Tasuku Takato/Ego’s Ultimate Masterpiece

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Under the Gingko Trees

Backstage Stories
IzumiI happened to pass by a park today, and the leaves on the trees were turning red and yellow.
TasukuYeah, the leaves are changing colours everywhere these days.
I really feel the arrival of autumn...
*door opens*
JuzaAh, Tasuku-san.
OmiSo you were over here.
TasukuWhat’s the matter?
OmiOh, nothing. We wanted to discuss with you about Saturday, but it looks like you’re talking with Director. We can catch you again later.
JuzaThere’s no rush.
IzumiWe were just chatting, so don’t mind me.
Is something happening on Saturday?
TasukuWe plan to go on a fall foliage bike tour.
IzumiOoh, how nice. You’ll able to see some wonderful scenery.
TasukuIf you’re interested, then wanna tag along?
If you come, I’ll let you ride in the back again.
IzumiThat’s okay. You three went out of your way to make plans, so please go together.
Thanks so much for inviting me.
JuzaYou’re not comin’, Director?
OmiNo need to be considerate.
IzumiThanks, you two.
But I have something I wanna to do on Saturday too, so it’s honestly fine!
TasukuI see. Got it.
IzumiAh, right.
Can I ask you guys to take some pictures as a souvenir?
JuzaSome pictures…?
IzumiYeah, I’d like to see what kind of place you three went to and how you spent your time there… is that too much?
JuzaNah, sounds good.
TasukuI mean, Fushimi will be with us too.
OmiThen we’ll have to take lots of photos that will make Director happy on the day of.
TasukuThat’s great it’s sunny out.
OmiHuh, Director?
Are you home from shopping? Welcome back.
IzumiI’m back!
Are you guys going touring now?
TasukuYeah, we’re thinking of heading out soon.
IzumiPlease enjoy your time looking at all the autumn foliage.
OmiLook forward to our souvenir pictures.
IzumiYeah, I’ll be waiting for all the pictures where I can see you guys having fun!
OmiHaha, roger that.
TasukuAlright, let’s get going?
IzumiHave a nice trip. Stay safe out there!
OmiThe gingko trees lining the roadside here are amazing.
TasukuThey’re changing colours beautifully.
There’s a spot to park our bikes too, so how about we take a short break?
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OmiOh, right. Why don't we take some pictures that Director requested here?
JuzaSounds good. We’ve got gingko trees here too.
OmiAlright, I’ll take one first.
Stand in front of the gingko trees, you two—.
Tasuku & Juza
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OmiYour expressions are a bit stiff. Can you smile a little wider?
Tasuku & Juza
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OmiLook a tad friendlier…!
That’s better than the first one, but your smiles still look kind of stiff and strained.
It sounded like Director wants pictures of us having fun, so it’d be better if our smiles look a little more natural.
JuzaOmi-san, can I take your picture next?
OmiAh, go ahead.
Should I stand around here?
TasukuHeh… maybe it's because Fushimi’s always observing photoshoots, but he's really good at getting photographed.
JuzaHis smile looks natural and he looks like he’s having fun.
Omi-san’s amazin’ as expected…
OmiBoth of you are good at taking photos for our flyers, aren't you?
Now all we need to do is take some fun pictures of you two.
TasukuI see…
…Wouldn’t it look more natural to move around rather than standing still?
JuzaI think moving’s good.
What can we do to show that here?
TasukuThere’s only gingko trees around us, so it’s hard to think.
Omi…That reminds me, my younger brothers used to collect fallen leaves and play around while throwing them up in the air.
JuzaI see…
Sounds like a great idea.
TasukuOi, don’t tell me we’re actually doing that!?
If that’s what Director wants, then we gotta.
Tasuku*Sigh*… fine.
Let’s get this over with quickly.
OmiLet’s collect some fallen leaves first.
Alright, I’m taking it now.
Please throw the leaves on the count of three.
…And three!
Tasuku & Juza…!
JuzaHow is it?
OmiI got a proper shot that shows you two having fun.
JuzaI’m glad.
TasukuHah, did we finally get the shot…
Now we’ve got our souvenir for Director, right?
OmiHaha, yeah.
It’s great we were able to take a nice picture.
