you’ll use for the shoot yourself, right?
The theme is a memorable item from before you came to the dorm…
(Before I came to the dorm, huh… did I have anything…?)
…I’ll think about it while looking at my bonsai trees.
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KazunariWhat’re you smirking about~?
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W-when did you two get here!?
YukiWhen you stared staring at your bonsai.
KazunariBut I’m glad you’re in your room, Tenten!
We just had a meeting for the b-day bromides.
TenmaAhh, I was just thinking about my accessory for that.
KazunariOhh, nice timing!
I bet the bromides taken with hot star Sumeragi Tenma’s treasures on them will fly right off the shelves~!
YukiWhatever the hack actor’s gonna choose is gonna reek of celeb anyways, right?
TenmaAre you looking down on me!?
KazunariAlrighty then, about the photoshoot schedule.
I was thinking I wanna do the shoot around this here~, but what’s your work schedule like?
TenmaWell, I’m pretty sure—.
—Yeah, I knew it.
That won’t work, so next week is better.
Hmph, I’ll be in a different shoot.
KazunariI see~. Gotcha!
…Hey, isn’t Tenten kinda in a good mood?
YukiDoes it have something to do with that shoot?
TenmaI can’t say yet… but anyways, it’s an important job.
YukiYou’re still smirking. Gross.
TenmaOh, shut it! It’s not gross, ok!
KazunariOk, ok~. Then I’ll check if the studio’s free next week, ‘kay?
TenmaYeah, I'll be counting on you.
TenmaThis is the filming site this time, huh?
IgawaYes. This aerial garden surrounded by buildings in the heart of Tokyo… is a popular location that’s been trending these days.
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TenmaI mean, it does have a nice view…
IgawaIt’s beautiful and well maintained, isn’t it?
StaffGood morning!
TenmaGood morning.
Photoshoot directorMorning, Sumeragi-kun.
We’ll be counting on you today.
TenmaSame here, I’ll be in your care.
Photoshoot directorYour role is a young man who works in a bonsai garden this time. And you’ll encounter the heroine in a small sales space in a corner of this aerial garden…
It’s a really great help that you took this specialized role of a bonsai artist.
TenmaWell, bonsai is my hobby so I was really happy I could land this role.
Photoshoot directorIs that so!
Then I hope this opportunity will lead to more bonsai-related work.
TenmaYes, that’s the goal.
Photoshoot directorAhaha, I see.
Now then, jumping straight to business, allow me to explain the scene of the shoot today.
TenmaRight, please do.
Photoshoot directorIn the first scene, you start a conversation with the heroine who’s looking at the sales corner…
Photoshoot directorHm? Did something catch your eye… Ahh, the terrarium, huh?
I thought it’d look good on screen, so the art staff placed it there for me.
Would it be strange to have it here?
TenmaOh, no, I don’t think so.
…I just remembered I once had something very similar in the past.
Photoshoot directorOh, I see.
TenmaExcuse me, please continue.
Photoshoot directorAlright.
So, the heroine who you strike up a conversation with will…
StaffWe’re all finished with the shoot today.
Thank you for your hard work today!
TenmaThank you very much.
Good work today.
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IgawaGood job, Tenma-kun. Both the staff and director complimented your acting, saying it was really amazing.
Did something catch your eye… Ah, that terrarium, right?
Come to think of it, you had the same thing in the past, didn’t you?
*flashback starts*
Staff AWe’re finished with all the scenes with Tenma-kun now.
Good work, everyone!
Staff BYour acting was really great, Tenma-kun!
Staff CThat’s Tenma-kun for you! He even puts adults to shame.
Staff DYeah, he’s a genius after all. That was honestly amazing.
TenmaThank you very much.
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Staff AAlright then, Tenma-kun, can you wait here for now?
You can have snacks, juice or whatever you like.
Staff BThere’s cake and pudding too.
Staff CIf there’s anything you want, then let a staff nearby know, alright?
(…They’re really fussing over me, huh?)
(This and that—everything’s just because of mom and dad.
I bet they think I’m a kid who’s riding the coattails of my parents.)
Tenma MANKAI Memory 2-4.png
What’s this? A prop?
It looks cool, just like a little garden…
???It’s a terrarium.
Tenma’s dadYou sure were fascinated by it, huh?
You've been doing a great job at work lately, so if you like it, I'll ask them to let me buy it.
Tenma’s dadYes.
Thanks, dad!
A terrarium, huh…
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Tenma’s dad… Tenma, right now, you’re the same as the tree in this terrarium—an actor who can only fit inside a small jar.
Tenma’s dadBecome an actor who can’t be contained in such a small container, but who dashes up towards the heavens, no matter what comes your way.[1]
*flashback ends*
IgawaSomething like that happened…
TenmaI couldn't fully appreciate the meaning of those words back then.
But I recalled them every time I looked at that terrarium. And when it withered away, I felt like crying.
Well, it was too long ago so I can’t remember that well though.
IgawaI see.
TenmaIt’s a memory I’d forgotten until now… but it may have definitely taken root inside of me without me even knowing it.
Um, excuse me.
TenmaCould I buy this terrarium?
IgawaCongratulations on finishing your shooting, Tenma-kun.
Thanks for all your hard work.
TenmaIt was just a minor role though.
Tenma MANKAI Memory 3-1.png
IgawaBut it seems they spoke well of you.
Now a story on the cover of “Friends of Bonsai”[2] isn’t too far away either.
TenmaHm, that’s true.
IgawaAlright, then I’ll be going now.
I’m sure everyone in Summer troupe are waiting for you, aren’t they?
TenmaR-really? I haven’t heard anything.
IgawaI’m sure they’re preparing a surprise for you.
Please give my regards to Tachibana-san and the others.
Now then, please excuse me.
TenmaAhh, thanks for your help today.
*drives away*
(A surprise, huh…)
Hm? It’s totally dark.
(Wait, they must be standing by somewhere.
It can’t be helped, I’ll wait for them.)
Tenma MANKAI Memory 3-2.png
…Uh, where did those guys go!?
Isn’t it still pitch black in here!!
(What the heck? Good grief…)
I’m back…
Tenma MANKAI Memory 3-3.png
*party poppers pop*
Summer troupeHAPPY BIRTHDAY!!
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Oh… y-you guys…!
MisumiThe surprise was a huge success~!
TenmaD-don’t surprise me!
What the hell; you guys were in my room? Geez…!
KumonDid actually you think that you’d get surprised in the lounge!?
YukiDid you get depressed when the lounge was just dark and nobody came?
TenmaN-no, I didn’t!
KazunariAhaha, sorry, fam~.
MukuHappy birthday, Tenma-kun!
IzumiHappy birthday!
TenmaPff… Yeah, thanks.
KazunariWe’ve got cake, snacks, and tons of different drinks!
KumonIt’s Tenma-san’s birthday party with everyone!
Summer troupeYEAH!
MisumiYou had your drama shoot today, right, Tenma~?
TenmaYeah. I’ve finished with my shooting today.
IzumiOh, really? Great job!
MukuIt’s the drama you’re playing a bonsai artist in, right?
It's been getting a lot of attention and Tenma-kun’s really cool in it, so I’m excited to watch it every week.
KumonYep, yep, me too~!
KazunariSo that was the important shoot you mentioned before, eh~?
IzumiIt’s not often you come by the role of a bonsai artist, so I understand why Tenma-kun was so happy about it.
KazunariYou found the terrarium you brought for your birthday bromide at that shooting site too, didn’t you?
TenmaYeah, exactly.
CHOICE 1: The terrarium is lovely. [+]
IzumiThe terrarium is really lovely.
I had one really similar when I was younger, and I really liked it.
I’d love to go look at different kinds of bonsai and terrariums some other time.
I’ll take you with me when I do, Director.
IzumiReally? Thanks!
I’m looking forward to it.
CHOICE 2: The role of a bonsai artist suits you perfectly. [+]
IzumiThe role of a bonsai artist suits you perfectly.
TenmaHmph, obviously.
KazunariTenten looked super enthusiastic in the scene where you were talking about the bonsai!
YukiHe was really fired up when he went to the shoot, and he looked ridiculously happy and hype about it.
KumonYou had the vibe of a craftsman and you were so cool in a refined way~!
MukuEveryone’s going crazy over Tenma-kun’s new charm.
MisumiThat’s Tenma for you~!
IzumiThat’d be great if you get more bonsai-related jobs, right?
TenmaYeah, I can’t wait.
IzumiHuh? Speaking of which, it doesn’t look like the terrarium that was shown in the bromide is in your room…
TenmaThat was a rented prop, so I couldn’t buy it after all.
I asked them to let me borrow it for just the day of the bromide shoot.
IzumiOh, I see.
TenmaWell, I’ve got my hands totally full caring for my bonsai right now anyways.
YukiHmmm, the value of Sumeragi Tenma’s name still has a ways to go, huh?
TenmaWhat’d you say!?
…But, I can’t deny that I’m still lacking.
The way I am right now is still stuck in that jar.
That’s why I’ll improve even more from now on.
So much that I can’t be contained in any container, no matter how big it is.
IzumiYeah, that’s the spirit!
MukuTenma-kun’s… so cool!
KazunariWeeew! Well said, Tenten!
Your vibes are totes lit!
YukiGood grief, you’re too fired up.
MisumiYou’re amazing, Tenma, amaaazing!
KumonI seriously admire you! You’re super cool, Tenma-san!
Izumi(With everyone in Summer troupe, I'm sure Tenma will become an amazing actor, just like he declared...)
(That's why MANKAI Company has to grow as well, to be able to support our amazing Tenma-kun.)



  1. So I believe this phrase Tenma's dad uses: "天に向かって駆け昇る" (~dashing up towards the heavens) is a nod to Tenma's name. The first character in Tenma's name, "天", means "the sky/heavens". The second character, "馬", means "horse", which can be connected to "駆ける" (kakeru) which can mean "to run", but also "gallop [on horseback]". Tenma itself can also mean "pegasus", aka a horse that flies through the sky.
  2. A bonsai magazine Tenma wants to be on the cover of (Tenma/Azami outside work convo 3).