TasukuWe’ve got enough rest now, so let’s head out.
*wind blows by*
OmiThe wind suddenly picked up.
A lot of stuff fell from the trees.
TasukuAre these… gingko nuts?
JuzaThe sign says, “you can take the fallen gingko nuts home”.
OmiI think we can eat the ones that have just fallen, so we might as well take some home as souvenirs.
JuzaSakyo-san’ll be pleased.
TasukuHeh, does Sakyo-san like gingko nuts?
Juza…Is this many enough?
TasukuYou’ve gathered quite a lot.
That much should be plenty.
OmiAlright, shall we hit the road again?
KumonNii-chan, welcome home!
Welcome back too, Tasuku-san and Omi-san!
TaichiWelcome back, guys!
JuzaYeah, we’re home.
KumonHow’d the bike tour go!?
TaichiWhere’d you go today?
OmiIt was a fall foliage tour, so we went around to a bunch of different places.
KumonThat sounds amazing!
TasukuDirector… here’s a souvenir.
IzumiWow, gingko nuts?
There’s so many of them!
JuzaWe took a break under some gingko trees and they fell from there.
SakyoOh, gingko nuts, huh?
Ain’t that great?
TaichiSakyo-nii loves gingko nuts, right!
KumonOh, really!
OmiJuza collected some freshly fallen gingko nuts, so I think they're clean and edible.
TasukuUse them if you’d like.
IzumiThank you so much! Tsuzuru-kun already prepared dinner tonight, so I’ll use them tomorrow.
OmiI’d like to carefully sift through the other souvenirs we promised, so can that wait until tomorrow?
IzumiOf course that’s fine!
I can’t wait to see them.
TaichiOne more souvenir? What is it?
IzumiPictures from today.
I asked them to take some of them having fun.
KumonEh, I wanna see too!
Juza…We can’t show you, even if you’re the one askin’.
KumonEH, WHY NOT!?
TasukuBecause those pictures are a souvenir for Director.
…Fushimi, you better not show them to any other troupe member.
OmiHaha, I understand.
Oh, right, Director. It’s better to soak the gingko nuts in water right away.
That makes them easier to prepare.
IzumiOh, really!
Alright, I’ll head to the kitchen.
TaichiDirector-sensei’s in charge of tomorrow’s meal, right?
KumonWhat’s she gonna make?
It’s not gonna be gingko curry, is it?
TasukuI’ve never heard of gingko curry before.
I have a strong impression that gingko nuts are used in chawanmushi[1].
OmiThere’s also gingko rice.
TasukuGingko rice?
Is that like chestnut rice?
TaichiThat sounds tasty!
SakyoYou can also use it as an oden[2] ingredient.
JuzaI’ve never seen gingko added before.
SakyoWell, as for me, my top recommendation is grilled skewers since you can enjoy the natural taste of the ingredients.
KumonThere’s a lot more gingko dishes than I thought!
TasukuIf there are this many major dishes, then I think we’re safe from curry.
TaichiThat’s a relief!
IzumiNow it just has to simmer… There.
Tasuku(This smell… are we having curry again today?)
IzumiAh, did you need something, Tasuku-san?
TasukuNo, I just came to get a drink.
*ring, ring*
IzumiEh, a work call right now!?
This will burn if I leave it though…
Um, Tasuku-san… can I ask you to watch over the pot for a little bit?
It’s fine if you just stir it from time to time.
TasukuSure, no problem.
I’ll do that.
IzumiSorry, please do!
(I don't see any sign that the gingko nuts from yesterday are in the curry.
But if that's the case, then just what is she going to use them for?)
Hm? These are…
TasukuThere are bamboo skewers and gingko nuts laid out.
Is she actually planning to make grilled skewers?
Wait, but there’s not enough for all the members.
Ahh… these are for Sakyo-san, huh?
He was talking about how he likes gingko skewers.
(I don't have anything to do except stir the pot once in a while, so I might as well work on skewering them.)
IzumiThank you for watching the pot for me, Tasuku-san!
TasukuAre you done with your work discussion?
IzumiYep, thankfully!
Oh… are these gingko skewers?
TasukuYeah. I skewered them while I was watching the pot.
You were going to make them for Sakyo-san, right?
IzumiEh, Sakyo-san? Why would you ask that?
TasukuIt looks like you only prepared a few skewers, so I thought they were for Sakyo-san … is that not it?
IzumiAh! I just used these skewers to make sure the curry ingredients were soft enough.
TasukuOh, is that it?
Sorry for stabbing the skewers on my own.
IzumiNot at all! Since you made the them, let’s fire the skewers up.
Can you grill them, Tasuku-san?
TasukuMe? No, I’m good.
IzumiBut I think Sakyo-san will be happy if he knows you made them!
TasukuI seriously doubt that.
IzumiAre you sure?
We don’t get to do this often, and if it were me, I’d be happy too…
Tasuku…Alright, if you’re going to go that far.
Director, Fushimi, and Minagi always make the food for us everyday. I gotta help out once in a while.
If it’s just grilling, then I can do it. So I’ll do it until the end.
CHOICE 1: I’m counting on you. [+]
IzumiI’m counting on you!
Okay, I guess I’ll make the salad.
TasukuBy the way, there were even more gingko nuts that we brought home.
It doesn’t look like they’re in the curry…
Did you use them in anything else?
IzumiYou peeked at the curry since you were curious, huh, Tasuku-san.
IzumiI did use the gingko nuts for something other than curry!
TasukuOh, what did you add them to?
IzumiIt’s a secret!
TasukuYou don't have to hide it since we’ll find out at dinner anyways, you know?
IzumiI want to keep it a secret for now.
So please wait in anticipation for dinnertime.
Tasuku(I guess I have no choice but to wait until then.)
CHOICE 2: You look just like a chef. [+]
IzumiTasuku-san, you look just like a chef with the way you grill the skewers.
TasukuA chef, huh…
“It’s sure busy today. How’s the next order for the gingko skewers?”
Tasuku“Get it together. You and I have been protecting this restaurant together up until now, haven't we?”
“Because you’re here with me, I can cook with ease. I'll be counting on you from now on.”
IzumiAh, it’s a chef etude…!
TasukuYeah, I thought it’d be interesting to try.
IzumiJust from those lines, I immediately understood the restaurant’s situation and that he has a wife. That’s Tasuku-san for you!
TasukuYou flatter me too much.
Hey, they’re done grilling.
IzumiAh, the roasted colour is perfect.
Thanks so much for lending a hand, Tasuku-san!
KumonI’m starving!
TaichiHm? I smell curry again today!
KumonEH!? It’s not a gingko dish!?
TaichiLeft in Director-sensei’s hands, then of course gingko’s in the curry too…
IzumiSorry for the wait.
Here you go.
Director, is this gingko curry?
IzumiNope, I didn’t add gingko to the curry.
TaichiTo the curry… Ahh!
The gingko nuts are in the rice!
KumonEh, you used them like that!?
TsumugiAh, are these the gingko nuts that Tasuku and them brought back?
TasukuYeah. I never thought she’d really use them like this.
MukuThis is the first time I’m eating gingko rice curry!
TsuzuruOr rather, I didn’t know this kind of curry even existed…
Taichi*Munch, munch*… Ah! It’s surprisingly good!
KumonYep, it’s nice the texture’s different than usual!
I didn't know gingko nuts could get so chewy.
SakyoI see.
You came up with curry with gingko rice.
IzumiThere’s also specially prepared gingko skewers for you, Sakyo-san.
Dig in!
SakyoSkewers just for me?
…Thanks, Director-san. They look delicious.
TaichiSakyo-nii looks over the moon!
KumonIt’s cause he said he likes them, right!
IzumiActually, Tasuku-san’s the one who made these skewers!
TasukuYeah… a lot happened.
SakyoIs that so?
Can’t say I get what’s goin’ on, but… I appreciate it.
TasukuDon’t mention it…
SakyoSince you made them, I’ll have a bite.
…They taste great.
They’re grilled perfectly.
TasukuI’m glad if you say so.
IzumiSee, I knew Sakyo-san would be happy!
TasukuYeah, right…



  1. Chawanmushi is a savoury, steamed egg custard.
  2. Oden is a dish of ingredients such as fish cakes, tofu, eggs, vegetables, etc. simmered together.